This may be long winded, but here goes. As some of you know I am looking for a new bike. I was contemplating a TL1000R and a Hayabusa. After tons of helpful advice from the board, I went to go look at a Busa today. Boy, did I get pissed off.
So i walk into the dealership and just start looking around. Naturall y, like flies on sh*t, the salesmen swarming me asking if I need help. I tell them i'm looking at the Suzuki Hayabusa, blah, blah, blah. First thing out of this a-holes mouth is, "whoa son, that's too much bike for you to handle. You gotta be a lot bigger to control a bike like that." (I'm 5'11" weighing in at about 160) "Maybe you should take a look at these over here *points to some used 600's sitting in the corner*" In spite of me wanting to hit this guy in the face, I politely inform him that i'm used to big displacement bikes, and that as long as you know how to handle it physical stature isn't of huge importance. So, I ignore his previous comments and inquire about test riding it (I should have said f**k you and left a lot earler). The guy laughs and says: "There's no way you could handle that bike. period."
I was stunned, never before had I been treated like that. Apalling is all I can say. Maybe that's a sign from above telling me to buy used
I just can't believe the audacity of that guy. Sorry for the rant.