The new seal has a raised edge, this needs to be ground down on a bench grinder, it’s hardened steel, I found the easiest way, was to grind it (watch your fingers, it gets hot), you only need to take off the raised edge.
I found it a real pain, to drag the old seal out of the recess, between the crankcasses but once I had damaged my old seal, I had no option but to continue, it was then that I opened the workshop manual and saw Suzuki’s terrible design.
If you understand what I did, you shouldn’t have any problem getting a good result.
I did not get a notification for this reply.... sorry for late replying....
Thanks for the description!
I think i understand perfectly what you did.... But I am really nervous about that seal...
If i was a millionaire i would have bought you a plane ticket and booked you in a 5 star hotel to come fix it for me!

Would have stripped and fixed it tomorrow-but my supplier is out of stock for oil. So the oil will arrive somewhere next week according to them then we will sort it out.
Got a hole list of stuff to do to that bike....
You know whats strange, about a month or maybe a bit more ago, we filled her up with oil just a little bit above the full mark.... Teusday i checked the oil level again and it did not drop.... if it did drop, it must be unnoticeable by eye.
But after each ride there falls out a bit of oil.... when doing distance 2/3 drops but when doing errants in town where clutch is used more- a littlebit of more oil. Say like 6-8 drops maybe.....