Call me silly, but I have always backed the President, no matter who I voted for...I did vote for GW and I hate seeing everyone slam him at every soon we forget how fuggin' embarrasing it was to have a Prez in office getting all the attention for getting some in the Oval Office, or that JFK for all his glory had rumors swirling around while his wife stood by his side, that Carter didn't go in and get the American hostages in Iran and Reagan did, that I hear so many bash Reagan for his Presidency yet he was incredibly'll never please everyone, but I do think as Americans, in the VERY LEAST we owe it to our current President, whomever he (or she) is, some respect...
Clinton...what a fuggin' joke and smear on America, but you know what? Had 9/11 happened then and he took us to war, I would have backed him too...