My new long range build

Let us know how it goes at the range. Definitely don't want a light trigger on a gun you are lugging through the brush when hunting. One thing that is fun about a purpose built gun is the unique things that can be done to it that make it completely un-usable for anything else.
Spent the whole day down there. Didnt shoot paper much. Just on steel targets up to 400 yards. It has significantly less kick than a .308 and even some 5.56s kick more. Will spend a few more days hitting steel before I move to paper and tighten up my grouping. With a little luck, I'll hit competition later this year. Only pic I got was my dad shooting.
I'm up to around $5500 in mine now(total investment,so far)and have yet got to even shoot it(all of our damned rain,work,etc.).:banghead::laugh: The back ordered Berger ammo I've been waiting on finally became available so ordered 100 rounds in various gr. wts. and should be picking it up tomorrow or Sat.,kinda glad my rig weighs in at 15 lbs. or those 230 gr. would beat me to death.:laugh:Picked up some 185 gr. Juggernauts,215 gr. Hybrids,and 230 gr. Hybrids.
I'm shooting strictly 147g ELD match from Hornady. Shot out some 140g Winchester match, 140g Hornady Black, and 140g Hornady match. Its likes the Hornady match ammo. Didnt like the Winchester. My rig weighs 16.7 with scope. Didnt weigh with a full mag.
I originally picked up 140 rnds. of Hornady 180 gr. SP(mainly just for the brass/same lot # for reloading)and last week at a gun show another 100 rnds. of Hornady 178 gr. TAP(supposed to be pretty decent).Also got 400 Berger bullets,9 lbs. of Alliant powder(R22 and R26)and 1000 Federal Match Magnum primers(and ordered 200 new unfired brass from Gunwerks since brass seems to be a little scarce lately).Now I just need to shoot the damned thing.:laugh:
Depending on how hot of a load,brass quality,split case necks,loose primer pockets,etc.May get 3 good loads out of one particular brass and 10 out of another so just depends.I figure I can get good loads for less than a $1 per round($.50/bullet,$.40/powder,$.05 per primer).Best thing is you can load from subsonic on up if you feel like just playing around.CA seems intent on disarming us all so I'm stocking up while I still can,next 2 purchases will likely be a Ruger Precision Rimfire .22 and a .45,probably either a Springfield Armory or a Kimber since we(CA)can't buy a Colt anymore(which is totally ridiculous).Planning on selling the house in a couple more years and moving to a less fooked up state.:super:
I'm keeping all of my brass so that one day, I'll start reloading. How many times do you reload a single shell before tossing it?

A swelled or cracked shell is really all you have to worry about. Starting with a name brand ammo is also a good start. The shape and fit of the primer is also key.
Depending on how hot of a load,brass quality,split case necks,loose primer pockets,etc.May get 3 good loads out of one particular brass and 10 out of another so just depends.I figure I can get good loads for less than a $1 per round($.50/bullet,$.40/powder,$.05 per primer).Best thing is you can load from subsonic on up if you feel like just playing around.CA seems intent on disarming us all so I'm stocking up while I still can,next 2 purchases will likely be a Ruger Precision Rimfire .22 and a .45,probably either a Springfield Armory or a Kimber since we(CA)can't buy a Colt anymore(which is totally ridiculous).Planning on selling the house in a couple more years and moving to a less fooked up state.:super:
Don't come back here. New governor just put a state tax on firearms dealers, on top of the federal and local ones they already pay. Cuz that's what will solve the gun violence problem.
Grated California’s gun and ammo laws are ridiculous but if the prohibited manufacturers complied with the testing requirements they could sell Californians their weapons. Some just don’t seem that interested. Several manufacturers do comply. When I got my Colt 1911, I wanted the SS version but Colt had not presented one for testing as CA required, even though it was identical to my blue model except for the finish. Stupid I know, as was the law saying I could buy as many handguns as I wanted but I couldn’t take possession of them except for one every thirty days! I found this out before Xmas that year when I bought my .45 and an Airweight snubby for my daughter at the same time, delivered thru the same FFL holder.
Don't come back here. New governor just put a state tax on firearms dealers, on top of the federal and local ones they already pay. Cuz that's what will solve the gun violence problem.

The ultimate goal of forced over taxing is of course to run them out of business but it’s funny when you think they’re not really interested in the alleged gun violence aspect as much as they are in taxing those who wish to partcipate, legitimate gun owners.