My house is haunted....

Call Taps LINKY and you might get on TV.
Seriously anyone that doesn't believe there are "things" among us just watch a very small child(newborn to 18 months) the next chance you have. Small children see things we do not.
Ok so this really freaked me out so I need to share it.

My friend stayed with me Friday and Saturday night because she is in the process of moving. Well Saturday night I got home around 2:30am and she was asleep on my couch. I woke her up and told her to go upstairs and get in the bed in my spare room. I went to my bedroom, shut and locked the door as usual.

At 5:14am I'm woke up by her frantic pounding and yelling at my bedroom door. I jumped up, grabbed my 9mm off the nightstand and opened the door. She was standing there crying hysterically. She told me she was freaked out and something had happened in the room. She had gotten up to go to the bathroom which is down the hall from the guest bedroom. She went back to bed and checked her cell phone to see what time it was. She laid her head back down and she said when she did the bed sank down beside her and something wispered "I'm here" into her left ear. That's when she jumped up, ran down the hall screaming my name.

So anyways, she got in the bed with me and stayed there till 7am. Well the next wierd thing is, when she came in my room I shut and locked the door to my bedroom as I always do. When the alarm went off at 7am my bedroom door was unlocked and opened about 6". I asked her if she had gotten up and went back out. She had not.

So for most of the day I've had that "look behind ya" feelin' goin on...

I don't know what to make of it but it kinda freaks ya out.
that kind of stuff freaks me out. Here is a picture that I took last week at my house. I was setting in my chair watching tv when I saw something in my window. This window is about 10 feet from the ground and there is a row of trees behind my house. Something is watching me... Talk about goose bumps. These eyes had me shaking in my boots. Until I realized that it was the light over my fireplace reflecting off my glasses.
