Mrs.Lycan NOW wants to ride sport?

See if you can have the seat worked. You are much better off taking an inch out of the seat than out of the suspension. Or both instead of 2 inches out of the suspension. A lot of times I see bikes lowered much more than needed using the riders short height as an excuse.
Professor, yeah I already talked to her about having to get the seat done( I would talk to Tobin) and getting her rear sets would help the position of her legs, but trust me she really IS 5ft tall, unfortunately she gets measured by people whenever we have a party and people start calling her Frodo
any more advice I would be glad to hear it, sorry I didnt meet you at the bash maybe next year!?
I didn't make it to the gap again this year. It fell on my anniversary weekend again.

Might look into the FZ-6 GSX650 and the SV650 as well as the Ninja 650. All have a bit lower seats and are not quite as a handful as the R-model 600s. You should know more about what she is ready for as you have been riding with here. Rear set would still be easily available for the SV. The others are a bit more upright in riding position. The interceptor 800 Honda is another great bike but a bit heavy.


See if you can have the seat worked. You are much better off taking an inch out of the seat than out of the suspension. Or both instead of 2 inches out of the suspension. A lot of times I see bikes lowered much more than needed using the riders short height as an excuse.
Professor, yeah I already talked to her about having to get the seat done( I would talk to Tobin) and getting her rear sets would help the position of her legs, but trust me she really IS 5ft tall, unfortunately she gets measured by people whenever we have a party and people start calling her Frodo
any more advice I would be glad to hear it, sorry I didnt meet you at the bash maybe next year!?
I didn't make it to the gap again this year. It fell on my anniversary weekend again.

Might look into the FZ-6 GSX650 and the SV650 as well as the Ninja 650. All have a bit lower seats and are not quite as a handful as the R-model 600s. You should know more about what she is ready for as you have been riding with here. Rear set would still be easily available for the SV. The others are a bit more upright in riding position.  The interceptor 800 Honda is another great bike but a bit heavy.
Well I just showed them to her and bless her heart
she still likes the R looking bikes, she's not into the Nakes street fighter look ( I guess a girl's gotta look good riding)
I think overwhelmingly most would say the Zuk, so definitely Mod the seat, see what the best lowered position would be and of course ensure the springs are adjusted accordingly after it's lowered, but do you really think Professor that the Rear sets are like overkill? I was really thinking that since MOST of those who have lowered bikes tend to complain about pegs dragging, and I wouldn't want her to worry about that, not like she'll be doing any least for a while
but I thought of them more to give her some adjusted variance to placing her feet since she's so short legged






Awesome Angel! The Gixxer may be the best bet if they are the easiest to lower. You saw Juli's bike and I need to lower it another inch. Not trying to throw a wrench in anything, but how low are the buells? I am so excited for you!
Hey Vert! Yeah I remember Juli's bike, but the Buell IS too tall. SHe sat on my buddys Gixxer last year and she reached the ground fine according to her,of course his was slammed down which I prefer NOT to take it all the way down just as much as is necessary. Thanks bro she's kinda amped about the whole thing, I ve been trying to get her ona sport for years now good to see she's finnlly coming around
Juli knew exactly what bike she wanted, the Katana. We looked at the SV's the kawi's, etc, but it was the Katana all the way. What bike does she want? I need to look into the seat thing, only problem is there is not a lot to remove. The triumph is a good thought, we didnt look at those, didnt know they were that affordable!

PM -->
Lycan @ May 03 2008 said:
1400895[/ATTACH] PM]
Awesome Angel! The Gixxer may be the best bet if they are the easiest to lower. You saw Juli's bike and I need to lower it another inch. Not trying to throw a wrench in anything, but how low are the buells? I am so excited for you!
Hey Vert! Yeah I remember Juli's bike, but the Buell IS too tall. SHe sat on my buddys Gixxer last year and she reached the ground fine according to her,of course his was slammed down which I prefer NOT to take it all the way down just as much as is necessary. Thanks bro she's kinda amped about the whole thing, I ve been trying to get her ona sport for years now good to see she's finnlly coming around
Juli knew exactly what bike she wanted, the Katana. We looked at the SV's the kawi's, etc, but it was the Katana all the way. What bike does she want? I need to look into the seat thing, only problem is there is not a lot to remove. The triumph is a good thought, we didnt look at those, didnt know they were that affordable!
She's leaning more to the GSX_R type, she loves the look and a 600 is more than enough for her, I want hetr to have something she will be completely happy with, it's either that or a Yamaha but it looks like the stock seat height will factor in to how much I have to do in lowering it for her...


