More low end torque question

Fuel economy doesnt matter too much to me i just wonder cause just how i am. And no i dont want a damn BKing i love my busa :moon:
The busa really doesnt like the 25mph speed limit on base :poke:
Russell thats not a torque problem thats a gearing problem. You've got the two confused :laugh: The busa has all the low end torque stock you'll ever need (and more than any other sportbike made), but its also geared to go 200mph at redline, which means its big cammy motor is going to be a little jerky plugging along at 25mph. Its just geared too tall for that.... thats not what it was designed to do. Gearing it down could help that a little, but depending how much you gear it down, could make it too vibey at highway speeds and kill you're gas mileage, and still not be enough for you. Mines geared -1/+2 and it still doesn't like to chug along at super slow speeds. Plus its borderline too low geared for the street now for my preferences.... too vibey, and a little too thirsty. But it goes like stink :laugh: You need to weigh how often you go 25mph compared to how often you go normal speeds :beerchug: If you have to chug around all day at 25 on base, honestly I would either get a second smaller bike for that, or take the car :laugh:
OK, I said screw it! I ordered the new 40 tooth rear sprocket from sponsor Honda East. I'm going to have it put on when I get it. So that will be +1 on the front to 19 teeth and down 3 on the rear to 40. I will let you guys know how I like it. Should be VERY nice at speed once I have it installed!:cheerleader::cheerleader:
OK, I said screw it! I ordered the new 40 tooth rear sprocket from sponsor Honda East. I'm going to have it put on when I get it. So that will be +1 on the front to 19 teeth and down 3 on the rear to 40. I will let you guys know how I like it. Should be VERY nice at speed once I have it installed!:cheerleader::cheerleader:

1st should take you near 90.
OK, I said screw it! I ordered the new 40 tooth rear sprocket from sponsor Honda East. I'm going to have it put on when I get it. So that will be +1 on the front to 19 teeth and down 3 on the rear to 40. I will let you guys know how I like it. Should be VERY nice at speed once I have it installed!:cheerleader::cheerleader:
It might be a little sluggish compared to what you're used to tho :oops: Thats a big step up in gearing. But if you're not an acceleration nut you might not mind :biggrin: I personally couldn't stand to take that much of a hit in performance, even if I did gain some mpg. I crave every bit of g-forces I can mod out of my bikes. Prolly why I turbo'd my 14 :laugh:
I tried the gearing swaps on the 05 Busa and it just wasn't what I wanted. I am now scrimping every penny I can so I can swap in a gen 2 crank. This should give me better low and mid range torque and as a bonus the extra 40cc of exhaust gas's through the turbo should build boost faster.
BTW I got this idea because I know how much more low and mid rang torque my B King has!
The biggest increase in low end power I ever felt on my Gen1's was when I put the basic Ivan's TRE on it which took all the timing restrictions off of the first 3 gears. The difference was incredible. The same thing can now be accomplished by ECU hacking without all the unpleasant aftertaste.

I still use the TRE though because I'm just lazy and not really a tinkerer. I suscribe to the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) and nothing is more simple and reversible than the plugin TRE. Just me.
The biggest increase in low end power I ever felt on my Gen1's was when I put the basic Ivan's TRE on it which took all the timing restrictions off of the first 3 gears. The difference was incredible. The same thing can now be accomplished by ECU hacking without all the unpleasant aftertaste.

I still use the TRE though because I'm just lazy and not really a tinkerer. I suscribe to the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) and nothing is more simple and reversible than the plugin TRE. Just me.

The ECU tuning really isnt that complicated. Im just going to take it to a shop and it will all be cheaper than doing the PC3 and tune and TRE, plus all the other added benefits