Miles per Gallon

Just got back from a 847 mile trip. Very none aggressive riding, some interstate, some backroads and averaged 50mpg. The bike now has 3000+ miles and was broken in by the book...well almost...couldn't resist a few 7000 short burst!

[This message has been edited by falcon fool (edited 04 July 2000).]

Mine is in miles/Litre

get over 11 on a M'way journey (cruising 100 - 130)

In town drops to about 8 or 9

Is yours an import?

Yo Nuts! No it's a UK bought machine. My manual was obviously written for Europe though 'cos it states Kliks for the Euro-spec and miles for the US spec. Given the consumption figures (very thirsty!) I couldn't figure which it was. Like I said it doesn't bother me much what the consumption is anyway. If I can loon for an hour or cruise for 1 1/2 - 2 hours on the motorway, then the consumptions fine for me.


[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 05 July 2000).]
I've seen over 40 mpg but that was when I first got the bike. Now it's between 30-35 mpg because I don't have the discipline to not snap back the throttle when I have an empty road ahead. Then comes SEG.

went dry at 260miles once,and routinely got 42-44mpg,at 75-95mph.The gas mileage computer is way off;maybe with a sprocket change to correct the speedo[2 teeth smaller on back,or 1 larger on front],it would be more accurate?One of the most amazing things about this bike,and on regular,87ron,also!!
Stock avg. was 37-38, full airbox pc2 007HARV map Sato pipe 32-33. I don't EVEN care. Beats the total crap outta my cage.
Commuting milage: 30-32 mpg
Touring milage: 45-51 mpg

Touring speeds range from about 75-90 mph

One thing I noticed...
Wind makes a BIG difference. On the same route, with a HEAVY crosswind(28-35 mph) my milage was down around 45, but when the wind was negligible, I was up around 50-51. Speeds were in the same range.
Bike has 200 miles on it. Getting 38 mpg. Not too shabby. Wouldn't bother me if it only got 20 mpg. Would have bought a Geo if it did!