. Any here that thinks being stoned doesn't impair you is doing it wrong. Motor skills and reactions do slow down.. jmo
Pretty sure I smoked before this ride. In fact I'm pretty sure I smoked before almost every ride, as I smoke morning to night daily.
Ill be totally transparent here I have been smoking daily for over 20 years. The longest I have been with out was after hurricane Katrina while I was doing disaster relief and had no access to any, that was about 6 months. Next to that prob 2 weeks. I have worked a job since I was 14, rarely have ever been suck, rarely missed work. I ran a production crew of 10 guys. I'm currently a successful salesman. My boss says im a productive pothead lol! I professionally raced superbikes from 1998 to 2004, in 2004 my teammate and I were the 2004 heavy weight endurance pacing champions. Just FYI I was the fast guy.
The only time I chose to not smoke was the morning of race day UNLESS it was raining. RAINING? Smoking? WTF, Why? Cause it slowed me a lil it made me a lil more cautious. I was just out there riding laps, calm and happy. I never thought it effected my ability to go fast or react I just didn't want to crash or loose and wonder if it was cause I was "high" It was more like a strange race day superstition.