Lost my best friend today

sorry to hear
(inthexring @ Dec. 18 2006,16:21) Man that news is always hard, when mine died last year, it was amazing how it made me cry.  At any given damn moment too.  Gotta remember those good times!!  Sorry for the loss
Yeah, I'm sitting here at work trying not to bawl like a baby, but sometimes it just comes out.
We had to put ours down about a year ago. It was really hard. Dogs are the greatest. They are always there for You and they always love you unconditionally. Thats better than some people I know. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Our shop "guard" dogs (yeah right) are really just spoiled pets. Had to put one down a few years back because of lung cancer; it isn' easy losing them.
Wallace is running around like a puppy again. Sorry for your loss. Our pets are family bro!! RIP Wallace
Sorry to hear this man. Hang in there! Get another dog when you feel ready. A new puppy always brings joy!

My condolences
We lost our 14 year old Golden last year. I truely feel for ya
Sorry to hear... remember the good times. It's been 6 years since I lost "Curlie" and I still get misty eyed when I think of him and the time we spent together. Its funny how you can have such a great relationship with a dog and not with other people... guess it has to with unbiased forgiveness and trust on both parts.
Sorry for your loss. But honestly, U gave that dog a wonderful life, the same way Wallace gave U some beautiful memories. 15 yrs is a long time, especially for a big breed. You're a great person for caring that dog. Wallace sure will be looking forward to be with U again one day.

Mine is 13yrs old and very soon I must make that decision due to her hip. Once the weather gets cold, thats when the drama is going to begin for me.