Marriage or Relationship with a Significant Other ...

It sounds like you're trying too hard.
You can still be a good man...but you need to be a bit of an a**hole too, lol, really.
Show a little intrest, then back off and let them see you look elsewhere.
Don't jump at anything, and don't be readily available.
And, the right one will show up when you're not looking.
I was married for over 14 years, with her for 19, have a 13 year old daughter, and have been divorced for around 3 years.
We weren't cheating, but just grew apart, and she eventually wanted out.
Our daughter is priority, and the ex and I get along well for her now.
Life settled, and things are ok, most importantly our daughter.
We sold our house, and each bought our own. We split on good terms, no child support, 50/50, and our daughter comes and goes as she pleases.
I pick her up and take her to school every day, even though her mom is a teacher there, and she can ride with her.
We live about 10 miles apart.
I thank God that it all worked out well.
After about 3 months in my new house, and I was settled, it dawned on me...I can date women again, lol.
I had zero intrest in Any relationship with a woman at that point, but, even though the ex and I were long over at that point, it just felt to me that if I went on a date with a woman, that would officially put my ex behind me, and I would feel single and officially done.
My plan was a date, a steak, a conversation, nice to meet you, and see you later.
Well, a nice woman said Hi, we talked, she gave me her number, we texted the next day, and I asked her to dinner.
She said sure. We met, and my plan was as said...only that plan didn't pan out, as we decided to go out again...and again.
Next thing I know, over 2 years passed...we got married about 3 months ago, lol.
She is the best woman that I ever met.
I still find the whole situation kind of funny too, as I wasn't going to get involved with another one of these strange creatures, lol
It just happened.
She was married for 26 years, of a mostly bad relationship, and we could relate on alot of things
So again, live your life, don't put too much effort into anything beyond your control, and when you least expect it, Mrs.Right will show up.
Sounds like you need a spanish woman papi.
Go find yourself one. They take good care of you.
Filipino women are like that too. They enjoy being feminine which a lot of American women have forgotten about.
And I mean that in a good way, not as a sexist pig.
Remember Spain ruled the Philippines for almost 400 years until 1898 so the Spanish culture is quite evident even though it’s an Asian country.
Sounds like you need a spanish woman papi.
Go find yourself one. They take good care of you.
:laugh: Maybe I should put myself in an environment where I might find one. I always wanted to take up Flamenco dancing.

After I got divorced I was determined not to make the same mistake again, as so many do.
So I joined a pen pal club and ended up marrying a beautiful woman from the Philippines.
She was/is a night and day difference from my 1st wife in her temperament and outlook.
Marrying someone from a foreign country isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it worked for me.
I wonder how the divorce statistics compare to couples from the same country who wed? Of course, we remember the relationships with forieners we know of that failed after they came to our country. That is the stereotype. What about all of the marriages between US citizens and forieners that succeed? My cousin is married to a Spanish woman and that seems to be going extremely well. They have a great deal in common in spite of different cultural backgrounds. I guess that's what I'd look for. I can't lie, it would be tempting to seek out the hottest youngest trophy wife I could find but I know I'm not a trophy husband by any stretch. I would be focussed on finding someone I have as much in common with as possible. There would be a lot of differences likely to be obstacles in the relationship already. LOL Just because you're American, doesn't mean a foreign woman is going to be drawn to you any more than if they were a US citizen too. I was 27 when I got to date a sweet 20 year old Mexican girl here in the US illegally. I fell for her but she wasn't interested in a relationship with me. LOL I would have been the ticket to her US citizenship if that would have been something she was after. She just wanted go to California! We stayed friends. My now ex-wife was very jealous of her. :laugh:
I'm impressed!!!

Gurera started a marriage counselling thread. :laugh:

When it comes to being faithful, always forgiving, and unconditional love, it is hard to do better than a dog.
Kids and dogs, those are the relationships that are always the tightest but that doesn't mean there easy all the time. I had a German Shepherd for 11 years. Sure, we fought sometimes but we never left the other in a lurch. I found out I was allergic to him by the time he got to be two years old but I couldn't part with him at that point. His health declined a great deal by 9 years of age and I cared for him up to the end. I chose his last day of life too. I'll never forget that old guy.
Kids and dogs, those are the relationships that are always the tightest but that doesn't mean there easy all the time. I had a German Shepherd for 11 years. Sure, we fought sometimes but we never left the other in a lurch. I found out I was allergic to him by the time he got to be two years old but I couldn't part with him at that point. His health declined a great deal by 9 years of age and I cared for him up to the end. I chose his last day of life too. I'll never forget that old guy.
They sure are special. I have always had dogs. Previous was a Husky, adorable, but man the hair everywhere. Now have two Australian Cattle dogs, I swear they understand the English language better than my wife. She speaks American, by the way.
I was speaking to my across the street neighbor this morning, he's a 30 something that owns his own home and works as an IT guy for the federal government tax people and works from home.

