Miller Track Day

(Big O @ Sep. 08 2007,12:58) Let's see if this works.

Now you need to place the mic out of the wind so you can hear the engine
(BusaWhipped @ Sep. 08 2007,13:15)
(Big O @ Sep. 08 2007,14:58) Let's see if this works.

Mostly chasing Wag.  I'll make another clips later.  It took me 2 hours of screwing around to get this.

I had to cut it up and make it an MPEG file so the quality sucks.  I have the entire vid on DVD but it only plays on my computer.  Are we sending the vids to someone who can edit it all into one vid?
Wag and are are exchanging video.  If you want, you can send your stuff to me and I'll create the "official" video.  

Y'all can send any photos you want included.  I need to get the photos from semi as well.
Dennis, you rock dude!!

Can't wait to see it all on one DVD!!!    
Great vids, great photos....dangit. Wish I could have made it guys....what a kick!
(Charlesbusa @ Sep. 08 2007,14:21) Now you need to place the mic out of the wind so you can hear the engine  
Unfortunately, the mic is on the camera on the helmet.
(BusaWhipped @ Sep. 08 2007,13:15) Y'all can send any photos you want included.  I need to get the photos from semi as well.
Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you a DVD of the whole 25 min.
Owen, I'm glad you posted that up. Lets me see all my mistakes.

Looks like I have some practicing to do . . . .

(Lamb busa @ Sep. 09 2007,00:00) Told a buddy (Eric) all about it and he wants to make a trip in the spring!
I'll roll out with you guys if you do go.
I'm game! I wanted to be on track this last time. By the time we get the next one set up I should have a new suit to wear for it. I can hardly wait!

In the mean time I will practice at our local track. At least I will not be the chick that is pissing all of the other riders off..

All of the riders that weekend rode very well. I was very impressed! Who says you can't make a 'Busa lean?



(Big O @ Sep. 08 2007,08:36) Excellent vid Nan!  The sound of all the Busas heading into the straight...just awesome!
Thank you. I tried to catch everyone. It sure was fun to follow all of you on the track.

I wish I could have caught the sound of all of you hitting the track. That was even more awesome! There was no mistaking when the 'Busa train hit the track!

That's cool Nan! Get on the track soon and start practicing.

I'm already signed up for CA Speedway on the 4th of Nov. I've been doing at least 1 or 2 trackdays since February of this year. So I'm on hiatus until Nov (gotta save some money. This sport aint cheap).

I hope to ride with you next year, wherever it will be.
(Nanwags @ Sep. 09 2007,14:23)
(Big O @ Sep. 08 2007,08:36) Excellent vid Nan!  The sound of all the Busas heading into the straight...just awesome!
Thank you.  I tried to catch everyone.  It sure was fun to follow all of you on the track.

I wish I could have caught the sound of all of you hitting the track.  That was even more awesome!  There was no mistaking when the 'Busa train hit the track!

BTW-What song did you use as the soundtrack? That is the most excellent choice. It's very cool, laid-back, good times, feel good song. I wanna add that to my iPod.
(gtrpimp76 @ Sep. 08 2007,22:27)
(Nanwags @ Sep. 09 2007,14:23)
(Big O @ Sep. 08 2007,08:36) Excellent vid Nan!  The sound of all the Busas heading into the straight...just awesome!
Thank you.  I tried to catch everyone.  It sure was fun to follow all of you on the track.

I wish I could have caught the sound of all of you hitting the track.  That was even more awesome!  There was no mistaking when the 'Busa train hit the track!

BTW-What song did you use as the soundtrack? That is the most excellent choice. It's very cool, laid-back, good times, feel good song. I wanna add that to my iPod.
I beleive it is "Blue on Black" by Kenny Wayne Shephard.

I wish I coulda attended. My 15 yr old ended up in surgery and I didn't feel right trying to break away.

But I've been on this track 3 times now. I hafta to say - that my 17 yr old son - his first day out on his ZX6RR - blew me away. He took the corners at least twice as fast as I did and could hit the brakes so much later than me on my busa. I didn't realize that I was either that old or the busa is just that much more work on the track than these mosquito bikes.

How fast did you guys get your bikes going on the straight off Tooele and off those super-fun S-curves just before the pit exit? And where did you let off on the straight in front of the pits? There's a white set of lines, then the flag booth, then the numbers on that straight. How fast did you go and when did you start braking? (This is all on the East track.)

Anyway - fun pic's! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed and I would have loved to been there to be with you all. And yes - look at our tires after the runs... a bunch of gooey-mush. That's way cool.

(Rocketman @ Sep. 09 2007,10:13) I wish I coulda attended.  My 15 yr old ended up in surgery and I didn't feel right trying to break away.  

But I've been on this track 3 times now.  I hafta to say - that my 17 yr old son - his first day out on his ZX6RR - blew me away.  He took the corners at least twice as fast as I did and could hit the brakes so much later than me on my busa.  I didn't realize that I was either that old or the busa is just that much more work on the track than these mosquito bikes.

How fast did you guys get your bikes going on the straight off Tooele and off those super-fun S-curves just before the pit exit?  And where did you let off on the straight in front of the pits?   There's a white set of lines, then the flag booth, then the numbers on that straight.  How fast did you go and when did you start braking?  (This is all on the East track.)

Anyway - fun pic's!  I'm so glad you guys enjoyed and I would have loved to been there to be with you all.  And yes - look at our tires after the runs... a bunch of gooey-mush.  That's way cool.

I'll give your son on his 600 a run for his money

I don't remember my braking marker for Turn 1 on the East loop or how fast on the straights other than I red lined 2nd, shifted into 3rd for about 1-2 seconds then started braking and downshifting.

On the full track I used the 2nd start finish line as my braking marker for Turn1

Too bad we missed you
Maybe next time
