Damn... I hate to hear shiat like this... These people will get whats coming to them..... I hope your bike gets recovered or these nasties get caught....
goood luck on findn the bastids... that sucks .. a man works hard to get the things that he wants. and some assxole takes it... i hope u find them and the bike.
Man Taze that sucks just got the thing.
Too bad we didn't live closer.
I have an idea for those that live in apartments, and want their bikes safe at night
A bike a small jail cell....Measures 50" wide and 7' long.......ride yer bike in and lock it up.
Have a guy who's interested, but haven't started yet......I'll post pics if he wants me to build it
If you can could build one, to protect your bikes.
Just an idea!!
!@#$%^ !@#$%^ &@#$%^&

Just want to beat the crap out of a guy like that. Sorry for your pain. Stay on the police and burn that azzhole.
dude im sorry for that that is my biggest fear (besides the obvious) i hope they get the plates and nail their nuts to the ground
Un-freaking believable! I am at a loss of words.

The van was most likely stolen though. Hope the police finds the bastards.:(
..sorry to hear that..

Here in Greece, bike theft is a real Pain in the a**, and most of the bikes are never recovered.

Hoping that you will be lucky with yours - those guys that got it need "the full treatment" by a comittee of this forum.., THIS is what I would call "correctional proccedure".. heart goes out to you. Sunday night some scumsucker cut the locks at on of my stores and stole a complete boat and trailer from the yard. Here's the kicker: the boat they took belonged to one of my best friends. It was in for some stereo work, and they took it instead of one of the 125 other brand new boats they had to choose from.

Thieves suck.....we don't punish criminals harshly enough in this mamby pamby liberal state we live in.

Good luck, dude....hope we both find our stuff.

Look for the van and be sure to pay attention to the rims. Then go around and ask some young chics do they know of a van with 20's on it, they'll probably know something. They won't know enough about bikes, but maybe that can get you to the van that will lead you to the bike. Do all this on top of prayer. Also, check around to see if anyone has asked about a frame anywhere. They're so new it'll be hard to switch out overnight, and from what I understand, the engine can't be put into any previous R1. Just say white van with big rims, and check all type of neighborhoods. Thieves come in all colors these days.

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Unfortunately it seems like stealing from those who have something they can't get themselves is the American Way in the 21st century. Sorry for your loss.
What did I tell you guys... I had just told you guys on another post last week that your security stuff is pretty worthless because that is exactly how they do it... They come with a truck, pick up the bike, and break security later...

If you really want to protect your bike, get a garage, and don't take it to questionable places....

Sorry to hear about the bike man... With a bike, it really is hard trying to secure it from theft...
Damn boy!!! how could you get a brand new bike with only liability on it if you had to take a loan out on it... or maybe you just paid it off...

Must be nice...

On the other had, I have had my own experience with only have liability insurance on a car. Had an accident with no witnesses and the other party stated that I ran the red light, just like I stated on them... In the end, I walked away with $2200 car bill the first day I bought the car!!!

I have never even thought of carrying JUST liability insurance on anything anymore... The fact of the matter is, if you can't afford to protect your new toy, better find another toy... because you are going to need good insurance one day for that situation that just ain't covered...

Again man, sorry again about the bike... I hope I am not sounding like I am lecturing because that is the last thing you want to hear on the day you get F#$%ed. I know, I have been there....

What can you do now that it has happend to you?

Well... I ended up paying for the car myself and I couldn't get anyone to cough up cash for it. At this point, your best bet, is to find the bike. If you want some advice... I bet it is someone that lives around you that had this done. I would look for suspicious parties in the area and do some of your own "following them around." After all, I have known these thieves to follow you directly to your home and you don't even notice...
Not advocating putting yourself in danger in anyway though... It is not worth it.


Whats wrong with the world???
We need to adopt the muslim laws on theft...
You steal???....You get a arm chopped off.....
Thats the bottom line!!





Sorry for your misfortune but you guys have got to GET FULL COVERAGE! If not full coverage, at the very least storage-theft which is cheap. WHY? Because it doesn't matter how much you lock it up, if they want it bad enough they will steal it!

I don't really know what else to say because you could have just as easy taken the bike to a movie and they could have taken it a lot easier.
With that in mind, someone in your complex knows who stole your bike! One of your neighbors has either seen you or the bike and informed someone where it was located and how to get it.

All I can tell you is keep an eye out and you will find your bike.

Best of luck!

Sorry to hear it. This scares me to death with the Busa as I have no insurance on it. F'n thieves.
What I really want to know is... How could some of you not have good insurance on the fastest organ doner made? Does that really sound smart? All, do yourself a favor, get insurance if you don't have it and if you do, make sure its good insurance...

FYI... most of the bike insurance quotes don't even cover health in the case of an accident... In most circumstances, you are hoping your medical insurance will cover you in the case of an accident... (Check it out... Don't be sorry) In many cases, your health insurance won't want to cover it either and will require you to hold additional insurance for this circumstance.

Sorry to here that some low life bottom feeders grabbed your bike. Hope you catch them or get your bike back.