Lost my best friend today

that sucks , sorry for the loss i dont know what im going to do when i start loosing my loved ones, we have 2 boxers,a shitzu,collie/lab mix a miniture long haird weenie dog and a german shephard and i dread the day any of them leave us especially my boxers, ill have to take 2-3 days away from everyone when that happens i just hope mine will last as long as your bud did RIP........
I feel for you man. My wife and I don't have children so our dog kinda fills in. They do become part of the family. At least you know he lived a good life...I can say that knowing what kind of guy his owner is.

Do like I did when I lost my dog. The very next week I went to the shelter and picked out a new adopted member of the family. It really does help fill the void.
I'm sorry to hear that Dennis. They truely are one of the family and it hurts. RIP Wallace
Sorry to hear, i lost my dog while we were at the fall bash, I feel for you!
Sorry to hear that , i know how they can become family members and be like a child. After 15 years im sure its hard on you and im sure he will be missed. Sorry to hear that news.
Man that news is always hard, when mine died last year, it was amazing how it made me cry. At any given damn moment too. Gotta remember those good times!! Sorry for the loss