He said it is a nightmare trying to date these days....he said the ladies he is meeting are either too immature, just waiting for a guy like him to come along to sink their hook into him or batcrap crazy....

He used a dating app one time and was meeting the lady at a neutral location for a coffee, right away he knew she was some sort of psycho.....he gave her a false identifier just so he could have a slight advantage......he said he didn't even get out of his car and the only thing that saved him was the dating site was a third party so she didn't have any of his contact info. He said he can never go on that dating app again though.

His dad warned him to be careful as he is a perfect target for some crazy to lock onto him.......there have ben instances where the person starts off all sweet and innocent and as soon as you start dating her, she shows up with a bunch of thugs and rob you for everything you own.....

I was speaking to my across the street neighbor this morning, he's a 30 something that owns his own home and works as an IT guy for the federal government tax people and works from home.

He said it is a nightmare trying to date these days....he said the ladies he is meeting are either too immature, just waiting for a guy like him to come along to sink their hook into him or batcrap crazy....

He used a dating app one time and was meeting the lady at a neutral location for a coffee, right away he knew she was some sort of psycho.....he gave her a false identifier just so he could have a slight advantage......he said he didn't even get out of his car and the only thing that saved him was the dating site was a third party so she didn't have any of his contact info. He said he can never go on that dating app again though.

His dad warned him to be careful as he is a perfect target for some crazy to lock onto him.......there have ben instances where the person starts off all sweet and innocent and as soon as you start dating her, she shows up with a bunch of thugs and rob you for everything you own.....

That’s the problem with working from home - isolation.
He ought to bite the bullet and return to the office. He’d have more of a chance of meeting someone the old fashioned way.
That’s the problem with working from home - isolation.
He ought to bite the bullet and return to the office. He’d have more of a chance of meeting someone the old fashioned way.
The issue now is his office is 2 hrs away, he'd have to move back there.

I told him he needs to join a gym

Back in the day you could meet girls (or guys) at church or there were lots of community clubs to join or sports there seems to none of these.....

Churches are empty except for the elderly who still attend, all the clubs are gone but there are still a few sports teams but they are few and far between these days.
He must be on friendly terms with a few online co-workers. Often times conversations that are work related turn into “what are you doing this weekend?” or “ have you ever been to…, what did you think of it?” Casual stuff only.
Getting to know your co-workers on a personal level helps get things done at work and it’s also a chance to connect with potential mates.

If he’s not doing that he’s missing out on tapping into a large pool of possibilities.

Aside from that I’m sure some dating sites are better than others in vetting members. He may have to pay more for a premium dating site but it may be worth it in the end.
I was speaking to my across the street neighbor this morning, he's a 30 something that owns his own home and works as an IT guy for the federal government tax people and works from home.

He said it is a nightmare trying to date these days....he said the ladies he is meeting are either too immature, just waiting for a guy like him to come along to sink their hook into him or batcrap crazy....

He used a dating app one time and was meeting the lady at a neutral location for a coffee, right away he knew she was some sort of psycho.....he gave her a false identifier just so he could have a slight advantage......he said he didn't even get out of his car and the only thing that saved him was the dating site was a third party so she didn't have any of his contact info. He said he can never go on that dating app again though.

His dad warned him to be careful as he is a perfect target for some crazy to lock onto him.......there have ben instances where the person starts off all sweet and innocent and as soon as you start dating her, she shows up with a bunch of thugs and rob you for everything you own.....

Downtown Toronto, after 6:00pm, beginning summer, some of the prettiest girls in the world.

He needs to get out more.
I've had fun as a single guy in both cities, but that was over 35 years ago and may be irrelevant to the discussion ;) .
Weird thing to me, could be my choices, or where I live. All the people I see, everywhere, are old as dirt, just like me.

Had a haircut Friday, see how old the barbers and the customers are?

Perhaps life is not real, we all living in a movie called “The Marrix”
