Motorcycle Parking


I cannot believe the increase in motorcycles in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

My work has had to double the size of the parking area that was never full last year.

Anyone have odds on the first CNN news on the "Increase of Motorcycle Deaths: Two-Wheeled Killers". The media will blow this out of proportion.
Yeah, there are about 15 of us here that ride out of about 250 employees
I work for the Boeing Corporation in the Puget Sound area, I have noticed an incredible amount of motorcycle ridership in the last three months,than the previous five years...
Motorcycles are going to reach a much deeper penetration into the mainstream. It is inevitable that this will happen due to the price of fuel.
exact opposite at my work. years ago we use to park under this tarp area that covers nothing. 1 of us would always clean that area up, sweep it, ect.. just to make it a clean area.... and u could fit 6-8 bikes in there and was nice in the summer time. well 2 years ago someone decided that "miscellaneous crap" needed to go there. well then a bunch of us started to park in the side area that was never used on the side of the building. prob 3-4 months after we all started parking there, they made that "miscellaneous crap area #2" so then all of us would park at WAY end of the parking lot. sure as ****, few months later.. they put all the old cars that never get driven there. so now we just park right up front, 1 bike per parking spot, and take up anywhere between 5-12 parking spots up front. so then the supervisors are getting pissed that we r taking all the "premium" spots.. but we all said "hey, we had this area, then that area, and another area... and yall just taking our area over.. so phuq it, we are a vehicle, no rule says we have to park more then 1 motorcycle per spot.
exact opposite at my work. years ago we use to park under this tarp area that covers nothing. 1 of us would always clean that area up, sweep it, ect.. just to make it a clean area.... and u could fit 6-8 bikes in there and was nice in the summer time. well 2 years ago someone decided that "miscellaneous crap" needed to go there. well then a bunch of us started to park in the side area that was never used on the side of the building. prob 3-4 months after we all started parking there, they made that "miscellaneous crap area #2" so then all of us would park at WAY end of the parking lot. sure as ****, few months later.. they put all the old cars that never get driven there. so now we just park right up front, 1 bike per parking spot, and take up anywhere between 5-12 parking spots up front. so then the supervisors are getting pissed that we r taking all the "premium" spots.. but we all said "hey, we had this area, then that area, and another area... and yall just taking our area over.. so phuq it, we are a vehicle, no rule says we have to park more then 1 motorcycle per spot.
Now that's a funny story. Corp. needs to know never to piss with employees in large numbers.


Two of us out of 30 ride.  I ride to work everyday that it isn't raining at four in the morning...I love to ride home in the rain, but can't stand waking up and riding to work in it.  The only time the truck goes out is on the weekends to Home Depot, Lowes or some other errands.  It's been a month since the Tundra has seen a gas station and I feel like I am saving a small fortune.  The other guy is a different story....has to be over 65 degrees and less than 20% chance of rain for him to ride.  I actually saw him call his wife to come get him one day after work when it was raining and bring him back to get his bike that night after it quit and dried up.

On topic ADD must have been kickin'.....big warehouse full of old equipment and stock for the machine shop that we can park in.
I couldnt hardley get into the gas station yesterday to top off my Titan. While I was there I was noticing all the bikes as well. I am amazed at the number of scooters I am seeing now. Most of those I saw yesterday were riding two up. I for one am glad there is an increase in motorcyclists, maybe this will bring about much needed change. For example, those that do not normally ride or have just learned to ride will make them safer drivers in the cage. Also, we really really need motorcycle awareness programs. On my way home I passed a group of 4 bikes(ninja style), riding in formation. I was like, "&^%** I want to be riding!"
there are ALOT of those scooters around here now. when i went to get some tires put on a few weeks back they some 5 or 6 of them in about 2 hrs.. and this is a small dealer. but when they only cost like $1500-2000, and get 90 mpg, y not.
In the near future, car drivers will be engulfed in a swarm of two wheeled vehicles similar to a scuba diver swimming among a school of fish. I have seen it in Italy while driving a car, the experience was amazing. Unfortunately, I was stuck in gridlock in car, not on a motorcycle.
In the near future, car drivers will be engulfed in a swarm of two wheeled vehicles similar to a scuba diver swimming among a school of fish. I have seen it in Italy while driving a car, the experience was amazing. Unfortunately, I was stuck in gridlock in car, not on a motorcycle.
Italy is way ahead of us in that regard. Just look at the scooter parking in Rome or Florence. Hundreds and hundreds of scooters lined up in parking lots. We don't have anything even vaguely resembling that here.
Yep gasoline powered vehicles are a dying breed. I won't be buying any more brand new ones. In fact the ones I have now might just be my last
The way I use them they'll take forever to wear out
Yep gasoline powered vehicles are a dying breed. I won't be buying any more brand new ones. In fact the ones I have now might just be my last  
 The way I use them they'll take forever to wear out  
Back the gasoline free truck up bro! My busa if gasoline powered, I need petrol!
In the near future, car drivers will be engulfed in a swarm of two wheeled vehicles similar to a scuba diver swimming among a school of fish. I have seen it in Italy while driving a car, the experience was amazing. Unfortunately, I was stuck in gridlock in car, not on a motorcycle.
Italy is way ahead of us in that regard. Just look at the scooter parking in Rome or Florence. Hundreds and hundreds of scooters lined up in parking lots. We don't have anything even vaguely resembling that here.
or they were to broke to afford fuel at $5 a gallon 15 years ago...