Not good news for the country this morning!

Correct. Family Joe made a CHOICE to have 5 kids vs. the single Joe that made the choice NOT to...I'd have a problem with punishing single Joe for choosing not to have children...

I don't think that's what I said. What I was getting at is your cost of living is untaxed and your "frivalous" purchases are. When ceos purchase personal planes and write them off as bus expense they wouldn't be able to under flat tax. Pay for status not lifestyle.
Posted via Mobile Device
clearly he inherited a tuff presidancy. those polls don't mean much. i am not even sure where you go to take those polls
Polls are for the illiterate. The dog that can be led around is not the dog that hunts.
After reading some of our comments on this thread I'm beginning to understand why we're all in the trouble we're in. Looks like we've all be played by the politicians on BOTH sides of the fence. Republicans blame the Democrats, Democrats blame the Republicans, in the meantime they BOTH rob us all blind and give in to their special interest groups! It's a win/win for the politicians and lose/lose for the people.

How do we stop the cycle?
Hillary would have been even worse. Democrats are out for one thing and one thing turn this nation into a socialist hellhole. Thank you, but no thank you.

Well Rev, congratulations, just as I was agreeing with both sides of this discussion you succeeded in personalizing and insulting any American that chooses to be a Democrat. Good job, it that part of your "Christian" approach?
only action by the people will be in the best intrest of the people... get involved or shut up
I think then what you see is the burden switched over to the deeper pockets of business... they in turn DO NOT have to take it, up root and head for China, MX or some other country...

Manufacturers moving out is based on pure greed. The consumer has and will always pay.
There are portion of population abuses the system. This portion of parasites consists of both spectrum of econo-social group. But that's no excuse for not providing affordable health care system for all. At least understand of it's importance and work on it. That's what Hilary did. She had to suffer and bare all the political bombarment. She compromised and negotiated.

Hundred years later, the history will reveal what a hero she reallly is. The Universal health system will come, and that will be her legacy.

That's funny. I will certainly remember her for starting this mess, along with lots of other things, but that's another thread, and she's irrelevant
But the rich ones that abuse the system are rewarded with bail-out money when they screw up, and nobody cries that it's "Socialist". When the poor do it they are scum of the earth lazy worthless sub-humans. Only difference is their political affiliation........

You need to go back a few pages and start reading because I've already complained about corporate welfare. The big difference is they pay in where the other group only takes. And you're right IMO the corporate bailouts that have occurred is the government rewarding losers.
How can a person change the world in 10.5 months that it took others before him years to bring down...The ark wasn't built in a day,look how strong it was with time and help from others instead of them tearing noah down...What have you done today as you drink your latte to better the world?when was last time you donated your time to a good cause?this not aimed at just you but each and everyone that reads this message.I'm not even about politics but am about people...spare a dollar for a cup of coffee for less fortunate next time it comes upon you..if we aren't part of a soulution we are part of the problem...The world is in bad shape we as people gotta turn it around,folks make 2 times less today than 3 years ago cause they pay for the cheapest thing they can find,which in turn trickles down hill are you feeling the crunch?

I tell you I look at the people commiting suicide as they are no better than a terrosist,they make others feel like it's okay.I learned as a kid (love my parents for this lesson,Thanks mom,dad and my loving grandmothers),you must learn to do more with less so when you got more of something you learn to use it with respect and with consideration...I'm 36 yrs old not one single credit card,no motorcycle,car or truck payment,sold my trucking company & house when market was booming(made a little money),don't owe a bank nothing,anything I got is owned out right,and I thank the Lord daily for the gift to work on motorcycles,parts sales and my knowledge is just a gift but a plus.What I'm trying to say is even though I made $$ back then I didn't blow it buying a bigger house,trying to have the latest best gadgets,all the old ones worked fine,didn't buy a new truck(my 98 dodge works fine),and I don't drive it much anyways,lol.I love to volunteer helping folks less fortunate than me,and will continue too till I leave this earth....We as people have to go back to the old ways to survive like we saw our parents do as we grew(if they helped others),help your fellow man don't watch them will get it back ten fold..
+100 Very well said, people are looking for a miracle worker. You can't fix overnight what has been torn apart for years. Have to blame someone I guess.
didnt even make it past the first page of this thread but I'll just say....I DIDNT vote this time simply because there was no one worth voting for. :whistle: I'm just along for the ride for the next four years. I just hope the train doesnt crash before then.???

