Michigan Armed Protesters

Still no reason to go around looking like active terrorists...

Take a look at pictures of failed states and the people there look strikingly similar to these guys...

People's livelihoods are in jeopardy all around the world due to this virus lock down....other nations have a stronger lock down, New Zealand, Australia and a even Canada as nations have a far more robust policy on lock down perimeters. Nobody in other nations have gone to the extreme to take up arms in protest..

Reminds me of Somalia or Libya....
The US is becoming a crazy place. The world is anymore.
The US is becoming a crazy place. The world is anymore.

Seeing pictures like that really make me think of the failed states I had to go to..those were not nice places and there was absolutely no redeeming quality to them.

There is no need for people to be dressed and armed such as this out in public unless they are trying to intimidate others. The word "terrorist" comes to mind.


noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists
  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Back in 89 this guy showed the entire world what a protest looked like...


He didn't seem to think a firearm was going to help.
Seeing pictures like that really make me think of the failed states I had to go to..those were not nice places and there was absolutely no redeeming quality to them.

There is no need for people to be dressed and armed such as this out in public unless they are trying to intimidate others. The word "terrorist" comes to mind.


noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists
  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
I think it just creates a cause for more gun control. Like I said not something I would do or that was needed at a protest. But then you have Antifa attacking people with maze, clubs and other things. So I do agree in the right to defend yourself. At this particular rally I don't think they were in any danger so no need for the gun display.
Seeing pictures like that really make me think of the failed states I had to go to..those were not nice places and there was absolutely no redeeming quality to them.

There is no need for people to be dressed and armed such as this out in public unless they are trying to intimidate others. The word "terrorist" comes to mind.


noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists
  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Except for the intimidation displayed here is lawful.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm with you, but the fact that these idiots have the legal right to do what they're doing is significant.
I think however that it's just a matter of time until something goes catastrophically wrong and people end up dead.
I'm all for exercising rights, it's one of the things that makes this country a good place to live, but this is foolish. If they feel unsafe, do as @08BusaKY would and carry concealed. No intimidation factor in that. These clowns are clearly playing dress up, and it's clear from the pictures that many of them don't know how to handle weapons safely. Finger resting on your trigger guard while standing in an unorganized and undisciplined crowd of people? That's a recipe for disaster.
I think it just creates a cause for more gun control. Like I said not something I would do or that was needed at a protest. But then you have Antifa attacking people with maze, clubs and other things. So I do agree in the right to defend yourself. At this particular rally I don't think they were in any danger so no need for the gun display.

Agreed 100%,

I wonder at what point do they think needing to resort to deadly force would be required during a protest.
Except for the intimidation displayed here is lawful.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm with you, but the fact that these idiots have the legal right to do what they're doing is significant.
I think however that it's just a matter of time until something goes catastrophically wrong and people end up dead.
I'm all for exercising rights, it's one of the things that makes this country a good place to live, but this is foolish. If they feel unsafe, do as @08BusaKY would and carry concealed. No intimidation factor in that. These clowns are clearly playing dress up, and it's clear from the pictures that many of them don't know how to handle weapons safely. Finger resting on your trigger guard while standing in an unorganized and undisciplined crowd of people? That's a recipe for disaster.

Exactly.....as soon as someone has a weapon, the ability for a situation to become deadly is very real.

Exercising rights is good, bearing arms against your government is never going to end well...been to these places and saw it first hand..not pretty at all...
They don't think that, they're just playing tough guy. And let's be honest here, you know full well that the vast majority of them would turn to a watery, blubbery mess if a firefight started.
Not so sure, I can't tell the level of someone from a picture...just by having a weapon in such a display could lead to a fire fight pretty easily..
Also: A lion will never need to tell you it's a lion.

