Not good news for the country this morning!

This is from the Tea Party Movement web site and one of their core beliefs:

Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, (Unless of course you were a slave or a woman) as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business.

It is sort of ironic to me because didn't our founding fathers own slaves and utilize slave labor to become prosperous? That is not meant as a criticism of our founding fathers but as an example of the nearsightedness of the members of the Tea Party Movement.
Well that took all of about 1 minute to figure out this is not what was on the site...

If you are going to inject your own views, you should note them as such... going to be re-writing history books next ?

"From the DNC site" "you are welcome to join the democratic party as long as you tow our party line, the "beat down" of opposing views is our primary goal"

Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots - About Us

  • A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Our current government’s interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty; therefore, we demand limited government.
If they thought they could get by with it, in a heartbeat. That group is made up overwhelmingly by people who think the country would be better off with women and minorities in their place, and we all know what that is......
Southern democrats that fought against civil rights are the same ones who are now southern republicans. You know, the folks who don't think that one of "those people" should be leading "their" country. The nominal Christian, it's-my-country-give-it-back-to-me, white people are the new minority backwards thinking fools.

I certainly hope your history teacher is out of a job because they failed you's a little recap for you.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Be sure to read the 2nd sentence and further down the part about Emancipation Proclamation.
If they thought they could get by with it, in a heartbeat. That group is made up overwhelmingly by people who think the country would be better off with women and minorities in their place, and we all know what that is......
Southern democrats that fought against civil rights are the same ones who are now southern republicans. You know, the folks who don't think that one of "those people" should be leading "their" country. The nominal Christian, it's-my-country-give-it-back-to-me, white people are the new minority backwards thinking fools.

That's a personal opinion, which is fine, but in the vids I've caught I seem to remember lots of women and other minorities. What's funny is that people that have worked for what they have regardless of sex or race feel this way.
Gee, what happened for the years before the civil war? Prior to this dramatic growth you speak of?:rofl:
My point was that the US economy would not be the power it was without the financial benefit of slavery. I didn't bring it into this topic, but will certainly comment on it once its thrown out there....

I guess we need to really step back then without Columbus we wouldn't exist, and without our founding fathers we would be citizens of England.........
So according to you we'd be in the same boat if we were still growing crops and cotton as our primary sources of trade commodities?
Where did I say that?

AH was slavery that made the dramatic're SO right! :rofl:
So all the money that slave owners made floated off onto an island somewhere? It didn't have any effect on the economy? you're sticking to your story....China would be what...#3 in GDP given slave labor 50 years ago? :laugh::laugh: I don't know if I should laugh myself or forward your thoughts on to my professor whom I still talk with.....he'd get a laugh out of your material as well.
Yes I'm sticking to the fact that China would be a bigger economic power if it had 50 years of slave labor without any consequences. Share it with whomever you wish, eventually somebody will show you the point I'm trying to explain, hopefully they will do it in terms you can understand, as you are obviously having difficulty with mine....
Don't need to talk about it. I live it.

You LIVE IT?? Don't even start there Mr. Brown! That sickens me to even hear you say it.....send you back 250 years, change your skin tone, put you picking cotton and then talk about living it. Anyone with that twisted sort of view today should be ashamed to talk that way after so many slaves suffered, fought and eventually gained their freedom. Being 8 generations out of slavery is NOT living it.
Where did I say that?

So all the money that slave owners made floated off onto an island somewhere? It didn't have any effect on the economy?

Yes I'm sticking to the fact that China would be a bigger economic power if it had 50 years of slave labor without any consequences. Share it with whomever you wish, eventually somebody will show you the point I'm trying to explain, hopefully they will do it in terms you can understand, as you are obviously having difficulty with mine....
You said we wouldn't be where we're at today with it....that's where.....

Yeah...all that money helped Henry Ford launch the modern assembly line.

Keep on thinking that about China.
What I have a hard time understanding is someone with your nonsense. Seems you're the only one here sticking to the story that slavery created what America is today. Must be because you're LIVING IT right now eh?
Would love to continue this discussion, but gotta run and help a friend move.
Yes I live the aftermath, the socio-economic effects of slavery every day. We all do. I was in no way suggesting that I have the market on that cornered.......
I'm glad it sickens you to hear people say that, it should.
Will be back on to correct the rest of your misunderstanding of what I say later....:rofl:
Would love to continue this discussion, but gotta run and help a friend move.
Yes I live the aftermath, the socio-economic effects of slavery every day. We all do. I was in no way suggesting that I have the market on that cornered.......
I'm glad it sickens you to hear people say that, it should.
Will be back on to correct the rest of your misunderstanding of what I say later....:rofl:
Not a misunderstanding....more of a you make no sense to 99% of the world kind of thing. If you're in slavery right now, be sure to send me your address/last known location and I'll alert the feds to get you out of that situation post-haste! I'm surprised you're able to communicate freely, wouldn't have happened in slavery 200 years ago, that's for sure!

Act grateful for your freedoms and don't use nonsense comments like you live slavery today. Why don't we all just say we live under Rome's ruthless tyranny? Makes about as much sense!
American Civil War was the war between two antagonizing economical power, like every other war. There were no humane, nor no noble principles. Every war since a man could throw a sone, was struggle between economical interests.

Lincoln didn't free slaves because he was a good man. He did it because it was politically advantageous. Nothern powers ( yankees ) wanted to end unfair labor practice of the South.

One man kills another man for loaf of bread. We call him savage. One man kills thousands of man for thousands of bread, we call him a hero.

Unless you face the fact that we are savages, we will never progress.
Don't need to talk about it. I live it.

technically we all live it.....but i understand. the problem with the internet is that you never know who you are talking to, and sometimes make judgements about them...w/o any real information of who they are...
Well that took all of about 1 minute to figure out this is not what was on the site...

If you are going to inject your own views, you should note them as such... going to be re-writing history books next ?

"From the DNC site" "you are welcome to join the democratic party as long as you tow our party line, the "beat down" of opposing views is our primary goal"

Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots - About Us

Sorry Bogus, I figures the BOLD and the Parenthesis would make it obvious that I added that as my comment.
American Civil War was the war between two antagonizing economical power, like every other war. There were no humane, nor no noble principles. Every war since a man could throw a sone, was struggle between economical interests.

Lincoln didn't free slaves because he was a good man. He did it because it was politically advantageous. Nothern powers ( yankees ) wanted to end unfair labor practice of the South.

One man kills another man for loaf of bread. We call him savage. One man kills thousands of man for thousands of bread, we call him a hero.

Unless you face the fact that we are savages, we will never progress.

I think you're selling Mr. Lincoln short..........
Also, it's not always economic but about power, sometimes religion, but back to a failing administration :laugh:

Switch and bate at it's best, no.........
I don't believe the Tea Party Movement has anything to do with race. I don't care if you are White, Black, Pink, Green or Yellow: Just that, if you are an American, your heart runs RED WHITE and BLUE.

Their movement is based on conservatism, as a counter to the super liberal wing of the Democratic Party (Code Pink, Jesse Jackson, Homosexual lobby), and because they feel that the Republican Party has moved too far to the center and lost it's way.
why is that when you say people should :

1. work hard
2. educate themselves
3. take responsability for thier lives

you are called a racist?

i pay taxes, and get little in return. the lst time i looked i paid for all children to be educated, not just the white ones....i pay for all people to have un-employemnt ....not just the white folks...