My busa got stolen today... :-(

Sorry to hear about your bike- that blows. Three bikes belonging to friends have been stolen in the last year.

Park close and check often, people.
That REALLY SUCKS! It happened to me 2 Times. In 91' with my 91'gsxr-1100 and in 92' with my 92' gsxr 1100. I can still feel that empty feeling and utter disappointment. I found out who did it. He had a gsxr- Chop Shop up the street from me and got busted. I actually knew the kid. A couple years later, he was Decapitated in a motorcycle accident. I Threw A Party in His Honor and invited all my friends! :laugh: It may sound harsh but that's the kind of guy I am. What goes around, comes around! Who ever stole your bike will get their's one way or the other. KARMA!
Also here is how you find your best detectives, if you see kids hanging around outside. go up to them and say hey did you see john come by on this bike and show them picture. They likely will say no, I didn't see john but saw so and so on it and he lives right there. case solved. kids watch bikes..

agreed comb the surrounding area and if theres any identifying things on it like a speciffic exhaust or whatever then drive around areas where riders gather and look for it
honestly hate 2 say it, but from how he was discribed, he knew what he was doin and wont b caught with it. in my area alot of stolen bikes end up at the drag strip or parted out, like instantly. had a guy i knew get his bike stolen in columbia, sc during bike night. he was parked right in front of the hooters door and a cpl ppl saw it. they said van pulled up and threw it in and were gone like that. now hes going back and forth with the insurance company bc of the value of all the work and blah blah blah. they basically told him they would cover it but now their tellin him only a percentage. but sorry 2 hear the bad news
Also here is how you find your best detectives, if you see kids hanging around outside. go up to them and say hey did you see john come by on this bike and show them picture. They likely will say no, I didn't see john but saw so and so on it and he lives right there. case solved. kids watch bikes..

u my good sir have a great point. kids cant keep they mouth closed 4 nothin!!! lol sweeten the deal by throwing a lil tip 2 whomever has the most info on him
u my good sir have a great point. kids cant keep they mouth closed 4 nothin!!! lol sweeten the deal by throwing a lil tip 2 whomever has the most info on him

I have been in your situation cause of my brother not simply stopping to put gas in the bike out in the country. He pulled over, parked on shoulder, was walking back to a guys house to get help he come back not 5 mins later bike gone... This bike was in NC with Oregon tags way back when and he wasn't suppose to be on it was there for work. I'm in chicago on my way to oregon to deliver a load and he calls asking for vin #. I say go look at the bike it's there on frame. he tells me what happens and i almost turned around. I waited on day and called a guy I knew and got on phone with his kid and told him what happened. 2 days later the kid calls and says i know where your bike is parked and who took it..
I did drive around the apartment complexes near my work yesterday and the condos behind here... there was like no one outside, I did not see the bike. I plan on checking out the local bike night soon too!
That sucks.Hope you find it.Makes me nervous to leave my bike out as well.I throw mine in the plant on the weekends and shut the doors while I am at nice if people actually say something when it happens.
Call me up Brandon, we will go find it and take care of who stole it. :beerchug:

Let me know if you need help looking. I will keep an eye out when I get back from Vegas.
Terrible news.... I told my friends when my 1k got stolen, if they see it RUN IT OVER! Was very 1 of a kind so it was safe to say.

Gl bud, hopefully it works out in the end.
Well I had to turn in my keys and title to the insurance company yesterday and now we have to wait 30 days to see if the bike turns up.

that stinks, truthfully you prob wouldnt want it back after they had it, lord knows how they are treating her, sorry man..