Mile Marke - 1 South Florida LSR

Rules where were going we don't need rules:laugh:
Each event is different as such in south Florida where really there are no rules per say, but always use your head. I'm finally signing up today and were are spending some time a few days before at a buddy's of mines house for New Years. That being said, I hope everyone had a great holiday the last few weeks and a great start to a new Year:beerchug: The Mile Marker Event should be a great start to the year.:please:.......................Lucky Pirate
Well, its over. Its crazy, we get so hyped up for a event and then before you know it; its over and your back to work thinking to yourself " OK now what "!
I had a great time about 60 + or - bikes and cars were their. Temp was cool for South Florida, mid 60's only, wind from the north east most of the day hampered some bikes. We were told that the timing system they were using was 5mph off on the - side about mid day. Was told that other GPS systems were interfering. So with that being said, only two bikes I think went into the 200 range must including me went in the mid to upper 180's. Now we start over and work harder for the next event to get to our goal.:please: I'll post some pictures when I get them downloaded from the camera.
Congrats Pirate! :thumbsup:

What's important is that you got out there to race, met some new faces, had fun safely and went home to ride another day... :beerchug:

I look forward to the pics...
Lucky did not know you were there
I was on the red ZX12 all motor 1287cc our stage 2 R spec motor we went 209 MPH on GPS oand 204 + on the clocks
second pass I pulled a 211 + on GPS and 206.765 on the clocks fastest vehicle of the meet !
I am now building the white 08 Busa belonging to Scott who was riding at the meet , the next event this one will have no problem going 2 teens.

Lucky did not know you were there
I was on the red ZX12 all motor 1287cc our stage 2 R spec motor we went 209 MPH on GPS oand 204 + on the clocks
second pass I pulled a 211 + on GPS and 206.765 on the clocks fastest vehicle of the meet !
I am now building the white 08 Busa belonging to Scott who was riding at the meet , the next event this one will have no problem going 2 teens.


That's crazy, I was the Guy on the blue 08. Man I had great time. Definitely a learning experience. I think I may of spoke to you in the line, but I think I was just in amazement in just being able to be their, I apologize if I was not all there. Man, I would really like to speak to ya about a few things. Let me know if I can pm you or call.
Posted via Mobile Device
Sounds like you had a great tine for your first event. It can be frustrating when the clocks are off but at least you know what it's like now doing full throttle runs and not having to worry about any laws, traffic, etc. It's one thing to blast really quick on the street and something different when you know you can just hold the throttle wide open. Can't wait to see the pics.

Sal - was that the same zx12 from Oct. Maxton? Seems it's a pretty consistant bike with those speeds. :thumbsup: Did you run dual rotors? :laugh: Any plans for Maxton in April?
+1 Pirate Congratulations~!~

Glad you got out and had likely learned a great deal about what you wish to accomplish next time round.
Had a great, times posted are not what was given though. Time to make some phone calls, granted they were passing out time slips via posted notes from the side of a truck. Who know: )
Posted via Mobile Device

So they didn't have a machine printing the official results on the spot...?

So now that you've done it what are your thoughts...? Anything you want to add for those that have never attended or are thinking of giving LSR a try...? It's fun hearing about it while you are still on the speed high and rush of racing... :laugh:

What are your mods and speeds...?

Here is a link for some bikes at the Mile Marker 1
- Ace Performance - APS1350/G Dale's ZX-12R[/url]
(((On the right side of the video screen click on More From: Phantom1287 ))))
to get the rest of the videos.

Painting the scene in south Florida is a beautiful red sunrise in the Everglades, exotic birds of all kids are flying around and the view of native Indian habitats line the rode called “ Alligator Alley “.
As we drive down the 30 mile stretch of road we see a sign in the distance that only reads “ MM-1 ->”. We turn right and I realize there is no turning back, seven hours of driving and months of preparation lead me here, to the Dade-Collie Training Facility. A two mile runway built in the mid to late 60’s is now where I will set up camp.
We arrive and see we are the forth people to get there and wait 30 minutes or so to check in. After we do so we are told to drive forward and stay to the left and on the taxi way near the tree line. We selected a spot in the middle. Volunteers are putting tires around runway indicator lights so to protect them form not breaking; and the background noise of bikes and cars warming up to start their journey.
We put up the tents and unloaded the trailer with the stuff we brought and rolled the bike out. I suited up and set off to tech; the guy doing tech was great, full of constructive criticism on what to expect. I was told that we would have a group drive along on the two mile air strip that we all would call home for the next day; that was cool just in itself seeing in front of me, Corvette Z 06’s, BMW M6’s and so on…..
We were called in two groups, A and B. I was in group A and would be the third bike I think to go.
I watched and absorbed the first two bikes disappear in the horizon. Next it was my turn. All this time, my first pass down a stretch of runway with nothing in my way for at least a mile and a half; the chatter of two way radios in the background, I see the starter heading my way stated “ get ready “ he says. I start the bike, grasp firmly on the handlebars and position my feet. I hear him say “ bike number 61….61 is next” I close my visor and with a head nod from the starter I was gone twisting the throttle with a quick and first twist and releasing the clutch……1st gear… 2nd and third….a gust of wind wants to push me to the left…….4th gear……5th…my eyes start to water and my visor starts to fog my heart rate is off the charts and my breathing is more is more erratic……..6th gear and wide open. I can barley see the orange taped finish line, then in less the 30 seconds or so its over….My heart rushing, my eyes watering, the adrenaline flowing faster then ever in my life. I make the turn to the right back on the taxi way back towards the truck and trailer. I see my wife clinching her hands together waiting for my reaction as I take off my helmet and gloves. I looked at her and said “THAT WAS FU@KING AWSOME” then I let out a deep breath and cried from full joy that I have never experienced before. All my wife could say then was “Now if you’re done getting all emotional on me lets go again”. You got to love a great supportive wife.
Everyone we spoke to that was racing was great, in spite of the cold temps and the windy conditions, my first event and MM-1 second event I call this even. It was a great learning experience and now I know what to expect to hit that 200 + mark will all strive for.
Next stop MAXON.
Lucky Pirate
Glad to read you had such a great experience. Some people really get addicted to this kind of racing. You always want to go faster. :bowdown:

Maxton is a whole other beast. Let me know if you plan on heading up there. There are more than a few board members here that go to Maxton. :thumbsup:
We will be there. Not sure yet if we will bring the rv or get a hotel. Look forward on speaking to all about this event, My wife has already made a MAXON prep book for us. Racing no mater what kind runs in the Lucky Pirate family.
Here is a link for some bikes at the Mile Marker 1
- Ace Performance - APS1350/G Dale's ZX-12R[/url]
(((On the right side of the video screen click on More From: Phantom1287 ))))
to get the rest of the videos.


That is one VERY nice looking stretch of track~!~

Man that's wide~!!~

Makes me kinda feel like I've been doing a high speed nationals race through the woods...LoL...can't complain though, at least we've got a place to run :thumbsup:
Well, they have sent up another event for the South Florida Mile Marker 1 event; here are the dates.

NEXT EVENT: April 10th 2010

For those interested in a "private" event scheduled in March with limited "drivers/riders" please email us.



Mile Marker 1 :thumbsup: