Moral Decay in our society


.....wwjd . it might be too late. I'm not sure i can swallow all yer "back-tracking" now .

The anger an' hatred of yer previous threads might be a little hard to forget at this point .

You picked a group...which group is irrelevant at this point.

i still feel sorry for you....if thats any consequence .

good luck to you an' yours.....

hav a ....Religious One......RSD.
I've seen a blurred line of observation occur before and hope to correct it.
Here's my observation. Christians tend to over-exert their beliefs on non-Christians. You won't hear a buddist stand there and tell you that unless you agree to abandon your beliefs and accept theirs unconditionally, that you won't be a good person, or saved, or whatever wonderful promise is offered. That is why you get a funny feeling around non-Christians. They're waiting for it. At some point, you're gonna say something judgemental, and the only justification you'll be able to give is Christianity.

If someone lights a cigarrette, and you say "smoking is proven to cause lung cancer", that's stating a fact. If someone admits to being gay, and you say "homosexuality is wrong because my religious beliefs say so", you're stating opinion. Big difference.

I don't hope to sway you from your faith, just wish that Christianity in general wasn't so closed-minded and hypocritical. I'd recommend reading up on Budda, but that's probably a sin for you. So the above is all I have to offer...

PS: I'm not gay, and I'm not a buddist. Just offering opinion...

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As one who defends the constitution. What is going on in San Fran is illegal!! The people of the state of California voted on this and the majority (70%-30%) rejected it. Whether or not I agree of disagree you can't just say that 70% of the population is wrong and I will do what I want. Take it to court and do it legally.
I've seen a blurred line of observation occur before and hope to correct it.
Here's my observation.  Christians tend to over-exert their beliefs on non-Christians.  You won't hear a buddist stand there and tell you that unless you agree to abandon your beliefs and accept theirs unconditionally, that you won't be a good person, or saved, or whatever wonderful promise is offered.  That is why you get a funny feeling around non-Christians.  They're waiting for it.  At some point, you're gonna say something judgemental, and the only justification you'll be able to give is Christianity.

If someone lights a cigarrette, and you say "smoking is proven to cause lung cancer", that's stating a fact.  If someone admits to being gay, and you say "homosexuality is wrong because my religious beliefs say so", you're stating opinion.  Big difference.

I don't hope to sway you from your faith, just wish that Christianity in general wasn't so closed-minded and hypocritical.  I'd recommend reading up on Budda, but that's probably a sin for you.  So the above is all I have to offer...

PS:  I'm not gay, and I'm not a buddist.  Just offering opinion...
fer a guy who ....lives in the desert....yer one smart mutha fugga' .

I like yer post...I like it alot. I'm sure that means little or nothing to a guy like you.....

Which makes me like it even more .

hav a good 1....RSD.
wow.  none of my points were reasonable?  maybe not accepted, but not understood?  I wonder if I'm wording stuff poorly.  how was I back peddling?  how is saying "smoking is wrong" an angry, hateful thing?  am I over exerting religion in some way?

There's plenty more from people on here that AREN'T religous subliminally saying the same things I am.  Twisted for one.  If I recall we, share polar opposite views about CHRISTmas trees or something, but he was saying the exact same thing I am back on page one.  
 Only twisted didn't come right out and say HomosexualITY is wrong...   he did in so many words.  really!  go back and read that it's pretty good.

If can state that "Homosexuality is physically and mentally damaging" and prove that, is it then 'fact'?

I don't get funny feelings around non-christians, I get funny reactions FROM them.  I'm fine with everything.  They react to something they ASSUME I'm thinking when I'm not.  And, no, I never say anything... I don't even THINK anything as I explained already.  I'm not into judging, but speaking FACT is not judgement.

I still find this dialog stimulating and interesting, but feeling a lil pecked at here.  Read back... I'm not the only one saying this.   But the bottom line to this thread for me is...  as always..   it's alll good.  

Howlin, whats going on in Cali?  Curious what you mean

*** Whoa! 609 views! Many interested onlookers for this one again. these areas are always deep inside everyone, and I hope you silent viewers enjoy the many varied ideas, opinions and facts presented and use your own mind to draw conclusions. Thanks Thrasherfox!!! :P Pandora was getting kinda dusty. hahahahahah

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Otter, I appreciate your points and just to clarify above is my quote, I didnt say religion has been the sole cause just heavily involved.

If you want me to pass on more info I can email you.

Thanx - Kent
Hi Kent,

No problem, sir. I always enjoy a good exchange of ideas, regardless of the forum! I understand what you're saying about how religion is "heavily involved", and you may be right.

But I think that if you take it to its logical conclusion you will find that, theism by its nature, is a deterministic value system. (Thinking) Theists have found a value system that is consistent with reality and gives meaning to an otherwise untenable state of being. Therefore, to say that religion has been part of many wars is akin to saying that politics has been part of many wars - of course it has.

That does not mean that religion is the driving factor (with special exception to Islamic wars, which are nearly all motivated by religious conquest) in most, many, or even any wars - it is a basic part of society and cannot be given a life unto its own.

But I've written a book here. You sound like a very reasonable man, and I'd appreciate the opportunity to hear your views so if you want to email, fire away. I do think that after an honest examination of the facts you will find that the "more wars/deaths/etc have occured over religion" statement is overused, abused, and wholly falicious.

What I am referring to is the Mayor of San Fran issuing Same Sex Marriage Licenses. The people of the state voted down the proposition and he decided that he didn't like it so he was going to just do it anyway. That is just wrong.
Respectfully, my problem with the original argument is that those who are offended by the gay population and it's movement to gain equality in a country that continually touts equality, routinely turn to the bible and religion as a basis for what you feel is right.  It's fine for you to have your's wrong, wrong, wrong to think that we all agree with those beliefs, and it's wrong to pass judgment.  You will never, ever be able to, without question, prove that homosexuality is wrong.  It's impossible simply because there are no scientific proofs that will cover each and every gay person in society.  You can talk about chemical imbalances or hormonal issues, but it's never going to apply to every single gay person in society.  At that point, you have to accept that some choose to live their lives with same sex partners, and that if that's not directly harming you, it's none of your business...

Now...back to the root of moral decay...or, better yet, the question of whether or not there is moral decay.  I see a society that has grown and advanced with technology and medicine, always working to better our lives...I also see a society that finds it perfectly logical to take the easy way out; people that want a free ride...those that can never accept that they might be the cause of their own problems in life...those always looking for someone else to blame...why do you think it's normal nowadays for an overweight person to sue McDonald's because he/she is overweight?  Why is it acceptable for a person dying of lung cancer after smoking for 30 years to sue the cigarette companies and win?  Why is it that so many Americans think it's 100% okay to sue Wal-Mart because they slipped and fell in the middle of the floor right next to the "caution, wet floor" sign?  Why is it that our insurance rates are so high?  Why do so many still go without?  You don't see a cause for what might be moral decay from within every single person living and breathing today?  I see a society full of lazy, finger-pointing individuals, feeding their beliefs down to their kids, fostering more individuals that will continue walking the same path...that's a mighty big generalization, but something has drastically altered our perception of what's okay to do, and what's's still acceptable to many to use deragatory words when speaking of the opposite sex, someone of another race...think that doesn't contribute to moral decay?

I am a parent, and I am trying so hard to instill in my kids that you need to be polite, tolerant, understanding and loving toward everyone...I don't want them to ever think it's okay to blame others for their problems...I don't ever want them to think there's an easier way to make money by suing for the hell of it...I don't want to have them grow up thinking that all overweight people are pathetic, or that gay people are wrong; it's as silly as me telling them that all redheads are doesn't make good sense to instill thoughts like that in your children...I want them to grow up treating everyone with respect and hope that they can make up their own minds to be good, contributing members of society...not someone that's always looking to lay the blame on someone else...

Do I think it's okay to even worry over a group of people that are living their lives, trying to contribute to society by holding jobs and raising kids with good ethical values?  I think it's's so far down the list of things to worry over...we've got to begin with our own lives, take care of our own families, raise our children to be tolerant, good, caring and understanding people...don't raise them to think it's okay to oust certain sects of the population because of personal or religious's okay for you, as an individual, to not like certain people for whatever reason (hey, you were probably raised that way), but it's so wrong to think that it's okay to raise your kids that way and it's wrong to assume that you can go on stating YOUR beliefs thinking we're all going to agree...THAT, my friends, is why racism still exists on all's why we, as Americans love to brag that we have rights, yet in the same breath charge those that go against what we find acceptable...when religion is brought in, all it does is pit believers against believers, and believers against one your own life, relish in what you hold dear, and let others live their lives...

As a society, I'm happy to say that I truly believe when someone, or some group is clearly hurting others, it's considered illegal and wrong, and they are, hopefully, prosecuted for it.  As for all of those things that people choose to do that cause no direct harm to me (homosexuals, Chevy fans, you like blue and I like red), why can't they just live in peace...join in on a cause to make yourself and your children better, more accepting that, and in time, moral decay might not be an issue at all...
I may be in the minority but...

I hate the murder,
I hate the rapist.

You are defined by your actions.

Have a nice day.
MY Theory on the "Gay Marriage" is that they should just stop using the term marriage. I think that would drop a lot of the resistance from the scared masses, worried that the evil GAYNESS is going to come get em'.

Seriously though, I have family that this effects directly. They have been together in a Committed, monogomous relationship for over uh...I think 15 years. Now Religious BS aside, shouldn't they have the same legal recognition as any other commited married couple. WTF are you folks SO scared of? The term? This bullshit of God not approving? WTF? And who are you to decide this?

Without some legally binding comitment if my Aunt gets capped in the line of duty (AFTER 15 years) her partner gets nothing, while a "traditional" spouse gets their retirement, Social security etc... What about taxes, or ability to make legal decisions for another if seriously injured, in a comma or something.

So forget calling it freaking marriage, why the hell do you care? Call it Legal Commitment or something, performed by a JP, or Judge, what the hell is wrong with that? If this is a sign of "your" societies collapse then I want nothing to do with it... All this furor over gay and lesbian couples, and all the hate pointed in their direction is certainly racism without the name applied...

Basically what I am saying is that you all need to look REALLY DEEP into your own souls, past the fear, the religious programming, or whatever the hell little hang ups you might have and move on... HOW the hell is it going to affect you anyway...

A final thought for all of you Skeered of Gays and lesbians.... Right now you know two or three gay/lesbian people and you do not even know... they are your doctors, co-workers, Your Boss, servicemen and women, your Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, and Sisters, Sons and Daughters. Gay men and women are dying for our country right now in Iraq, they are patroling your streets, they are going to fill your prescription next week...Don't kid yourselves... I guarantee it in most cases... Think about how many folks you know, then figure about 1 in 20 or 1 in 10 are gay or lesbian... Think about it, you wouldn't know because of all your hate and fear fueled ANTI GAY rhetoric...they aren't going to step up...

So you need to think about who you are going to hate and love before you blanket a group as immoral or wrong or whatever the hell...
way 2 go REV....this topic is like Jesus-him-fuggin'-self....

risen from the dead....

I like how you waited too....a couple days ....

Nice touch .

dont flatter yerself...i know it was unintended .

"I don't believe in Beatles , I just believe in me."

john Lennon.
dam! i ought to get soem college credits for read this whole thing
wow its like a small novel

gotta love this site