(Rocketman @ Sep. 09 2007,10:13) I wish I coulda attended. My 15 yr old ended up in surgery and I didn't feel right trying to break away.
But I've been on this track 3 times now. I hafta to say - that my 17 yr old son - his first day out on his ZX6RR - blew me away. He took the corners at least twice as fast as I did and could hit the brakes so much later than me on my busa. I didn't realize that I was either that old or the busa is just that much more work on the track than these mosquito bikes.
How fast did you guys get your bikes going on the straight off Tooele and off those super-fun S-curves just before the pit exit? And where did you let off on the straight in front of the pits? There's a white set of lines, then the flag booth, then the numbers on that straight. How fast did you go and when did you start braking? (This is all on the East track.)
Anyway - fun pic's! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed and I would have loved to been there to be with you all. And yes - look at our tires after the runs... a bunch of gooey-mush. That's way cool.