
Beautiful Plumage!

Glad you didn't get hurt BBB.

I was rippin' around a corner this last weekend and a red tailed Hawk took off from the right side right in front of me. I thought I was clear until he started flying straight away from me! I had to duck or I would have hit him. Damn those things are big up close!
Yeah I guess I would definetly say I'm lucky! As for my wife's cousin he was freaking out and then sad for the rest of the weekend that his car sucked. Didn't really help me rubbing it in and all. I think the R1 bit it a little more that me. I will post pics but unfortunatly I didn't get pics right after it happened, now all you see it a hole in my bike where there is no blinker.
The Perigine Flacon 2 Eclipse 0 other bird 0


Haven't had a bird fly into the bike, but I did have a large bird fly into my helicopter when I was flying in Korea. It hit where the circle is on the right side of pic and completely bashed in the stabilator. There was blood guts all the way down the side of the aircraft where I guess he slid until meeting his end. There was significant damage to the back of the aircraft, as I said, so I would really hate to see what one could do to a bike!

Glad to hear your OK!
Man, I thought getting hit with a cicades really sucked...That R1 needs a little more than clear lenses. I wonder how fast he was going in order to bury that big a$$ owl in his fairing that deep?
Nah, but on a more serious note. Glad you're O.K. Better Business Bureau Busa (BBBBusa).

Here is the damage, just keep in mind I washed it for 30 min. Doesn't look as bad as it looked with a bird sticking out of it.
