Must be "election time" again...

How 'sincere' can one be if they spend 140 million to get a job that pays 200,000 ?
Crooked , evil back door power is all that's about !
She'll get in and then approve or vote for some thing supporting some sinister corporation in which she can silently invest in and make billions from .
You could never convince me that someone would spend that much to truly serve the public , never.
How 'sincere' can one be if they spend 140 million to get a job that pays 200,000 ?
Crooked , evil back door power is all that's about !
She'll get in and then approve or vote for some thing supporting some sinister corporation in which she can silently invest in and make billions from .
You could never convince me that someone would spend that much to truly serve the public , never.

:stirpot: Forget about HER money. Can you name anyone in Washington who doesn't do this ??? ? Let's see, most (if not all) Politicians in Washington who have been there 10 years or more are now Multi Millionairs. While starting their Political Careers as MIDDLE INCOME people. The problem is NOT who's money you spend (I for one like the you spend your own, not mine. Infact I don't hear any complaining about Movie Stars makeing $20,000,000 up on a movie, or a STATE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL COACH making $1.5 million as a base salary) but how MUCH is spent. Seems like a new deal for Campaign spending is needed. Like; you can ONLY spend $2 per VOTING US :laugh: CITIZEN in your state or district who ACTUALLY VOTED in the LAST 2 ELECTIONS. And the State Funds Each Party Candidate out of Tax Money. Novel idea I know, but I bet useless spending would drop through the floor, which would save BILLIONS in unneeded programs and spending projects which would more than cover the Voting Cost. These guys have forgotten they are there to repersent us, NOT SPEND, SPEND, SPEND and REGULATE, REGULATE, REGULATE :rant:

Now that would make Voting a real issue with NO Business or Political Favors allowed. But, of course, Lawyers make these decissions and that's another word for CROOK in our Political System.

Sad :down: Very Very Sad :down:
How 'sincere' can one be if they spend 140 million to get a job that pays 200,000 ?
Crooked , evil back door power is all that's about !
She'll get in and then approve or vote for some thing supporting some sinister corporation in which she can silently invest in and make billions from .
You could never convince me that someone would spend that much to truly serve the public , never. your saying it is humanly IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to actually
have a genuine heart to serve and maintain their ideals and values...everyone
and I mean EVERYONE is or will become corrupt.

and I thought I was the cynical pessimistic one ???

Yeah people in general sUUUUCK...but (a few) individuals can rise to and live
to higher standards.
hmmm...actually?...what i find "interesting" is....certain facts...such as..

1. Sales of Exotic automobiles have esculated to...get this..Bughotti Veyron...Fastest auto ever made..cost?..$3.5-4.7 Million...status?...


Lambo and Ferrari are like "Backlogged"...meanwhile?..autozone stock is doing real well as the rest of us struggle to keep our clunkers running cause...well?..we're a tad strapped and not in the new car market...btw...has anybody seen detroit lately? :banghead:

2. Exxon/Mobil posted $47 Billion in profit...taxes paid?...$0.00...meanwhile..

between taxes and their fake azz high deductable health care (for those of us...dare i say it?..."fortunate enough to still have such") are lucky to take home 1/2 of what we earn...and?..the muckety mucks are trying to figure out ways of wringing even more out of our joke azz paychecks. :banghead:

i'm thinking outside of the pharmas amd speculators getting all excited about medicinal marijauna becoming our newest buzz term and economic savior?...that this particular game of monopoly is just about it's glarringly obvious that corporate america has formerly monopolized our political governing body to cater to their every whim..which imho?..means that all politicians involved should be judged by the same laws which i was governed by as a former US Marine...which was/is "The U.C.M.J." (uniform code of military justice) as when you are "paid by the people"? is your duty to look after their best health, welfare and intrests...and they...the politicians have definantly not done which case?..i personally find them...GUILTY!...of...

"Dereliction Of Duty"

and imho?..ALL politicians found serving the corporations best intrests rather than the peoples best intrests should be arrested and tried as such...dereliction of duty..which is just about every politician i've ever heard of these days...and the lobbiest?...should all be found guilty of crimes against the american people via "Bribery Of An Elected Official"..

so...the game is's time to collect ALL the money....ALL "The Titles"....spit on the cheating azz winners and start we can ALL have fun playing "The Game" again

But?...thats just me...L8R, Bill. :cool:
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Has anyone noticed how conveniently the newest bomb threat has been found and handled? These bombs being sent from Yemen via package flights.