You have an opportunity to make a difference in 2010 duringh mid-term elections.......
You know where that surplus mostly came from? You remember the 'peace dividend? Bill Clinton castrated the military; the Army was 50% smaller from the end of the Gulf War I to the start of Gulf War II...while it's true that savings surely helped the country, GWB had to go and spend it all over again to bring our military back up to strength to fight GWOT. Yes, the war is eating our economy alive, but better than the alternative....I find it fascinating that after Obama ran on the 'kindler, gentler USA" platform, that he's now having to do exactly what he and the Democratic party berated GWB to no end about (surge in Afghanistan). Of course, I don't see Code Pink, or hear hourly news reports about soldiers dying in Iraq anymore (funny how that happened, isn't it?)

You're right because Clinton's weakening of our military allowed a couple dozen men to nearly destroy our country. 911 came very close, but the public is unaware. Besides I hate to keep informing you , but Congress appropriates all expenditures.......
Takers at the top are known as CRIMINALS just like the Takers at the bottom. Both of them deserve my contempt. Either you are GIVING TO the system, or TAKING FROM IT.

I'm not defending those cheating the system on either end of the spectrum, but when the top 3% of wage earners are paying 97% of the taxes...something has gotta give.

The reality is (as much as I hate to say it), we are going to HAVE to raise taxes to get us out of this hole we have dug our children into. But, there are also going to HAVE TO BE SOME THINGS WE DO WITHOUT as a Government, too. Not sure we can do without a strong defense, but know we can do without socialized health care, and the plethora of entitlement (isn't that such a 'nice' word) programs currently in place. Too many people won't work because the can make almost as much sitting on their azz - I've personally witnessed it. I can guarantee I could find a job if it had to. Why? Because i can at least read and write, speak the language (albiet redneck), and i don't do drugs and have some self-discipline.

I'm rambling and I need to stop i have some WORK to do.

Interesting, I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Carter had us in a bigger mess, and Reagan cut taxes to pull us out......
+100 Very well said, people are looking for a miracle worker. You can't fix overnight what has been torn apart for years. Have to blame someone I guess.

I remember two Presidents that did it. John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Both cut taxes.
The dems are crooks to include some GOP members. Obama is totally sold out to the special intrest groups. We need a true conservative to run this country. God help our country because it is going to hell. Pray for our survival.
After reading some of our comments on this thread I'm beginning to understand why we're all in the trouble we're in. Looks like we've all be played by the politicians on BOTH sides of the fence. Republicans blame the Democrats, Democrats blame the Republicans, in the meantime they BOTH rob us all blind and give in to their special interest groups! It's a win/win for the politicians and lose/lose for the people.

How do we stop the cycle?

that pretty much nails it... the scum on the pond does not know left/right..

They throw trash out there for the dogs to fight over while they rake in their loot...

What is happening now is a joke.. Obama campaigns not knowing what he did not know... (or worse yet, he knew his promises were empty).. Troop build up? I think he promised a rapid pull out..

Any sitting president is privy to information that we will never know.. He now has the facts and is following the same course of action.. (now this was never pointed out pre-election huh? :laugh: )

He would get into office, find out some things and have to stay the same course the left was screaming bloody murder about..

The president really is not much more than a talking head for the corrupt that serve below him.. (enter teleprompter)

Does not matter what party you are with, you have to tow the line.. Both sides know it, they just count on the "masses" to bicker and stay at each others throats while they milk the tax payer buffet for all its worth..

All this "reform" going on? it is the rape of the american tax payer..
After reading some of our comments on this thread I'm beginning to understand why we're all in the trouble we're in. Looks like we've all be played by the politicians on BOTH sides of the fence. Republicans blame the Democrats, Democrats blame the Republicans, in the meantime they BOTH rob us all blind and give in to their special interest groups! It's a win/win for the politicians and lose/lose for the people.

How do we stop the cycle?

Join the Tea Party Movement maybe...
Besides I hate to keep informing you , but Congress appropriates all expenditures.......

You'd like to think that, and that's what's really got me ticked at the moment. The latest was that the administration wants to keep the TARP money that has been returned and/or has not been used, and wants to use it for another program WITHOUT going thru another appropriation process. That money should be returned to lower the original borrow, and the administration should have to make another case, with Congressional debate and a reappropriation.

I guess I should't complain, it's stuff like this that will eventually put this administration out of office.