A GEN 1 Busa lowered 1.5-2 inches in front and back and a Tobin seat. Blue and Silver preferably

How long are her legs? I am 5'8" but my inseam is only 26 inches (and some of that is taken up with Booty).

I had a 99 Ninja 600 that was lowered that I started out on that I actually bought from a guy who was shorter than me. I've never had foot peg drag problems (not even on the Dragon) even being that low. Oil pans can get to be a messy problem I know with Busas (just heard about it.. never happened to me YET)

Good luck.. so what is the Real Estate like up there in the great white north? j/k... y'all gotta move down here... we'll meet you in the Carolinas!
Angel get her a gixxer 600 lower it a little and get her a Tobin seat on it. She will love it plus its a zuk brotha
. Good luck man
Get her out to some dealers and have her sit on every bike they have in stock - what fits us and what we like could be completely different from what she'll feel most comfortable on. Her confidence level on the bike is the most important thing.

I had 3 years on my Low Rider and went straight to the Busa and I haven't done any major damage in over 2 years. Bring her over and let her sit on my bike... Tobin seat & lowered 1" front and rear - she might just fall in love all over again.
PM -->
Lycan @ May 03 2008 said:
1400917[/ATTACH] PM]
Awesome Angel! The Gixxer may be the best bet if they are the easiest to lower. You saw Juli's bike and I need to lower it another inch. Not trying to throw a wrench in anything, but how low are the buells? I am so excited for you!
Hey Vert! Yeah I remember Juli's bike, but the Buell IS too tall. SHe sat on my buddys Gixxer last year and she reached the ground fine according to her,of course his was slammed down which I prefer NOT to take it all the way down just as much as is necessary. Thanks bro she's kinda amped about the whole thing, I ve been trying to get her ona sport for years now good to see she's finnlly coming around
Juli knew exactly what bike she wanted, the Katana. We looked at the SV's the kawi's, etc, but it was the Katana all the way. What bike does she want? I need to look into the seat thing, only problem is there is not a lot to remove. The triumph is a good thought, we didnt look at those, didnt know they were that affordable!
She's leaning more to the GSX_R type, she loves the look and a 600 is more than enough for her, I want hetr to have something she will be completely happy with, it's either that or a Yamaha but it looks like the stock seat height will factor in to how much I have to do in lowering it for her...
for 07 model year, gixxer was lowest of the major makers execept for the Ducati, if i recall from my research last year.


A GEN 1 Busa lowered 1.5-2 inches in front and back and a Tobin seat. Blue and Silver preferably

How long are her legs? I am 5'8" but my inseam is only 26 inches (and some of that is taken up with Booty).

I had a 99 Ninja 600 that was lowered that I started out on that I actually bought from a guy who was shorter than me. I've never had foot peg drag problems (not even on the Dragon) even being that low. Oil pans can get to be a messy problem I know with Busas (just heard about it.. never happened to me YET)

Good luck.. so what is the Real Estate like up there in the great white north? j/k... y'all gotta move down here... we'll meet you in the Carolinas!
Hi Jules! I dont think she'd want to get into a Gen 1, I don't know how short her legs are but they're short!
I know some houses right on my street for sale! We always need good teachers too!
Carolina's will do for me though!




Get her out to some dealers and have her sit on every bike they have in stock - what fits us and what we like could be completely different from what she'll feel most comfortable on.  Her confidence level on the bike is the most important thing.

