My new toy Hayabusa (real toy)

Still a good price and it will make you happy when it arrives and in the end.......that's all that can't put a price tag on that....

Look at the crazy price on this Gen 2 die cast...

Is it me or does this gen 2 look great!
I’m looking for a gen 1 now lol

Pick a color

The 1/18 are cheap
But the 1/12 Gen1's are around $100 now!
Maisto is now making the bkack/gold Gen3

Pick a color

The 1/18 are cheap
But the 1/12 Gen1's are around $100 now!

When we visited my son last fall, I was reminded that I had bought he and his brother both 1/18 1999 copper and silver models which were at the Suzuki booth by the then new Hayabusa on display at the 1998 (Dec) motorcycle show.

He still has it......

Somewhere, I have a picture of that bike on display but for the life of me, I can't find it....