You know I don't really care that he is active duty, I know quite a few active duty soldiers, and some of them are complete a$$holes. just because you serve in the military doesn't mean you get a free pass to do what you like.
as for the bike, where do i start? $60 grand? what the heck, why would you spend $60 grand on upgrades to make a bike un-rideable. There are far better things to waste that money on, you know like digging 120 water wells in africa or 4 trips elephant hunting.
you know when you are old and can no long ride anymore, what story is going to impress the grand kids more, the fact that grand pappy spent a near fortune on a paint job, a fat tire, and some shiny chrome swing arm ( first in the world technology) or that grand pappy went out and killed a few elephants. hell spend the $60 grand on something that matters, like a college education for a kid.
anyway back to the bike, ever heard the saying "Boy looks like you packed ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag"? because thats what it looks like, an over stuffed bag of crap.
ps. " lets see Mr Connery, you answered Suck it, and you wagered Trebek."