
12th grade kids could run this country better than the senile bastards we have now....
The problems today are so incredibly GINORMOUS, I don't even know where WE would begin to force the changes...the gov't machine is so huge and daunting, the laws holding it together like glue, forcing us more and more to not even be allowed to know what's really going on behind closed doors...

I for one am sick of politicians, PERIOD.  I work with elected officials, and albeit they're certainly not near the top of the Federal food chain, but let's just say when I see the lies, the cheating, the thievery and blame game going on at such a low level, I'm horrified to think what it's truly like near the top.  Our Founding Fathers weren't 'Poly Sci" graduates, they were every day folks that worked hard, that knew what the real world was like...far too many in politics today are "living the dream" based on what they learned in books, and while their rich parents foot the bill.  I'm not saying there aren't some politicians that took a hard road to the top, but damn it, the slew of politicians I'm seeing nowadays don't know what it's like for an every day American to take care of a family.  They've proven that for years by not realizing that it's impossible to live working for minimum wage...

I could go on and on, but it's putting me in a bad mood
 Just offer up some people that aren't talking about "change" but that know how to make things better, that know what it's like for middle America to work and live in the USA...when Americans are faced with "voting for the best of the worst", we all lose...
Very well written Michelle...

Your perspective is the truth as applied to the average family. Understandable is the poor view you have of politicians in general. The essence of American democracy has been corrupted and complicated by a web of lies/laws passed by decision makers not necessarily liable for the consequences. It is easy for a sitting fatcat to make decisions that impact everyone, individual or family, making less than $75,000 dollars, when they as yay'rs or nay'rs don't even feel a pinch.

That is why I am tired of the bastard system we have labeled democracy. One quick way to make change would be to abolish the electoral college. It would take a major media push to re-educate people on what it even stands for and why it needs to be eradicated.

Moreover, simply redirecting all of our foreign expenditures into domestic programs like public works projects would make this a much more fantastic country and correct all of the ailing infrastructure we have in place. Put all the people, that have lost work to overseas outsourcing, to work on rebuilding America and we might have a deeper reason to be proud Americans.
I agree, and I hate to the the naysayer here (or what I think is the realist); I seriously doubt I'll live to see sweeping changes in our gov't...

It would take a mutiny by the American populous to even get a headline in the papers...I fear the only way we'll ever even start to change is to stop electing politicians with their myriad of ties to a multitude of special interest groups...the only way that will ever happen is if by some chance one day we find ourselves faced with the possibility of voting in a "real person" that knows what middle America is like. That person would have to carry so much weight and popularity that the media couldn't ignore, and of course, you'd have to do away with the blasted electoral college...

I just don't see it occurring in my lifetime

I know, I'm the pessimist and that in itself does absolutely no good...

I am just so jaded, surrounded in my daily life by people that talk out of both sides of their *cough* mouth, say all the right things to get elected, then behind closed doors sweep John Q. Public right under the rug...

Small time stuff here, but I'll share a most recent event...we have a few new board members that were elected back in November...they take office in January, of course, but as a matter of "good will" some start touring our offices, making friends, showing face, you know the political
they all do...guy walks around, starts talking about gov't waste and how he aims to "trim the fat" within the county. In the same breath, he gives his list of things he needs, like a laptop, printer, paper and cartridges, oh, and a raise because he's not being offered enough to represent his constituents in what's considered a relatively "voluntary" position. Last year the board went to Hawaii for a "Retreat" and that was of course footed by their constituents. Word is now going around that our new guy has also been passing emails demanding an entire "home office" be set up at his house...yep, "trim the fat, hand it over to me"

I don't get it...and like I said, this is at such low level in gov't, so can you imagine what the Big Guys do in Washington D.C.?



FIRST: kill all the lawyers. THEY are the only reasons we bypass the original writing of the bill of rights, dec of independance etc etc etc

think about why we do things, and the BACLKLASH we fear: ALLLLL laywer based. without lawyers, it's simple people against people, not people against a pile of worthless words that draws everything out... no forms, and votes, and delays and examples and discussions and such. Pull trigger - BAM! done.



FIRST: kill all the lawyers. THEY are the only reasons we bypass the original writing of the bill of rights, dec of independance etc etc etc

think about why we do things, and the BACLKLASH we fear: ALLLLL laywer based. without lawyers, it's simple people against people, not people against a pile of worthless words that draws everything out... no forms, and votes, and delays and examples and discussions and such. Pull trigger - BAM! done.
That all sounds SOOOOO simple...hire a few hit men, give 'em guns

But, the reality is all so different...


I know, I'm the pessimist and that in itself does absolutely no good...  

I am just so jaded, surrounded in my daily life by people that talk out of both sides of their *cough* mouth, say all the right things to get elected, then behind closed doors sweep John Q. Public right under the rug...

Small time stuff here, but I'll share a most recent event...we have a few new board members that were elected back in November...they take office in January, of course, but as a matter of "good will" some start touring our offices, making friends, showing face, you know the political
they all do...guy walks around, starts talking about gov't waste and how he aims to "trim the fat" within the county.  In the same breath, he gives his list of things he needs, like a laptop, printer, paper and cartridges, oh, and a raise because he's not being offered enough to represent his constituents in what's considered a relatively "voluntary" position.  Last year the board went to Hawaii for a "Retreat" and that was of course footed by their constituents.  Word is now going around that our new guy has also been passing emails demanding an entire "home office" be set up at his house...yep, "trim the fat, hand it over to me"  

I don't get it...and like I said, this is at such low level in gov't, so can you imagine what the Big Guys do in Washington D.C.?  
Dang, it starts pretty low on the totem pole doesn't it. By the time these guys become career crimin... *ahem, politicians they have been corrupted much further.

But, the reality is all so different...  
Only because we embrace ALLOWING it to be
That is the figurative way to describe people as sheep or cattle or coppertops in the matrix. This is because, not enough people become politically aware or *gasp* ACTIVISTS...
We are too tied up in the 9to5 and traffic congestion to be able to cook something up so drastic as a coup d'etat.
But, the reality is all so different...
Only because we embrace ALLOWING it to be
That is the figurative way to describe people as sheep or cattle or coppertops in the matrix. This is because, not enough people become politically aware or *gasp* ACTIVISTS...
We are too tied up in the 9to5 and traffic congestion to be able to cook something up so drastic as a coup d'etat.
I'll have to agree with that last statement, as unfortunate as it is

But, the reality is all so different...  
Only because we embrace ALLOWING it to be
That is the figurative way to describe people as sheep or cattle or coppertops in the matrix. This is because, not enough people become politically aware or *gasp* ACTIVISTS...
We are too tied up in the 9to5 and traffic congestion to be able to cook something up so drastic as a coup d'etat.
I'll have to agree with that last statement, as unfortunate as it is
I also agree and would like to add that they (Big banks, and the top 1% of the wealthy... the true rulers of the world) help keep us that way by encouraging big purchases, and taking loans. I am far too caught up in working 9 to 5 to pay off my student loans, mortgage, buy food, and saving for a Busa to give a damn about government policies.

It's really sad, but I've got too much
to deal with to even pick up a newspaper, nevermind organize or join a revolt.

But, the reality is all so different...  
Only because we embrace ALLOWING it to be
That is the figurative way to describe people as sheep or cattle or coppertops in the matrix. This is because, not enough people become politically aware or *gasp* ACTIVISTS...
We are too tied up in the 9to5 and traffic congestion to be able to cook something up so drastic as a coup d'etat.
I'll have to agree with that last statement, as unfortunate as it is
I also agree and would like to add that they (Big banks, and the top 1% of the wealthy... the true rulers of the world) help keep us that way by encouraging big purchases, and taking loans. I am far too caught up in working 9 to 5 to pay off my student loans, mortgage, buy food, and saving for a Busa to give a damn about government policies.

It's really sad, but I've got too much  
to deal with to even pick up a newspaper, nevermind organize or join a revolt.
And that is how THEY like it.


just read today the feds are "loaning" the banks 50 sumthin BILLION ! where are they getting this money from?!! it's not backed by anything, not gold that's for sure.

RON PAUL will put us back on the gold standard. the gov is the big COUNTERFEITERS.

a chance at change starts with making people aware, handmaking signs, puting one in your window, a car sticker maybe, a t-shirt, ect ect

decide for yourself google RON what the MAINSTREAM MEDIA/ CORPRATE AMERICA does'nt want you to see/ know...

they never counted on the INTERNET  
That is what is so beautiful about the whole thing.

On the internet, people go where they want to, so as to gather information and media that they desire.

It is very much the antithesis of broadcast television. No mandatory commercials that exist even on pay TV. Options are everything on the internet, you choose to digest tidbits at will not against your will. Ron Paul's laymen supporters are the ones that spread the word, not some corporately approved and funded media network like every other mainstream candidate. Nothing against Obama but if it came to him and Ron Paul it would be a toughy...
A vote for Ron Paul or any other candidate of that nature would be a wasted vote. Sad but true. Besides the President has little power. Congress writes the law and passes the bills. The President can sign it into law, or veto it.

I vote during every election, but the system is completely corrupt, and those of us in the middle must; by law support it with our hard earned money we could be using to better our families or selves.

Then you have the Supremes that make up the constitution as they go based on their political views.........

I will say one thing... I would be in the front lines of a peoples revolution,but you need everyones support to make the difference and that wont happen... So sad!
I will say one thing... I would be in the front lines of a peoples revolution,but you need everyones support to make the difference and that wont happen... So sad!

But, the people with free time and little liabilities are the ones that will start it. That is why so many college students are politically active. They don't typically have a real job, mortgage, boss, spouse or family to answer to much less a Hayabusa to entertain them. I undertand that now. The average working American is so much more tied up that they can barely spare the energy to make dinner at night much less support a revolution.

It would probably happen in a time like the great depression when everybody is in the dumps. That is unlikely these days since there are so many economic controls in place to prevent economic strife on such a mass scale.

Hell, just look at the housing mess and what our friendly forum member, Revolution, pointed out about the fed bailing out banks to the tune of 50 billion dollars. Whether those dollars are virtual or tangible remains to be seen. What will result is already happening. The media takes hold of the news and people think the "Gubment must'a dun good"..... "Hurray... I think"?

The rest of the actions necessary to incite real, citizen benefiting, change in this country could and will be branded radicalism, labelled anti-american and probably called communist or a result of domestic terrorist groups loyal to Al-qaeda..

Pretty dire, I know.