yea basically their design is 4 a 330 tire, so ur 360 would b offset unless they send a 4inch offset sporcket and space the osd out a lil bit further. but if not basically offset ur 360 wheel bout half an inch. im not exact on 360 measurements but the 330 is about 1 3/32 wider than 300 so 360 is about the same larger than 330. but from sandy's discussions with me basically he is the only authorized seller of osd by itself but another catch is he can place the order but roaring toyz builds it so mind is waiting for them 2 finish and ship. and they just changed out their cnc machines and my parts got held up. but i will tell u this if u talk 2 sandy and he places ur order then it will b done, so now just get 2 workin on the swingarm and wheels.