And since when does this warrant Obama the Great (hint: sarcasm) having a press conference to announce it. Just another opportunity to distract voters from the issues. I'm not minimizing terrorism, but come on, quit trying to capitalize on it and quit manipulating the #*$*&%* media.

It's about time we start ignoring the "news" media. They clearly are not open and non-opinionated. They all have their political agenda and they push it heavily.

I've taken to reading the raw AP newsfeeds, at least then I get to cherry pick what I want to read.
Has anyone noticed how conveniently the newest bomb threat has been found and handled? These bombs being sent from Yemen via package flights.

And since when does this warrant Obama the Great (hint: sarcasm) having a press conference to announce it. Just another opportunity to distract voters from the issues. I'm not minimizing terrorism, but come on, quit trying to capitalize on it and quit manipulating the #*$*&%* media.

It's about time we start ignoring the "news" media. They clearly are not open and non-opinionated. They all have their political agenda and they push it heavily.

I've taken to reading the raw AP newsfeeds, at least then I get to cherry pick what I want to read.

Pandanin..1st?..i'd like to say that your avatar speaks volumes..though i'm not a member nor a fan..but i will say your on track...and speaking of "tracks"?...check this one out...dems?...pubs?...dont the song says...we're all the same...and?...our own worst enemies...

- STYX- The Grand Illusion[/url]

L8R, Bill. :cool:
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hmmm...actually?...what i find "interesting" is....certain facts...such as..

1. Sales of Exotic automobiles have esculated to...get this..Bughotti Veyron...Fastest auto ever made..cost?..$3.5-4.7 Million...status?...


Lambo and Ferrari are like "Backlogged"...meanwhile?..autozone stock is doing real well as the rest of us struggle to keep our clunkers running cause...well?..we're a tad strapped and not in the new car market...btw...has anybody seen detroit lately? :banghead:

2. Exxon/Mobil posted $47 Billion in profit...taxes paid?...$0.00...meanwhile..

between taxes and their fake azz high deductable health care (for those of us...dare i say it?..."fortunate enough to still have such") are lucky to take home 1/2 of what we earn...and?..the muckety mucks are trying to figure out ways of wringing even more out of our joke azz paychecks. :banghead:

i'm thinking outside of the pharmas amd speculators getting all excited about medicinal marijauna becoming our newest buzz term and economic savior?...that this particular game of monopoly is just about it's glarringly obvious that corporate america has formerly monopolized our political governing body to cater to their every whim..which imho?..means that all politicians involved should be judged by the same laws which i was governed by as a former US Marine...which was/is "The U.C.M.J." (uniform code of military justice) as when you are "paid by the people"? is your duty to look after their best health, welfare and intrests...and they...the politicians have definantly not done which case?..i personally find them...GUILTY!...of...

"Dereliction Of Duty"

and imho?..ALL politicians found serving the corporations best intrests rather than the peoples best intrests should be arrested and tried as such...dereliction of duty..which is just about every politician i've ever heard of these days...and the lobbiest?...should all be found guilty of crimes against the american people via "Bribery Of An Elected Official"..

so...the game is's time to collect ALL the money....ALL "The Titles"....spit on the cheating azz winners and start we can ALL have fun playing "The Game" again

But?...thats just me...L8R, Bill. :cool:

I think we need to be careful not to demonize corporations. I work for one that
is not making money. 3 manufacturing plants in one city with about 150 people
per plant to the tune of about 7 mil a month down to one plant with maybe
50 people not even hitting 500,000 in total build (and that's only when we work, which is hit and miss).

My point is, I want corporation to do well, we need the jobs.

Also, corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES...YOU DO. They just raise prices. You tax
the crap out of a corporation you just force a price hike in their product that
has a good chance of putting them out of the market and out of business, and
less jobs.

Granted I'm against abuse and backroom deals, however what I really want is
govt' to get the hell out of the private sector regulations and all and let free
enterprise work.

Imagine if all regulation bs was removed from the car industry and the chains were
off, and detroit was free to make the cars people wanted.

A bigger crime than the corporations back deals are the dems and the UNION BS
that is going on with SEIU, etc. They spend BILLIONS IN BAILOUT MONEY proping
...and your complaining about the corporations ???
