Thanks for posting the pics, Mike. That's exactly what I wanted to see.
So you ran 5 pieces of 2x4 down the long length of the lift? Good idea. Nice for keeping support under the bike. I wonder if you'd need that many if you went with a thicker top piece, better safe than sorry...
Now dont get me wrong, please please please....because I don't want to criticize you - after all, *I* didn't come up with this's what I might do differently:
1) id cut the 8 ft 2x4s 3 inches shorter so that I could cap the ends off with another 2x4 and close the whole thing off nicely on the front and back.
2) Id probably notch the 8 ft 2x4s and drop cross supports in under the wheel areas
3) id have used screws instead of nails. (nevermind, on second look, you DID mostly use screws)
One other thing....i know it is a superior lift, because you built it measuring things in feet and inches instead of using that pesky metric system....
*heh* Actually, Mike, i was surprised to see that, coming from Canada and all....A very nice looking lift, and I appreciate you posting that up for all of us to see. If anyone else has any suggestions, I'd be more than happy to draft up some designs on autocad for everyone and would be happy to mail them to whoever wanted them, unless of course Mike has this copyrighted....