making new friends from the site


I was wondering how many members have actually met other members. This sorts out the people who have bikes and those who claim to. I was just reading Falcon Cops new thread and this is how I thought of this one. It seems that people in the same region should meet each other for rides and information and that some time next year we could maybe show up in the same place(Daytona, Indy, Laguna).

So far I have met Hapo, Wizzard, GSWR1300Guy, Rich D, and as I see it there is some common ground. Everybody likes to ride fast.

Dumanic has a group in LA that meet on week ends.

Like I said in the beginning FalconCop starts some interesting posts but nobody has met him, and has been questioned if he even has a bike. There are Busa owners in NJ, do any of you make an effort to ride with other Busa's?

Have many of you rode with other Busa's?
I ve rode with my busa buddy, Scott Robinson, although he is not on hayabusa org. But ive sent photos of mine with the mags trust me i have one, or else ive wasted money on tons of aftermarket parts lol.....................
I've got to know Member Malcolm through this site and ridden with him twice. Also I've met Canuk who lives close to me. I met Canuk with his Busa and he turned me on to the Bagster stuff and also to a good local dyno tuner.

Malcolm is a hoot to ride with...when his friggin' Busa that he's chopped all to hell for dragging works, that is. He's fearless and skilled on his bike, in addition to being an utterly unpredictable and funny individual with, apparently, no left brain at all.

Wouldn't have met him other than through this site. There are several other Members within easy riding distance around here...Maniac and Anguish for instance...and we should hook up in the Spring for sure.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 07 November 1999).]
I ride regularly up and down the highest point in Alabama with Blitzn. I've met Ghost_Ryder also, who has enlightened me quite a bit.

[This message has been edited by byhalia (edited 07 November 1999).]

[This message has been edited by byhalia (edited 09 November 1999).]
As far as my Hayabusa, I don't have one. I never have claimed too. Trying to fix that.

I got to meet Ducmanic, Clay, and Cisco. Next time I'm on the West Coast, I'll try to meet with more of the la busa's, or any one else interested.

Most of you guys have seen pics of Duc's busa. I also saw his shifter cart and his monster Duc. I got to meet Clay when Duc's chain blew right in front of his house.

I've seen Cisco's Busa, and his Harleys. Since I've got family in San Jose I'll definitely hook up with Cisco again (gotta bring da local boy reminders from Hawaii).

Every thing these guys have said on this board represents real life and they are genuinely good people.

Hell, I'd even sit down with falcon cop for a cup of coffee. (FC if that is your real name, you gotta come to Maui to meet maui).

The hospitality given to me by these guys was top notch. I consider many more of you guys as friends despite never meeting you. I suspect many of the members are good people to be around. You East Coast, Mid West, Europeans, Canadians, and any one else I left out (Dazee?) will just have to come to Maui.

[This message has been edited by maui (edited 07 November 1999).]
Maui, you and I are in the same category. I blasted up to Hollywood on my trusty ol' GS1100E and met the LA Bussas. They are a bunch of really great guys. Of course Ducmanic is the leader-instigator-conspirator. But that's a great group...Duc, Clayman, Waltman, and Bert, along with other Stir Crazy locals, were there today. Laid back, easygoing, the best So. Cal has to offer.

Yeah, Waltman let me take a test cruise on his copper jewel. It was my first ride on one. Thanks, Walt! Aw, Man...WHATABIKE!!! It's just a matter of time...mine will sleep IN my apartment, next to my bed! As Ducmanic said, it really is a better mousetrap. How things have changed between 1982 and 1999.

Great to meet you guys! Too bad some of the other REAL, cool guys on this site (like Cisco) aren't closer. We have El Mirage next weekend, and the Long Beach motorcycle show Nov. 26, 27, 28 (we'll do one day of it) that a bunch of us are going to. Dingo? Vegas? Come on VegasDude, win the Iron Butt Rally award...I-15 awaits you. I rode 130 miles each way today, this group is worth the trip. The more the merrier!
Well unfortunately big bikes are rare here in the land of the rising sun, busas on the street are even rarer. I ride daily and currently have over 16,000km on the clock, still consider it lucky to see another busa in a month ! Get to ride with some good Harley guys, but you can only take so much of riding in 1st gear :) Hope to meet some of you in the future on my travels.
Mine's for real.
Kaw I'm sure if it wasn't for my accident we would have met already,,you as well as Hapo. looking foward to riding & Chewing Fat !! If not Soon B-4 the snows/Too cold then Come Next season Deff.

Until Then,,E mail's & Busa.Org Will have to do.

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FalconCop how come we have all the disfunctional members here in the East?

Take Hapo, the guy only gets out when he has been good and he earns a furlow from the institute. He always rides in a state of Conn. orange jumpsuit. When asked about it he just mumbles and sticks the plug wires in his mouth and cranks the bike over, then he is fine for a while. He is not so much strange as he is just very differant. He wears a electrical collar on his ankle, " it's a watch" he answers.

"You meet the nicest people on a Honda", and we "Meet the _________ people on a Busa".
I'm in north Jersey area would like to meet other Busa owners there are only two in my area that I know of mine and a friends we brought ours together but his got totaled so for now I'm the last mohican he ordered a blue/silver 2000.
Unfortunately the only other Busa owner I knew was J.T. He is the only one who knows I have a Busa, besides me. I will hopefully get a PC soon so I can Post pics of my Busa. It is Red and white and in a million Pieces right now. It is winter here.
Surely this thread is not about proving who has a Busa and who doesn't. You know in your gut whether a guy has one after he's posted a few times. TeamHayabusa has one. Vegas has one. Yngve has one. FC does not.

I'm sure KawAbuser mainly put this thread here so we can prove that .org has real world people consequences and so that we tell each other a little about what other members are like in the flesh and on the road.
Sherm at my extremely advanced age I don't feel any need to prove anything to anybody.

OK I admit it, it's a Schwinn. And a girl's Schwinn at that.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 08 November 1999).]
Whoa 'Pete! You need some of Hapo's meds!? You have too much to drink, or not enough? Hey, I'll even bet you , U.S. to Canadian, that the FalconCOP is (all too) real and that he does indeed have a 'Busa...because thats what he wants...denial helps no one but the guilty, and even them only sometimes...whoops, I better sighn off for a bit, I feel my tenuous grasp on reality starting to slip...
Well now we know. DP is really FakoCop! Looks like you smoked him out Sherm! You should have ordered the side stand mod DP now your cover is blown! Oh no! I didn't order the side stand mod either. Still waiting to see if I drop my bike. Now Sherm knows that I'm really FakoTodd! :)