The Market Ticker This web site is primarily for investors, however it demonstrates with hard facts and figures and charts exactly what is going on between the fed, fdic, banks, and congress.
After reading some of our comments on this thread I'm beginning to understand why we're all in the trouble we're in. Looks like we've all be played by the politicians on BOTH sides of the fence. Republicans blame the Democrats, Democrats blame the Republicans, in the meantime they BOTH rob us all blind and give in to their special interest groups! It's a win/win for the politicians and lose/lose for the people.
How do we stop the cycle?
that pretty much nails it... the scum on the pond does not know left/right..
They throw trash out there for the dogs to fight over while they rake in their loot...
What is happening now is a joke.. Obama campaigns not knowing what he did not know... (or worse yet, he knew his promises were empty).. Troop build up? I think he promised a rapid pull out..
Any sitting president is privy to information that we will never know.. He now has the facts and is following the same course of action.. (now this was never pointed out pre-election huh?)
He would get into office, find out some things and have to stay the same course the left was screaming bloody murder about..
The president really is not much more than a talking head for the corrupt that serve below him.. (enter teleprompter)
Does not matter what party you are with, you have to tow the line.. Both sides know it, they just count on the "masses" to bicker and stay at each others throats while they milk the tax payer buffet for all its worth..
All this "reform" going on? it is the rape of the american tax payer..
Join the Tea Party Movement maybe...
Interesting, I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Carter had us in a bigger mess, and Reagan cut taxes to pull us out......
This is from the Tea Party Movement web site and one of their core beliefs:
Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, (Unless of course you were a slave or a woman) as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business.
It is sort of ironic to me because didn't our founding fathers own slaves and utilize slave labor to become prosperous? That is not meant as a criticism of our founding fathers but as an example of the nearsightedness of the members of the Tea Party Movement.
I'm sorry, i must have missed something. Where does the Tea Party movement of today advocate slavery or sexism? I mean, Harry Ried said almost the same thing the other day about the Republicans....huh?
I'd like to think so, but I'm afraid this time we've borrowed so much that a tax cut and resulting economic activity isn't enough.
Since I'm one of those paying these all taxes now (which makes me a GIVER), I'll tell you what I'd do with a tax cut.
#1: Pay my mortgate off. Strengthens the financial system by removing debt.
#2: Buy my wife a new car since her current one is a 2001 model (pay cash). Stimulate the auto industry and regain lost jobs in that sector.
#3: Invest in my family's business. Create small business jobs and help the local economy.
Note: You don't see invest in stock market (which has turned into a speculation game not based on any reality).
What would someone on the other side of the equation do (TAKER)?
#1: Buy beer and cigarettes. Additonal burden on health care system
#2: Not pay down debt already accumulated.
#3: Buy Lottery tickets hoping to 'hit it big'
Yes, I'm over-simplifiying. A tax cut on those that are reinvesting their gains in America is a good thing. My dad always said, "I'd rather work for a rich man than a poor man"; right now being successful appears to be a stigma, but successful people usually CREATE jobs and wealth for others.
Maybe the taxes should be raised to the level they were during the Reagan years?![]()
I was referring to the talking heads we see on the tube every night complaining about the administration and throwing the word socialist around as if it's the worst form of politics there is....You need to go back a few pages and start reading because I've already complained about corporate welfare. The big difference is they pay in where the other group only takes. And you're right IMO the corporate bailouts that have occurred is the government rewarding losers.
This is from the Tea Party Movement web site and one of their core beliefs:
Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, (Unless of course you were a slave or a woman) as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business.
It is sort of ironic to me because didn't our founding fathers own slaves and utilize slave labor to become prosperous? That is not meant as a criticism of our founding fathers but as an example of the nearsightedness of the members of the Tea Party Movement.
My point is that they reference a Free Market and then envoke it as being what the founding fathers wanted. When in truth the founding father did NOT have a Free market based on personal freedom as the tea party movement would have you believe.
My point is that they reference a Free Market and then envoke it as being what the founding fathers wanted. When in truth the founding father did NOT have a Free market based on personal freedom as the tea party movement would have you believe.
Dino, I suppose I'm missing your point? What does slavery 200 years ago have to do with today's free market? Are you insinuating there are no rich black people today or that members of the Tea Party Movement would proudly reinstate slavery?![]()
My point is that they reference a Free Market and then envoke it as being what the founding fathers wanted. When in truth the founding father did NOT have a Free market based on personal freedom as the tea party movement would have you believe.
Tuf see above.
I'm with Tufbusa on this one, I think you are having a "split focus" moment. This country was founded on the free market, what does that have to do with slavery? Slavery was (and is) an abomonation but it has nothing to do with the free market. To put it bluntly slaves were traded on the free market as were any of the other commodities of the time. ???
One of the reasons the US economy was ever as powerful as it was in the past is slavery. Imagine if you could have someone go to work for you for just one year while you did something else, and they had to give you the paycheck that they recieved. Now multiply that by millions and tell me that slavery had no effect on the economic might of this country.
If you don't believe people had slaves for economic reasonsThe US economy was ever so powerful in the 1830's-1850's? My economics professor didn't cover that!The industrial revolution is what triggered the economic might of the US, and what's doing it for China right now...not slavery.
Slavery is still going on today, so anyone with strong feelings against it should hop on the next flight out and put an end to it worldwide! Talking about slavery in the US that was abolished over 150 years ago by one of the greatest presidents is a moot point unless you're going to do something about the fact that it is still going on to this day.
One of the reasons the US economy was ever as powerful as it was in the past is slavery. Imagine if you could have someone go to work for you for just one year while you did something else, and they had to give you the paycheck that they recieved. Now multiply that by millions and tell me that slavery had no effect on the economic might of this country.