Make the stuttering stop!

In my case pulling the PCII did fix the problem, so it looks like the connector corrosion issue may have been it. Haven't been able to get in and clean things up yet so I'm running bone stock. I had to throw out my map as well (arrgh! Many hours on that!) since I was running very rich thinking the stutter was caused by a lean condition. Oh well. I'm not putting down the PCII since this is only partly it's fault, and can't wait to get it back in there since I know the higher revs ran better when remapped.
Don: "Q" tip;
be sure to prop open the butterflies and clean below, also the butterflies themsevles, should make it idle crisp, clean and deliver smoooooth power at all speeds!

to prop open butterflies, simply open gently by hand, find any convenient "prop", but be sure not to damage anything, be gentle
... while holding butterflies in the full open position insert suitable prop on the exterior throttle body rod, were the adjstment screws are located ... be gentle

[This message has been edited by AQUADIOSMED (edited 21 March 2000).]
I wouldn't be so quick to recalibrate the TPS. If memory serves, there was something on this previously that the PCII maps already account for the resistence change on the TPS. Check with Dynojet before advocating something like this to the group.
Has anyone found a definite solution to this problem? I am having the same thing happen, right at 3500 rpms the bike kicks up to 3700-3800 rpm then back down. If you stay at 3500 rpm it will keep doing it.
I also want to clarify that my posting did not take a shot at the PC2.
It sounds like there are a variety of problems associated with a stutter. The solutions here are just some suggestions to help narrow things down. Use commonn sense and eliminate possible causes as you go.

We have seen:
1. Clogged screens
2. O-ring jammed in the fuel line?
3. Poor electrical connection at CKPS
4. air box mod/ remapping issue
5. I personnally know of one (1) defective PC2.
6. T Bodies filthy
7. Vacuum line cut or off.
8. TPS our of adjustment/ synch. T. Bodies.

Ever see the crap that builds on your valves?? Looks like black tar.

Annoying as hell, ain't it Oger :) For the moment, pulling the PC2 will fix the problem, but then you lose the mapping. I've been so busy getting the Bandit ready for the upcoming race season, that I haven't had a chance to go to town on the bike with contact cleaner. I believe that will fix the problem, just need some free time (and a garage, renting sucks).
i say it's something in the mapping of yor pc2 try dumping present map and reload base map and manualy adjust till the studder is gone.
Putting the PC2 on will put the TPS out (different resistance apparently) so you'll have to reset it, so to make a fair judgement of the PC2 you would have to reset the TPS with and without the PC2 to see if the PC2 is at fault.
I adjusted with the PC2 in. If I flip on the dealer mode switch, it is still on the middle bar with or without the PC2 in there, so I don't think it matters any.
Pep Boys sells a complete safety torx set for $20. I bought it for my car and am glad I did now since I will be working on the Bus in the future. I am pretty sure Sears carries them as well.
I found a set and adjusted it. It definitely does not do it with out the PC2 connected. I reconnected the PC2 and the adjustment stayed. I took it for a short ride and it seemed to be gone, but I will know for sure tomorrow. Thanks for the help
Mine definitely does not stay in the middle after I connect the PC2.
But, it runs great adjusting the tps first.

Don't forget to adjust it so the bar moves from midlle to top at 2000 rpm if your anal about it.

What's also interesting is if you connect a lap top to the PC2. Check to see where your throttle position % is.
In other words with the bike at idle theoretically it should read 0% throttle opening. At full throttle 100%.
You can check full open with the computer connected and the bike ON not running.
Where can you get the security torx bit to adjust the TPS. I checked mine last night and it is out with or without the PC2, it kind of pisses me off seeing as I just had it in for service.
This SOB, I went for a ride tonight and the thing studders just the same as before. What the hell should I do now?