My neighbors suck!! how about yours?

I'm gonna go at it from a different perspective.

Don't knock the kid for trying to make a buck. Kids lack common sense when they young. He seen your driveway needed cleared so he was trying to make a buck. Good for him. Most kids these days sit on their ars. If it was the father trying to make a buck off you,then I'd be pissed.

Also by going the extra mile that you have been,you might of gave off the impression you enjoyed hard work by not accepting anything for the favors you've done.

Did you approach him and ask to borrow his blower? Go borrow it! Sometimes it takes for your to spark up the conversation. What do you have to lose? You already put them on the black list.

If that's the worse off your neighbors are. You are far luckier then most who have bad neighbors. :laugh:

I know you just venting,but don't stop being helpful for others,just stop being helpful for the people who proven to not to be grateful for your good deeds. :beerchug:

To many people compromise themselves because of few bad incidents. Heck your neighbors might be reacting off something that happened in the past and it has nothing to do with you. Don't ass-U-me the worse until after you talk to them. plenty off good in people,sometimes they need to be nudged to bring it out.
Don't change yourself because others don't act like you.
Raise the bar, set the standard, shake things up and continue to be the better person you are. It may wake them up. If not your conscience will be clean and full of good.

+1 sometimes it's hard when others aren't as helpful as yourself. It just shows you're the better person. :thumbsup:
I'll take y'alls neighbors over ours any day.

We have white hillbilly trash from h3!! living next to us. Small yard with 5 or 6 dogs who all bark non stop (yes we have called on them many times even asked them to please shut them up) Oh and not to mention they never clean up after them. It's really nice on hot humid days to walk out your back door and smell the strong odor of dog poop.

Now lets move to the city trash can that holds 3 or 4 LARGE bags of trash that is always overflowing, awe heck, who needs trash bags lets just toss it in there and let the wind carry it all over the place and let others pick it up. Self pride.....what's that?

Oh and lets not forget the Chickens....yes I said chicken in a neighborhood in the city. Is it allowed....NO.... did they get them anyway....yes. Did their landlord know about them....yes. Did they poop all over my patio and patio furniture....yes. Did I have a friend call me and ask me when I got chickens because they were in my front yard scratching around for food.......YES.
It took 3 days for our neighbors/ city workers to catch those darn things then they took them in the house.....yes I said house. Not sure what they did with them but if I could have gotten my hands on one we would have had fried chicken!

One more story then I'm done for the day.

Husband (looking out kitchen window) - Honey, what's going on?

Me- What are you talking about?

Husband - What are all these men in black with weapons doing in our back yard?

Me - WHAT tha?????

Husband goes out side to talk to the gents dressed in back. It's a bounty hunter group,there are like 5 of them and they are looking for my neighbors brother, Why? I don't know and don't care but I've got my S&W ready just in case I need it.

It's a roller coaster of emotions living next to these people.

The good news is they just got another cat to replace the 10 others they lost/ killed/wandered off.:whistle: (I don't know for a fact if they have killed any but it wouldn't surprise me)

I sure wish they would MOVE.

For those that will say..."just go talk to them" that method has been tried, over and over and over and over again. They don't take kindly to their neighbors request of decency.

Sorry I'm just rambling now. :laugh:
If you feel good helping them out...dont let their actions keep you from feeling good.

Take the high road.:beerchug:
oh and while we are bad mouthing neighbors, I have a little story.

2 houses down we have some neighbors that kind of leave trash around. Across the street from them is a rent house that just went vacant. We each have a specific trash can we use that is automated. This neighbor has so much trash they fill theirs over full and are also now using the vacant houses...full.

A couple of weeks ago I seen the cops next door and the other neighbor had filled their trash can up as well...and they were home when they did it. Cops said they could charge them with illegal dumping. Good neighbor said no charges just make them come get all their trash bags out of our can.:rofl:

We even have a free community trash area in town.

Some people...idiots
I'll take y'alls neighbors over ours any day.

We have white hillbilly trash from h3!! living next to us. Small yard with 5 or 6 dogs who all bark non stop (yes we have called on them many times even asked them to please shut them up) Oh and not to mention they never clean up after them. It's really nice on hot humid days to walk out your back door and smell the strong odor of dog poop.

Now lets move to the city trash can that holds 3 or 4 LARGE bags of trash that is always overflowing, awe heck, who needs trash bags lets just toss it in there and let the wind carry it all over the place and let others pick it up. Self pride.....what's that?

Oh and lets not forget the Chickens....yes I said chicken in a neighborhood in the city. Is it allowed....NO.... did they get them anyway....yes. Did their landlord know about them....yes. Did they poop all over my patio and patio furniture....yes. Did I have a friend call me and ask me when I got chickens because they were in my front yard scratching around for food.......YES.
It took 3 days for our neighbors/ city workers to catch those darn things then they took them in the house.....yes I said house. Not sure what they did with them but if I could have gotten my hands on one we would have had fried chicken!

One more story then I'm done for the day.

Husband (looking out kitchen window) - Honey, what's going on?

Me- What are you talking about?

Husband - What are all these men in black with weapons doing in our back yard?

Me - WHAT tha?????

Husband goes out side to talk to the gents dressed in back. It's a bounty hunter group,there are like 5 of them and they are looking for my neighbors brother, Why? I don't know and don't care but I've got my S&W ready just in case I need it.

It's a roller coaster of emotions living next to these people.

The good news is they just got another cat to replace the 10 others they lost/ killed/wandered off.:whistle: (I don't know for a fact if they have killed any but it wouldn't surprise me)

I sure wish they would MOVE.

For those that will say..."just go talk to them" that method has been tried, over and over and over and over again. They don't take kindly to their neighbors request of decency.

Sorry I'm just rambling now. :laugh:

so your having chicken for dinner right???
yeah well I have a couple next door to me that thinks grass is alive and has feelings and love to look over the fence to see whats going on in my yard you know the kind liberals:laugh: you know what I do:moon:

set yourself a sprinkler at the fence with on a motion detector so when every time they come to look over the fench it turns the sprinkler on them.
I have great neighbors :thumbsup: Well the new guy is letting his trash blow in my yard, but after I burn his truck he should get the hint :laugh:
Lets stick with the good Karma, peeps jest stoopid.. I'd watch at least one of them pile up in the future though. We should help each other & it is never even if you are a hard worker with best intentions.
well how about some pics then

here is one pf my nieghbours


Ok here is a pic of one of my neighbors the moment I caught him with my 12 gauge sneaking across my yard !


Ok seriously here they are :
From Halloween
once i saw a picture of a rectangle with vertical rainbow coloured stripes, and superimposed on it was a rainbow snake, except the colours of it were reversed so that red on the rectangle had the violet head of the snake and so on, for example. sort of. sums up good and evil for moi
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I really lucked out when it came to neighbors. They are like family to me. times are hard and some are moving. It will not be the same I even built a gate and a flagstone path between my next door neighbors house and mine, don't really know what I am going to do with it when they move. My oldest son and I built it . It kind of grieves me to think of not being able to share it with people I love.
I really lucked out when it came to neighbors. They are like family to me. times are hard and some are moving. It will not be the same I even built a gate and a flagstone path between my next door neighbors house and mine, don't really know what I am going to do with it when they move. My oldest son and I built it . It kind of grieves me to think of not being able to share it with people I love.

At one point in time I knew all of my neighbors and we all got along and respected each other. Unfortunately they all moved :(
I'll take y'alls neighbors over ours any day.

We have white hillbilly trash from h3!! living next to us. Small yard with 5 or 6 dogs who all bark non stop (yes we have called on them many times even asked them to please shut them up) Oh and not to mention they never clean up after them. It's really nice on hot humid days to walk out your back door and smell the strong odor of dog poop.

Now lets move to the city trash can that holds 3 or 4 LARGE bags of trash that is always overflowing, awe heck, who needs trash bags lets just toss it in there and let the wind carry it all over the place and let others pick it up. Self pride.....what's that?

Oh and lets not forget the Chickens....yes I said chicken in a neighborhood in the city. Is it allowed....NO.... did they get them anyway....yes. Did their landlord know about them....yes. Did they poop all over my patio and patio furniture....yes. Did I have a friend call me and ask me when I got chickens because they were in my front yard scratching around for food.......YES.
It took 3 days for our neighbors/ city workers to catch those darn things then they took them in the house.....yes I said house. Not sure what they did with them but if I could have gotten my hands on one we would have had fried chicken!

One more story then I'm done for the day.

Husband (looking out kitchen window) - Honey, what's going on?

Me- What are you talking about?

Husband - What are all these men in black with weapons doing in our back yard?

Me - WHAT tha?????

Husband goes out side to talk to the gents dressed in back. It's a bounty hunter group,there are like 5 of them and they are looking for my neighbors brother, Why? I don't know and don't care but I've got my S&W ready just in case I need it.

It's a roller coaster of emotions living next to these people.

The good news is they just got another cat to replace the 10 others they lost/ killed/wandered off.:whistle: (I don't know for a fact if they have killed any but it wouldn't surprise me)

I sure wish they would MOVE.

For those that will say..."just go talk to them" that method has been tried, over and over and over and over again. They don't take kindly to their neighbors request of decency.

Sorry I'm just rambling now. :laugh:
I google earthed her house...she ain't lying :laugh: