Stolen bike

That sucks!! Score one for public appathy. :poke: It is amazing how willing people are to turn a blind eye to what is going on around them. They always want someone else to take care of it for them. And the additude of "Sucks to be that guy" stinks. You would have thought a fellow biker would have questioned what was happening.
Man that sucks. Hope it turns up in one piece... Find it hard to believe that no one saw a thing.
Thieves look for all the fancy expensive mod add ons that can't be traced. Chrome extended swingarm, fancy wheels, case covers etc. Much preferred by thieves over a stock bike. Cable two bikes together is probably the best deterent in public like that. Cable is very difficult if not impossible to cut with bolt cutters and it would surely draw attention if someone broke out a hot wrench to cut the cable.

I hate thieves!
Were yall at the Ralley grounds? Or downtown? Someone saw something. They just didn't know what was going on.
We stayed at the Super 8 by downtown. A young woman forgot she left her helmet on her VTX. They came back in well after midnight and when she went to get it off the bike three other bikers made her produce a key to prove it was hers.
I suppose that's why they call them profesional theives.
Were yall at the Ralley grounds? Or downtown? Someone saw something. They just didn't know what was going on.
We stayed at the Super 8 by downtown. A young woman forgot she left her helmet on her VTX. They came back in well after midnight and when she went to get it off the bike three other bikers made her produce a key to prove it was hers.
I suppose that's why they call them profesional theives.

We were all downtown right off 6th Street; parked in front of a club called Fuze, which is next door to Coyote Ugly. We went to Coyote Ugly for a couple of hours and left after 10pm, we know the bike was there when we left that bar. We did some more walking on 6th and when we got back to the bikes the one Busa was gone and there was a chopper where it had been parked!!
It's hard to believe someone didn't see something. Most problems in life are a perception or comunication problem. I wish the internet was advanced enough to where you could put out an ATB to where everyone could see it but it's not. I'll definetly be looking and let all my peeps know. Theives need to be ground into hamburger meat and fed to their friends.
There has to be security cameras or something in that area!!! That just stinks. I really hope you find it soon.
Unbelievable! Thieves have no shame apparently. Cops all over the place in that area and no one raised an eyebrow?
Hate to hear this. Hope they catch them. Hope he is fully insured as well.
Wouldn't you just love to be watching when someone tried to pull this with your bike? In Texas, it would have been a mob of bikers kicking their ass!
Only liability insurance, unfortunately. Had we caught the thief, I can guarantee there would have been a lot of ass-kicking going on! :banghead:
I was at the rally. I stayed at the marriot and two guys tried to steal mine. Some other guys that were staying there pulled into the parking lot and scared them off. Had to get a ride back home cause they broke the ignition switch.
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I was at the rally. I stayed at the marriot and two guys tried to steal mine. Some other guys that were staying there pulled into the parking lot and scared them off. Had to get a ride back home cause they broke the ignition switch.
Posted via Mobile Device

Happy to hear your story had a (relatively) happy ending! :thumbsup:
Damn.. That sucks.. The only way I would leave my bike unattended would be to Kryptonite NY Chain it to another bike or a Lampost..
I think it's time to lo-jack my bike I can't really describe what I would do if I caught someone trying. Words can't really describe it I feel for you man I really do wish I had an extra bike laying around for ya. Hell as it stands I don't take to well to people who lean on my truck.