can you give us a review on the 09 R1 ???
Sure, I don't have alot of time on it about 2900 miles. Got it on 26JUN09 so there is alot I still haven't got figured out. Seperate thread promise.
I would also like to know what you think about the 09 R1. I loved my 99 was my first bike when I was 19.
The Yamaha R1 not unlike the Hayabusa has a bit of a following. I think both owners on both sides of fence look back at past bikes with fond memories.
Gilman: Welcome to the .oRg, yo. Nice write up.
I'm rather confident the pic police will be along shortly, so the best advice is for you to post up a pic of your scoots.
As I mentioned privately, if you spend any amount of time here, you'll recognize how different (read: better) a place Hayabusa.oRg is...
Scar, your right it is a bit different around here. Might take some getting used to. Clean out your PM box and take a break from taking in all the "Thank-you's" to check out my Gallery. I put pics up there ASAP after joining in expectations of above mentioned "enforcement" Ha Ha. Yeah, looking forward to it.
Howdy do to you and your...what'd you say it was?....a Yamaha?...
All in fun Mr. G-man.
No worries, I put on my flame suit before ageeing to the the TOS and clicking yes, I want to be burned alive for riding a Yamaha. No offence taken.
You are very fortunate to be teamed up with Scar, I consider him one of my Busa idols and admire him a great deal. Stick by him and you will be fine!
Thanks for the welcome. The only thing I admire about Scar is the capacity of his Gas Card and the amount of disposeable income he dumps into tires!!! LOL!! No, all joking aside I admire him for his commitment to the sport and his desire to share it with as many quality people as he can. So F()CKING humble too...Scar calls me up right. Ah, can I ask a really big favor? I say sure what's up? Can you take my car and follow me to the local dealership so I can drop my bike off for it's 40,000 mile service? What a **** right? I wish I had 40K miles on my bike.
Any friend of Scar's is a friend on these boards. Nice to meet you &

That '09 R1 is a bad azz machine
If you meet me you'll most likely live to regret those words. LOL! I don't know why Scar puts up with my BS most days. A good friends indeed.

to the madness trust me it is addictive and soon you will feel the need to have real power between your legs

ask LM she know. Ate a R one for breakfast.
Never the less

and see you soon on a busa
You didn't by chance take it on a stright without warning did you? Ha Ha!! Its all good man. It comes down to the rider in almost every single case. Would be a shame if you got taken by a lesser machine with a more talented rider. It's all good like I mentioned before.

I almost bought that 09 R1 myself. Love that sound!
Have you looked into some aftermarket slipons? In the lower rev's putting around town I know Scar's bike as a very healthy deep rumble. I like the '09 sound too. Part of the reason I had to have it. Silly I know.
In spite of knowing Scar, we will still allow you into this family! Doyle
Whew, I was worried. Thanks for the welcome.
To all that have posted thus far thanks for the very warm welcome. Those I quoted I had to edit your post in part do to the large number of "Welcome Signs"
Now to attach the pics.