Miles Per Gallon

well, on the street i get about 30.. but on the freeway about 40-45,when i got the busa and went from cali-az, i averages 48-49 mpg..and i was averaging 90-95 mph.
Normal day-to-day traffic gets me around 36mpg per the reading on the meter. I don't keep track of the info on a regular basis though. This was more of a curiosity thing that anything else.

I went through the receipts and with two approximations I came up with 145gallons of gas used on the trip. It works out to be around 42mpg average.

Hmm, since Trip 2 rolls over at 1000 miles, I'm curious if the most recent trip roll might be the 45.5 mpg average. Ah well. I'll have to pay attention to the trip next time.


I get 12KM per liter... now how do I convert that to MPG
God I average about 36-40 mpg steadily. Of course I also have a problem keeping my wrist out of the throttle. I don't ride a busa for economy. I ride it to save time going from point A to point B. lol
I always average 49 mpg when touring on the superslab for hundreds or thousands of miles.
I get 41 mpg in a combo of city/highway riding.

Countless double checking of gas receipts shows the Busas trip computer to be spot on accurate.

If I was getting any less on a stock bike I'd find whats wrong with it and fix it (or click it into 6th gear).
I have hit 50 after I reset once at hwy speed limit. Normal evryday riding to work and back I average @38, including in town and hwy riding combined.
I have kilometers per litre because im a backwards canadian :P

but really after the conversion I usually get 25-30 depending how much i razz it
seems like mine did low, mid 40's completely stock didn't matter much how I ran it..

after the pair, and the full micron it dropped to the mid 30's most times..

I don't do much 4 lane running though.. nothing is more boring that going out and wasting $300 a set tires on a four lane.
I have seen between 50 and 26 on the read-out. The only true way to guage gas mileage is by keeping detailed records of each fill up.
The 4 gallon sample run will always be low.
You need to guage it over a longer period.
I pretty much always have the MPG gauge pegged at 50 while on the highway, cruising around 75-80 m.p.h. But if crank the throttle just for 3 seconds is drops straight down to about 45 and then keeps dropping until I am nice to it again.
Figure that 4 liters =1.056 gallons, and 12 KM = 7.46 Miles. So if you get 48 KM to 4 liters that would equal 30 miles div by 1.056 = roughly 28 MPG. I could be wrong, thats just off the top of my head.
Less than 1000 miles and its indicating 42 in town. Making a trip this weekend up to Riudoso New Mexico to the big bike rally. Will keep track and report back in.
Mine is still stock with the exception of some body mods (sliders, fender, taillight). I will track closely on Saturday and see if it up on the highway. I assume it will be just because the lack of stopping and going but we will see.
I'm getting consistent 47-48 mpg on my 05 LE when cruising in top gear at 70-75 indicated. This is putting me at 200 miles before the yellow fuel light comes on.
Just put 1544 miles on it in the last 56 hours and it was always the same at fillup.


At what RPM are you 35mpg and above guys changing gears? I have broken my bike in properly for the most part, seldomly allowing it to get above 5000rpm before shifting and Im stuck at 28.5mpg.

I say "for the most part" because I have opened her up a bit (check sig) but I'd say 90%-95% of the time, I shift at 5000rpm.