There is no way I would vote to put more affected drivers on the roads where I ride a motorcycle. Dealing with drunk drivers and all the other distracted ass**** is worry enough. Some one high on pot will just put more of these on the road. Not for me!!
Potheads are out there driving amongst us everyday. You'de be really shocked to know who's smoking. At every level of employment and education, business owners, government officials, ect.
When do you ever hear of one causing an accident? Not to say it can't or doesn't happen, but it's extremely rare.
You can't compare weed to alcohol either, as they are not alike. The effects on the body are different.
I'de rather ride my bike among 200 stoned drivers before I'de ride between 190 sober drivers with 10drunks in somewhere the mix.
People in general are very misinformed about weed.
To quote Kat Williams, "Drugs are something you have to put stuff in and mix things with. Weed is a plant, and if you should so happen to set it on fire, you get 3 side effects.
Happy, hungry, and sleepy."
Weed can have negative anything else.
A couple beers or drinks at home, or out anywhere with a designated driver is fine. But get drunk, act a fool, start trouble, drive, ect, all bad. Get it?
If your job is not at risk, and you don't bother anyone else in the process, where's the harm in smoking weed?
Is weed a gateway drug?
Nope. Addictive?
Nope. Habit forming? Can anything else.
Is it a good influence for kids or teenagers? Nope. It can easily get you off course, and make you lazy and without motivation at a critical period in life.
Can a responsible adult choose to smoke weed and it not have a harmful effect on their life? Absolutely.
Everything in moderation.
As far as the medical benefits go, there are many. None of which should be withheld from those in dire need of them. Ever watched someone die of cancer? I have.
Weed relives nausea from chemotherapy, gives them an appetite again, and relives stress and pain.
Why would anyone deny that to someone?
There are pros and cons to everything. We need better parenting before we need the government telling us that we can't smoke a plant. All the while they can prescribe us countless man-made drugs; many of which ARE addictive and have harmful side effects.
I smoked my share in my early 20's for several years. A time came in my life where I realized that I needed to quit in order to get a good job and to keep it. And now, to set a good example for my daughter.
If the time comes in the future when I'm retired or don't have to worry about a job, or if weed is legal. And my daughter is grown. Then I may smoke it again, or I may not.
Either way, I don't think it's the government's or the police's business if myself or anyone else choose to do so.
As for weed being classed the same as heroin and cocaine
That's the same as saying a bicycle and Hayabusa are the same, as they have that much in common. They both have 2 wheels, so the misinformed(aka, know it all idiots)veiw them the same