My 2011 Coast to Coast Round trip plan (Under 5 days)

I had thought about it, but I really want to push myself and get it done in the shortest amount of time possible. There are alot of people telling me that I cant do it, and I want to prove them wrong. Its one of those, if you put your mind to it, you can do it.

Granted, I know im gonna be super tempted to stop in alot of places...including vegas...but maybe that will be for another time. I want to have as much continuous video as possible...I just think that when i collect all the video it will be really cool to have and we can make some really neat cuts with the footage.

Maybe in 2012 ill do a tour instead of an endurance ride :)
Best of luck to you with your journey Snakers! I'm in LA with a couple of other riders. I'm sure we could arrange a fast oil change for you... :beerchug:
Best of luck to you with your journey Snakers! I'm in LA with a couple of other riders. I'm sure we could arrange a fast oil change for you... :beerchug:

Id love that. And how about some company on my way out of LA? Possibly to the state line? :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I hear ya... everyone kept trying to discourage me about doing the trip too... they couldn't believe that I was going to do this on my own, the inherited dangers of doing such a long trip, for so many days, in a "foreign" country, etc... After a while, I was doing it as much to prove the others wrong as I was doing it for myself!!

Again... not trying to say "don't do it"... just saying that from my experience, I know I wouldn't be able to do that much distance in such a short time.
Right now I have a couple different ones I am exploring. I am going to set up a facebook and twitter to keep things organized to. When I feel like Ive finalized my route, ill post it up. I want to try and make sure I dont have too long of stretches of road without gas stations.
when I did the IBA SaddleSore (1,000 miles in 24 hrs) a few weeks ago, we needed to top off the gas tank around 170 miles (on average) regardless of the low fuel light coming on or not. Best of luck with this quest of yours :)
HINT: call your credit card in advance so they now you will be on a coast-to-coast trip so they will not SUSPEND your card (safety measure vs. theft)
P.S. Pencil me in as a MAYBE for your Los Angeles to POINT XX :thumbsup:
Snakers, good luck in your journey. You mentioned at some point here that you haven't travelled much and maybe not very far on your bike. Do as you wish, but you might try a smaller "test run" first, say to Miami and back, a north-to-south coast-to-coast trip. That'll give you some idea about what is really involved in mega-distance riding.

The other thing is that fatigue can set in and lead to bad, very bad consequences on the 99 percent unfamiliar highways you are travelling. Coast to coast in five days seems unreal to me.

Be well, and more importantly, be safe. Good luck!
You might want to look up the IBA site and read as many 50 CC road trip reports as they have. That's Coast to Coast in 50 or less hours. You'll get a hint about what your facing, along with the 100 CC which is Coast to Coast and back to the starting Coast in 100 hours or less. If your not use to riding long distances, my suggestion is to START NOW. Do a 1000 miler (or Saddle Sore as we call it) and see how you feel. Long rides need to be built up too. Very few people can do what your planning who have never rode one before. :beerchug:
GoPro Hero HD in lowest quality mode, power wired to bike, with about 20 32GB SD cards oughtta do it....My body could not take it.
get yourself some diaper sponsorship. It'll save you alot of down town. Good luck

Why don't you first attempt a long weekend ride say of 1k miles first so you can get a taste before you attempt a coast to coast.
That's one hell of a trip in a short time. Best of luck and as others have stated maybe try a long thousand mile or so weekend trip just to get a taste.
Holoy cow Snakers! This is the rooting tootoinest trip possible. In lamb's humble opinion, you are a crazy person, no offense. Thats awhole lotta miles covered in no time. Please consider increasing your time frame for this ride as the danger level goes up with fatigue and for so much of ther ride you are far away from home. Lamb envys your gun-ho-ness though. You don't need an oil change half way though. That steed will make it no problem with an oil change before and an oil change after.
Holoy cow Snakers! This is the rooting tootoinest trip possible. In lamb's humble opinion, you are a crazy person, no offense. Thats awhole lotta miles covered in no time. Please consider increasing your time frame for this ride as the danger level goes up with fatigue and for so much of ther ride you are far away from home. Lamb envys your gun-ho-ness though. You don't need an oil change half way though. That steed will make it no problem with an oil change before and an oil change after.

I wouldnt be pleased with myself if I didnt complete this task in 5 days or less.
I am attempting to talk a friend of mine to ride to florida and back before the season ends this year.
ok i'll say it, :poke: i don't think you can do it:cookoo:

i only know 2 people that could, John Bolin and Dave Zien, John won the iron butt rally 11,000mi in 11 days - he did it in 7 days 9hrs, and Dave is the million mile "Harley Man". both are very serious about what they do, and have been doing it for years.

you said you have never done 1000mi days, rather less a few of them in a row.

i have done 3 in a row and would still not try it. the 1st day is easy, the 2nd day might be easyish, but it builds up on you, making mile 3000 seem like forever away. and geting tired on the road can kill you Quick! i once took a cloverleaf exit at 90mph on accident because i was tired, almost ended really bad, but i was luckey.

i live for the long ride,

:poke:i just don't think you can do it :stirpot: now prove me wrong :super:

hay, wait a second, no one has said this yet either :worthless:
ok i'll say it, :poke: i don't think you can do it:cookoo:

i only know 2 people that could, John Bolin and Dave Zien, John won the iron butt rally 11,000mi in 11 days - he did it in 7 days 9hrs, and Dave is the million mile "Harley Man". both are very serious about what they do, and have been doing it for years.

you said you have never done 1000mi days, rather less a few of them in a row.

i have done 3 in a row and would still not try it. the 1st day is easy, the 2nd day might be easyish, but it builds up on you, making mile 3000 seem like forever away. and geting tired on the road can kill you Quick! i once took a cloverleaf exit at 90mph on accident because i was tired, almost ended really bad, but i was luckey.

i live for the long ride,

:poke:i just don't think you can do it :stirpot: now prove me wrong :super:

hay, wait a second, no one has said this yet either :worthless:

When I am finished, Ill set up an FTP where you can download the footage and waste 90+ hours of your life watching if youd like :)

I might have found a buddy to go with me "if work allows him to take vacation time" :)