Not good news for the country this morning!

Health care is not a reward. It's basic human neccesity; i.e., clean water and air. You lack such neccesities, you die.

At least you didn't step in it by saying a right. Nothing wrong with healthcare, we have it and don't mess up and say those unfortunates don't or I'll call you out. Clean water and air, not a problem, but we do live in a global environment and humans overall don't have that great of an impact. Please don't take us back to love canal and 1960. Your forward thinking countries you tossed out are the ones lacking these basic necessities .
We elected a great president. Our generation will be respected for years to come.

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have hopes he will be a great president. Help me out here and tell me something he has done that's GREAT? :dunno:
What percentage of federal budget is allocated to this shamless act?
This is "Welfare" only..

US Welfare Spending 1792-2014 - Charts

Entitlements is a broad category whereas most people generally mean the Welfare Program. US government lists 2009 expenses budgeted for Welfare at 395.4 billion compared to 736.2 billion for pensions, 784.2 billion for health, 821.7 billion for defense (not including emergency requests for Iraq), and 91.7 for education (other data not listed) with a total of 3,997.2 billion of a total federal expense.
Just in food stamps alone, there are 35M people using them.. 1 in 8 people

IN 2006
filed income tax returns..
had 0 (zero) liabilities in these returns (owed nothing)

In a country of 306M people, less than 100M are paying for the ride... you want to know why we are sinking?

This is not any one politicians fault.. it is the peoples fault..

One group for being like that, the other group for allowing it to go on so long...

lazy, wont vote, want the free ride....... take your pick..

If you are unwilling to finish school, unwilling to work, more than happy to live off the govt, how can you be expected to make good decisions on anything?
my wife is a hardcore rep. so i have learned to keep my mouth shut, plus she is alot smarter than me when it comes to this subject, the last time i bashed bush she didn't speak to me for days.

When I was born FDR was pres. So I remember the real presidents. But my
politics are like John Wayne and James Stewart, not much hope for us dreamers. Pointless to bash Obama. He's just following orders. Got my operations done before they start euthanizing seniors.:whistle: Kennedy
tried to prevent Wall St and the banks from taking over....sure hope we don't
have another Oswald.. what a mess.
Damn Bogus, that is the best post you have put up in a while! Some really good food for thought there! Thanks for the info! :beerchug:
This is "Welfare" only..

US Welfare Spending 1792-2014 - Charts

Just in food stamps alone, there are 35M people using them.. 1 in 8 people

IN 2006
filed income tax returns..
had 0 (zero) liabilities in these returns (owed nothing)

In a country of 306M people, less than 100M are paying for the ride... you want to know why we are sinking?

The Tax Foundation - Number of Americans Paying Zero Federal Income Tax Grows to 43.4 Million

This is not any one politicians fault.. it is the peoples fault..

One group for being like that, the other group for allowing it to go on so long...

lazy, wont vote, want the free ride....... take your pick..

If you are unwilling to finish school, unwilling to work, more than happy to live off the govt, how can you be expected to make good decisions on anything?

And what portion of that numbers are misused?
And what portion of that numbers are misused?
well now there is a golden question.... but I would not be at all surprised if it was not 50% or more.. Considering the amount of corruption and theft just in the foodstamps program.. it could be even higher..
well now there is a golden question.... but I would not be at all surprised if it was not 50% or more.. Considering the amount of corruption and theft just in the foodstamps program.. it could be even higher..

So why don't we inverstigate?
damn it i did not want to get involved in this, but didn't obama say he wanted our troops out of this mess and now he is sending more in to a war we can't win.
So why don't we inverstigate?
because the very people that would investigate rely on these same people for a job..

Cut off the hand that feeds you?

Then is pizzes of the people that are getting the free ride, they threaten the politician that got them the handout in the first place, that person in fear of upsetting his voter base stops it...

when you have such a large number of people, I think the problem becomes self propagating...

I think then what you see is the burden switched over to the deeper pockets of business... they in turn DO NOT have to take it, up root and head for China, MX or some other country...
How strong is the political action group of wellfare abusers? What's their voting rate? What is their media outlet? I didn't know they were that powerful....
How strong is the political action group of wellfare abusers? What's their voting rate? What is their media outlet? I didn't know they were that powerful....
all they need to do is be LOUD.... ACORN is a great example how a very vocal minority can influence things... they were caught pretty much red handed ripping the system off... happens on both sides.. they just got caught..

again, it falls on the people not participating and voting locally... starts at the bottom... people got to get off their tired working butts and find good people and put them in office... Think they might just be too tired to do it.. :)
How come socialism was okay when it was a republican idea? Does nobody remember too big to fail?
I've said it before and I will repeat it ad nauseum: We are arguing over petty trivialities while the military-industrial complex creates a political ruling class that screws our eyeballs out. Look at Bogus' post about the budget. Defense spending is over 8 times the amount spent on education (and this was before requests for more due to war). Nobody wonders why that is? Anybody that questions it is a traitor? What is this country becoming?
Those who honestly expected Obama or anyone else to have cleaned the mess up within the first year were dreaming. It took 8 years for the budget SURPLUS that Bush inherited to become the DEFECIT that it was when Obama was elected, how the hell do you figure he can fix it in 10 months?
There are portion of population abuses the system. This portion of parasites consists of both spectrum of econo-social group. But that's no excuse for not providing affordable health care system for all. At least understand of it's importance and work on it. That's what Hilary did. She had to suffer and bare all the political bombarment. She compromised and negotiated.

Hundred years later, the history will reveal what a hero she reallly is. The Universal health system will come, and that will be her legacy.
There are portion of population abuses the system. This portion of parasites consists of both spectrum of econo-social group.

But the rich ones that abuse the system are rewarded with bail-out money when they screw up, and nobody cries that it's "Socialist". When the poor do it they are scum of the earth lazy worthless sub-humans. Only difference is their political affiliation........
didnt even make it past the first page of this thread but I'll just say....I DIDNT vote this time simply because there was no one worth voting for. :whistle: I'm just along for the ride for the next four years. I just hope the train doesnt crash before then.???
Tea Party people are nothing more than FOX news aficionados; simply another example of right wing Obama bashers.. Fed up and willing to stand up only after we have an other than anglo president. ???

I sincerely hope to God you don't really mean that statement............
99% of the people don't care about color, it is the actions of the person that mean everything. This president is NOT a president, he is a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST, no business experience, but he is taking over car manufacturing, no finance experience, but he has heavy handed the banking industry. We need a professional to run the country, not a Hater from the Chicago Bario, the second most corrupt city in the U.S....................NYC being the first.
I sincerely hope to God you don't really mean that statement............
99% of the people don't care about color, it is the actions of the person that mean everything. This president is NOT a president, he is a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST, no business experience, but he is taking over car manufacturing, no finance experience, but he has heavy handed the banking industry. We need a professional to run the country, not a Hater from the Chicago Bario, the second most corrupt city in the U.S....................NYC being the first.

....and George Washinton was a surveyor.....Jesus was a carpenter.....Gandi was a self employed garment maker....
How come socialism was okay when it was a republican idea? Does nobody remember too big to fail?
I've said it before and I will repeat it ad nauseum: We are arguing over petty trivialities while the military-industrial complex creates a political ruling class that screws our eyeballs out. Look at Bogus' post about the budget. Defense spending is over 8 times the amount spent on education (and this was before requests for more due to war). Nobody wonders why that is? Anybody that questions it is a traitor? What is this country becoming?
Those who honestly expected Obama or anyone else to have cleaned the mess up within the first year were dreaming. It took 8 years for the budget SURPLUS that Bush inherited to become the DEFECIT that it was when Obama was elected, how the hell do you figure he can fix it in 10 months?

You know where that surplus mostly came from? You remember the 'peace dividend? Bill Clinton castrated the military; the Army was 50% smaller from the end of the Gulf War I to the start of Gulf War II...while it's true that savings surely helped the country, GWB had to go and spend it all over again to bring our military back up to strength to fight GWOT. Yes, the war is eating our economy alive, but better than the alternative....I find it fascinating that after Obama ran on the 'kindler, gentler USA" platform, that he's now having to do exactly what he and the Democratic party berated GWB to no end about (surge in Afghanistan). Of course, I don't see Code Pink, or hear hourly news reports about soldiers dying in Iraq anymore (funny how that happened, isn't it?)
I sincerely hope to God you don't really mean that statement............
99% of the people don't care about color, it is the actions of the person that mean everything. This president is NOT a president, he is a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST, no business experience, but he is taking over car manufacturing, no finance experience, but he has heavy handed the banking industry. We need a professional to run the country, not a Hater from the Chicago Bario, the second most corrupt city in the U.S....................NYC being the first.
Are you F"in serious? He is THE president, duly elected. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it not true.....
A hater from the Chicago bario? Seriously? Holy $hit, wtf difference does it make where he came from?
Heavy handed the banking industry? Bush GAVE them free fu#$&%g money, and because Obama wants them to account for it he's wrong? The auto industry shot itself in the face decades ago by steadfastly refusing to change.
We need a professional to run the country? Professional what? Idiot? Had that last go round. Somebody else's turn now.