could be because they already look like a Lion! Lol
I think this is more a demonstration of rights/lost rights. Canadians and the rest of the world may not understand the full extent of having a Constitution, then it being eroded away...sometimes quickly.
antifa was brought up. Imigine if those goons had guns at their “rallies.” At least every time u see in the news when nra members show up armed....not one incident.
Hand on trigger guard? Ur a gun guy, that is the safest place for that forefinger when holding a gun.
Point being, these guys were not out looking for a shootout. They simply wanted to protest their legal right to not be locked down. whether you like it (or even understand it fully) or not, no laws were broken. Did they dress all up to make the news? Im pretty sure.
Many disagree saying it is violent just by carrying. Well, I haven’t seen any burned down police cars in the last few years. I will take these extreme far right guys any day over the extreme far left demonstrators. And I grew up in Oregon.
could be because they already look like a Lion! Lol
I think this is more a demonstration of rights/lost rights. Canadians and the rest of the world may not understand the full extent of having a Constitution, then it being eroded away...sometimes quickly.
antifa was brought up. Imigine if those goons had guns at their “rallies.” At least every time u see in the news when nra members show up armed....not one incident.
Hand on trigger guard? Ur a gun guy, that is the safest place for that forefinger when holding a gun.
Point being, these guys were not out looking for a shootout. They simply wanted to protest their legal right to not be locked down. whether you like it (or even understand it fully) or not, no laws were broken. Did they dress all up to make the news? Im pretty sure.
Many disagree saying it is violent just by carrying. Well, I haven’t seen any burned down police cars in the last few years. I will take these extreme far right guys any day over the extreme far left demonstrators. And I grew up in Oregon.
They don't look like a lion, they look like housecats pretending to be lions.
No rights have been lost, they've been temporarily abridged because the exercise of them potentially risks infringement on others' rights. That's how civil society works.
One need not be an American to understand the Constitution in terms of significance or meaning, I find it amusing that Americans with a 250 year old country think that they have the market cornered on rights, freedom, or foundational documents. Other countries have rights, freedom and protections as well ya know...
"Those goons" as you say do have exactly the same rights as these people do, and it's not a good idea for them to be armed either! Just because you're more comfortable with right wing idiots being armed than you are with left wing idiots being armed doesn't make it a better idea, it just means you personally are more comfortable with one type of ideology as opposed to another.
I am a gun guy, and I fully understand that the safest place for a forefinger is not on the weapon at all, until the time comes to fire it. I was always taught that a firearm is not to be drawn and displayed. If you're gonna pull it, use it.
I've not said the protests were violent, what I have said is that showing up armed to a peaceful protest indicates other than peaceful intentions. I said it in the other thread, I'll repeat it here: If I show up to take your daughter on a date with a box of condoms and a fifth of whiskey, are you going to believe my intentions are honorable?
No burned down police cars in the past few years? Not sure what that has to do with this?
It's not a matter of disagreement with exercise of rights, or misunderstanding of the Constitution, it's a matter of common sense and responsible behavior.
could be because they already look like a Lion! Lol
I think this is more a demonstration of rights/lost rights. Canadians and the rest of the world may not understand the full extent of having a Constitution, then it being eroded away...sometimes quickly.
antifa was brought up. Imigine if those goons had guns at their “rallies.” At least every time u see in the news when nra members show up armed....not one incident.
Hand on trigger guard? Ur a gun guy, that is the safest place for that forefinger when holding a gun.
Point being, these guys were not out looking for a shootout. They simply wanted to protest their legal right to not be locked down. whether you like it (or even understand it fully) or not, no laws were broken. Did they dress all up to make the news? Im pretty sure.
Many disagree saying it is violent just by carrying. Well, I haven’t seen any burned down police cars in the last few years. I will take these extreme far right guys any day over the extreme far left demonstrators. And I grew up in Oregon.

When I see things like this I automatically go back to the failed states I was sent to. The picture I see is not much different than many I have seen before in other countries-citizens acting as a paramilitary group.

Showing up dressed and armed like that is just saying "go ahead, start something" and probably hoping someone actually does.

Constitutional rights have to change with times. When that was written, there was an occupying force in the US and the government was unstable that is no longer true (some would argue that last point however but I digress). Owning a weapon and feeling it is needed at a "peaceful" protest is mind-boggling.

Armed militias of today are there to do what exactly?
When I see things like this I automatically go back to the failed states I was sent to. The picture I see is not much different than many I have seen before in other countries-citizens acting as a paramilitary group.

Showing up dressed and armed like that is just saying "go ahead, start something" and probably hoping someone actually does.

Constitutional rights have to change with times. When that was written, there was an occupying force in the US and the government was unstable that is no longer true (some would argue that last point however but I digress). Owning a weapon and feeling it is needed at a "peaceful" protest is mind-boggling.

Armed militias of today are there to do what exactly?
While I agree this protest did not require the display of arms just like the one with the black panthers at voting spots a year or so ago (posted earlier in this thread). I do think the US needs to keep the 2nd Amendment as written (shall not be infringed) especially these days with all the turmoil and government overreach. If the Dems get back in office I feel we will really need it with their socialist goals and other crazy ideas.

We are now finding out about more corruption that happened against General Flynn and Trump during the last administration.

Also the dems are releasing thousands of violent criminals and sex offender in our cities to protect them from the virus. Some have already killed and been re-arrested several times. Why should innocent people have to die to protect them? I can see the release of lower level offenders.

I also noticed that two main people against Trump (his ex lawyer and Stormy Danial corrupt lawyer have been released but not General Flynn or other pro-trump people setup and wrongly arrested.
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While I agree this protest did not require the display of arms just like the one with the black panthers at voting spots a year or so ago (posted earlier in this thread). I do think the US needs to keep the 2nd Amendment as written (shall not be infringed) especially these days with all the turmoil and government overreach. If the Dems get back in office I feel we will really need it with their socialist goals and other crazy ideas.

We are now finding out about more corruption that happened against General Flynn and Trump during the last administration.

If anything were to happen to the extreme where civilians have to rise up against your government using their weapons, the infringement of the constitution will be long forgotten...it would be worse than Somalia if that happened..

The number of US citizens fleeing to Mexico and Canada in order to escape the impending civil war would be staggering. That is, if the citizens had the ability to coordinate such an uprising in the first place.
If anything were to happen to the extreme where civilians have to rise up against your government using their weapons, the infringement of the constitution will be long forgotten...it would be worse than Somalia if that happened..

The number of US citizens fleeing to Mexico and Canada in order to escape the impending civil war would be staggering. That is, if the citizens had the ability to coordinate such an uprising in the first place.
Some Sheriffs are already saying they won't uphold some gun bans in states like Virginia and others. I would hope the police and military would be on the right side if anything happened.
The Canadian Government just announced the banning of "assault style weapons" the number is around 1500 different models. There is a 2 yr amnesty period for people to turn them in for a buy out-similar to what New Zealand did. As of today, we can't buy these sort of weapons.