I feel your pain Bro.
MY sisters are all obese. Constantly on the fitness and diet kick and constantly putting weight back on. It is depressing to watch. Their whole lives have been about supposedly watching what they eat and counting calories here and there. But, for phuk's sake why is there no progress?
I discovered why on one of my various trips home some years ago from the USAF abroad. Lounging with BIG sis in her bedroom just chilling with my back to the bed and I feel something there underneath. Low and behold the entire Hostess inventory with a separate section to accomodate Entemann's. Then I noticed all of the carbonated regular soda pop cans. Must have been three of four cases under there. The scary part is now well into adulthood all of the obesity related problems are showing face. Sister one had Hodgkins(not really obesity related but had to point it out). Sister two has Diabetes type II with circulatory problems (festering foot blister that won't heal and became infected/was hospitalized). Sister three has had visual impairment and damage due to leaky blood vessels in her eyes that have required surgical intervention with laser surgery.
Sister one at one point went on a real Super Size me diet. She was at McD's every day for every meal and this went on for months not just one like in the documentary. You wanna know how big she got? Well packing on 60 lbs in a year and dropping it over the next two is like a walk in the park for these ladies.
So am I a bit sensitive about this whole issue PHUK yeah.
I believe everyone that is "significantly overweight or obese" needs a motivational swift kick in their multiple asses...
When anyone asks, "do I look fat" I am brutally honest.
I go so far as to recommend guaranteed lifestyle changes to end the cycle.
Like go into the pantry of ANY large person and tell me what you'll find? Nevermind you don't have to I already know. SNACK FOODS, SNACK FOODS AND MORE SNACK FOODS. Calorie rich and carbohydrate dense crap. Nobody should eat like that unless they are training for a marathon and I DO NOT MEAN A MOVIE MARATHON.
I have had my ups and downs but never like that. I am more of an endomorph or borderline mesomorph. Never have I been someone you could call obese. Just a big strappin lad as they say in the UK.