I had 3 years on my Low Rider and went straight to the Busa and I haven't done any major damage in over 2 years.  Bring her over and let her sit on my bike... Tobin seat & lowered 1" front and rear - she might just fall in love all over again.
Hi Lisa! We've already done the dealer thing, she lieks the R type bikes but cant sit on one due to the fact that stock height is too tall, so it's kind of no sense in doing it with're taller too about 5'9? So she probably wouldnt even be able to reach on your Busa, at least I don't think...
Sucks but it's OI think a trial and error thing at best, like I had said before she sat on my buddys Gixxer 600 slammed and she fit on it fine, so we may just have to pull the trigger and get it to a shop so they can make it work

She's leaning more to the GSX_R type, she loves the look and a 600 is more than enough for her, I want hetr to have something she will be completely happy with, it's either that or a Yamaha but it looks like the stock seat height will factor in to how much I have to do in lowering it for her...
I sat on a UN LOWERED 08 GSXR 600 today and I could tip toe it.. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable riding it like that everyday but could manage it.. and it is so light. I am spoiled with the seat posture of a Busa that a GSXR feels like I am doing a handstand.

Like LCB said.. have her sit on a bunch of bikes. Find her fit.. and hope it's a ZUK
Hi Lisa! We've already done the dealer thing, she lieks the R type bikes but cant sit on one due to the fact that stock height is too tall, so it's kind of no sense in doing it with're taller too about 5'9? So she probably wouldnt even be able to reach on your Busa, at least I don't think...
Sucks but it's OI think a trial and error thing at best, like I had said before she sat on my buddys Gixxer 600 slammed and she fit on it fine, so we may just have to pull the trigger and get it to a shop so they can make it work
I'm not even 5'6" actually but it's the inseam, not the overall height that matters... Just make sure she's comfy - the confidence will follow.

*I still think you should let her sit on my bike...*

I sat on a UN LOWERED 08 GSXR 600 today and I could tip toe it.. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable riding it like that everyday but could manage it.. and it is so light. I am spoiled with the seat posture of a Busa that a GSXR feels like I am doing a handstand.

Like LCB said.. have her sit on a bunch of bikes. Find her fit.. and hope it's a ZUK

Yeah but she cant even tip toe on the stock ones in the dealership! SO it's kind of hard to gauge whats best, I know she really really likes the Gixxer 600 looks and all, so it might have to be that BUT trila and error, since we will have to buy it and THEN make it fit her
find one at a bike night.. you know all kinds of squids have their stuff slammed... and they usually don't object a girl hopping on their bike just to see if they can touch... That's where I first sat on a GSXR and realized how light they were
find one at a bike night.. you know all kinds of squids have their stuff slammed... and they usually don't object a girl hopping on their bike just to see if they can touch... That's where I first sat on a GSXR and realized how light they were
Stop thread hopping! Get back to the random thought any subject where you belong!


Hi Lisa! We've already done the dealer thing, she lieks the R type bikes but cant sit on one due to the fact that stock height is too tall, so it's kind of no sense in doing it with're taller too about 5'9? So she probably wouldnt even be able to reach on your Busa, at least I don't think...
Sucks but it's OI think a trial and error thing at best, like I had said before she sat on my buddys Gixxer 600 slammed and she fit on it fine, so we may just have to pull the trigger and get it to a shop so they can make it work
I'm not even 5'6" actually but it's the inseam, not the overall height that matters...  Just make sure she's comfy - the confidence will follow.

*I still think you should let her sit on my bike...*  
No then she will want a BUSA!
Ok but you're STILL at least 5 inches taller than she is...ok just measured, her inseam is 29 WITHOUT shoes


Hi Lisa! We've already done the dealer thing, she lieks the R type bikes but cant sit on one due to the fact that stock height is too tall, so it's kind of no sense in doing it with're taller too about 5'9? So she probably wouldnt even be able to reach on your Busa, at least I don't think...
Sucks but it's OI think a trial and error thing at best, like I had said before she sat on my buddys Gixxer 600 slammed and she fit on it fine, so we may just have to pull the trigger and get it to a shop so they can make it work
I'm not even 5'6" actually but it's the inseam, not the overall height that matters...  Just make sure she's comfy - the confidence will follow.

*I still think you should let her sit on my bike...*  
No then she will want a BUSA!
Ok but you're STILL at least 5 inches taller than she is...ok just measured, her inseam is 29 WITHOUT shoes

