Just had my bikes almost stolen...

I do have a idea who it might of been. I purchased a helmet 3 days ago on craigslist and my wife set it up where he came to our house to deliver it ( he wouldn't give his address ). Seemed a little shady to me..

Agree. Did this guy you bought the helmet from have more than 1 for sale, or was it just the 1 you bought...watch Craigslist to see if that same helmet comes back up for sale, and posted by him.

In the meantime, a loud siren alarm system will be best.
Someone knew exactly what you had in that shed... Hence they brought 5 guys to carry a bike off... How many people know what you keep in there?

And I agree, they will be back... Best of luck to you!
wow duder, i donno if i got anything for ya that hasn't been said already. maybe a little yappy shelter dog to live in the back. keep your scedule unpredictable. stay on it, keep your ears peeled. maybe a motion camera or two???
good luck.
No Guns Needed ...this is all you need :thumbsup: Mastiff

With FIVE guys against you, and your weak state of health and poor eyesight, you can shoot them and it is a no brainer! Just be sure to act all feeble and such after you blast them.......
Theft prevention is just making your stuff too much of a pain to steal then the other guys. Normally thieves are lazy and would rather steal the stuff YOU worked for rather then work. I think some motion flood lights and some DVR motion cameras. Thieves hate light.
Just remember it is only stuff. You are a lot harder to replace.
be careful...they will probably be back at some time...they know what you have.
I dont know if they want it that bad they will be back, if they were hoping for a easy heist they probably wont since now they know the game has been changed in your favor.
Back in april i had my 02 ram stolen out of my driveway at 3am, big lifted 500+ horse diesel and they had it gone in 4 mins and that included with the alarm that no one heard.

The lojack is basically worthless, especially with a nice bike its gonna lead you to whats left of it or they will find it and huck it. Check out ravelco.com, i had one of these done on my new truck and am real happy with it, they can do em on bikes to. I in fear they had seen in the past my garage was worried they would come back, the house now has an alarm on it, and i have an alarm on the way for the busa, if they want to come into my garage while i'm home god speed criminals, Colorado's make my day law and the AR15 will be there to greet you!!
Yep, they will be back for sure. I have a couple of pitbulls if you want to barrow them. My dogs dont care who you are, you come in the yard they are in ,its night night time.
Watch out they may come back since they know what is there. You could get a cheap motion detector or driveway type sensor from Harbor Freight that you could set up it that area but it would only help if you were home to hear it.
Some people just need the _ss kicked.
I do have the motion sensor hooked up. I have some friends checking on the guy who sold me the helmet ( found him on facebook ). Gonna see what friends he has on there too. I have a couple addresses from Zaba search that I might be camping out at. I agree they might come back... so I am gonna be waiting. I do have 2 boxers.. the male would help out if he seen them the female who just lick them. I never had these issues with the Harleys I use to have..:whistle: