Never Forgotten
That sucks big time, just a tip when you park just flick the kill switch on,how many times have you hit it accidentally and couldn't work out why it won't start may not fool every one but could save a ride off.
If you find the fooker, give me a three pound hammer and put him in a room with me. You won't have any issues with him ever again!
I rode to work today (like many nice days). I didn't go outside today until 5:15 on my last break and discovered that my bike was gone!!! I talked to some co workers who were on there break and they said it was there at 430... I just missed them by 45 minutes. I then went to one of the office windows that faces the parking lot, and a lady who worked in that part of the office said she saw a man jump over the fence from the apartment complex next door with a helmet on, get on the bike and away he went.. What a ****TY feeling, I felt like I could puke for the last 4-5 hours!!
Sorry for your loss. they take deductible out and send rest.. go next door to complex have a look or if there is another complex by that one go to it, the bike will be there. a thief is smart enough to not park it where he lives but noone would notice him going complex over and getting on it..