My Saturday Afternoon...


A bit long but a good read...

Before you flame me for not posting pics I will say that I am at the installation at the moment and cannot upload anything to this terminal. I'll camera phone some stuff later after a bath and bluetooth it onto my Inspiron 9300 at home.
Update: pics are a few posts down.

Riding the Busa on this warm sunny afternoon with two other members on my other sleds (GSX-R1000 and My CBR600RR) along a back road to downtown Sarajevo. Four jackasses sitting at a cafe lob an M-80 or other medium sized novelty explosive into my path. Trust me it was not a grenade or any other form of leftover ordinance from this region's war. Just four clowns having a very unsafe laugh at the expense of my safety.
I immediately stopped my bike and turned around. These guys are twenty-something grown men. First there is three idiots sitting. I calmly approach them after taking off my gear and in their language confronted them, standing less than three feet away and well within striking range. I informed them of the potentially catastrophic effects this act could cause.
They sarcastically said that it wasn't meant for me.  Then one guy that speaks a few choice English words says F**KYOU Man. Get outta here, f*** off. I retaliated verbally and words were exchanged.
I went back to my bike, got my gear and started it in order to ride away.
They mocked my every move as cowards do when they see you leaving.
So here comes the fun part. I shut off my Busa and stood up saying, "Ako zelis problem hajde, dodz." (if you want trouble come and get it) repeatedly. All three get off the chairs and approach me. I still had all my safety gear including Skull jacket, Alpinestars armored gloves and Shoei RF-1000 helmet. I knew it was about to go down and so did my buddies a short 30 feet away.
Mr. Tough Gypsy (he was the first to retreat and grab a chair) was hiding a big two palm sized boulder in his hand and struck me first on the left temple. It is split a little but the helmet did it's job. Then they all started hammering away trying to bring me down. But since I am a 240lb bull, it just didn't happen. Luckily for me the Motorcycle gear is good for more than just a spill on asphalt. Guy B (tall as me but about 190 or less) gets the first of my flayling fists. Lots of time, I mean lots of time well spent on the speed bag for boxing endurance. I connect a few good ones and they scatter like the sissies they really are, only to re-group. Before you know it my boys are elbows deep inflicting some serious punishment on what is now 6 or more. I lost track they came at us like cockroaches.
They used ashtrays, broken bottles, chairs, improvised wooden clubs, and boulders. I felt everything but the jacket saved my skin and neck. I stayed upright. The tall guy rushed me to try and bring me down. He managed a poor attempt at a sleeper that I countered and reversed pinning him against a car trying to get a handhold on his belt to really start the fun and hold-stick, hold-stick and knee. My partner pulled me off them and they shouted "Gotovo dobro ide" (finished, good, leave) Then someone on the side kicked the GSXR-1000 off the sidestand which made me flip, Guy B(Mr lousy Sleeper Hold) bloody and angry proceeded to punt my busa's left mirror across the street.
I shouted (realizing now that it was silly but adrenaline motivated) "Ja sam bik, ja sam lud, hajde j(y)os(h)", "I am a bull, try me again, I am crazy. I am a bull Try me!!!"
I checked to see my phone was still on my belt and called the MP's, as well as Sarajevo PD (one of which was sitting in the very same cafe just watching to show) and before you know it there was a circus of cops. The clowns went away in a squad car to nurse their wounds but not before accusing us of brandishing weapons. That was quite a nice if not predictable addition.
There is blood on the helmets, shirts, jackets, jeans but it isn't mine... I will post pics...
I am going to get a butterfly for my brow, maybe I'll let it scar for a good ice-breaking story...
No joke...
Now tell me what you think....

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.. yah.. cool story and all.. I just don't see how your thinking you came out on the better end... one bike knocked over... one missing a mirror (they are expensive.. trustme) messed up helmet... i'm sure your other gear has places..

eh.. but if ya feel like more of man I guess.

I'm not saying I disagree about being pissed.. i just don't think I'd have let it went to blows..

maybe I'm just a wuss or something.
I calmly approach them after taking off my gear

carbon fiber knuckled gloves, snell2k helmet, kevlar, armor, whats not to love using these?

then I read further, glad you had your gear on!
one time a cager pulled in a gas station behind me and some riders, rolled his window down and proceeded to flame us for passing him..... I walked over to him and told him to get lost.
him - seatbelt for protection
me - a lot more

have fun! be safe, wear your gear! hahaha.

I'll tell you what: in my day job I am generally the level headed one between my partner and I. I talk them down, Brad just looks at them and they esacalate...I talk them down, Brad throws in a comment and they hit the roof, I talk them down...

"Verbal Judo" comes naturally to me when I'm in the game for work. But outside of my day job, I flip my lid rather easily. I don't know why that is, it just is.

I think a little scrap is good for the soul every now and then. Besides, like you said, it gives you conversational pieces.

Good thing you don't CCW...

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its just to damn bad that your buddies riding your bikes wernt on the ball alittle better for ya, but as far as im concerned you did what needed to be done punks like these dont understand anything but a ass woopin playa, i once walked outside to find a transiant kicking the crap out of my harley, i was showing how pissed i was and some lady called the cops thinking i was the cops came like an hour later, but inbetween me getting ahold of him and the cops he had gottin away from the security gaurds twice. i chased him down each time and had a bit more fun with him before they would pull me off. i was a bouncer for years so enjoyeed the art of putting someone down quick. i got pics of this bloody fool still.

but i have hijacked your thread my bad brah.............good on you
Good thing you don't CCW...
I will tell you that civilians are not permitted CCW licenses here. Plenty of people are strapped though. My nightlife loving buddy got one pulled on him at 'Da' Club a few months back and the security staff as well as owner did nothing about it except for a remodel soon thereafter.
Last year I was equipped with a telescoping baton velcro'd to my tank bra. Could have used it today. A couple of broken arms would have shut things down quick.
its just to damn bad that your buddies riding your bikes wernt on the ball alittle better for ya, but as far as im concerned you did what needed to be done punks like these dont understand anything but a ass woopin playa,
Yes tell it bro...
I too worked the door for a while at one point in time and that motivated me to learn how to really handle myself.
The thing is that my partners were on point and backed me when it got rough. It popped off they scattered then here comes the cavalry.
The deal is though that the Tough Gypsy
had the plan to put me on the floor with that rock. So sorry, good thing that my tall ass has some mass to it, cuz it didn't pan out for him.
Then Mr Lousy Sleeper hold go a taste of me only to be subdued while his buddies clubbed me the entire time with everything they had. I mean the works surprised they didn't bring out the sink, Chairs, boulders, bottles, ashtrays. My boy Lance from Chattanooga pulled me off when he saw dude slump (night-night) only because Gypsy Tough was bringing a 4"x4" to work on me some more.
.. yah..  cool story and all..  I just don't see how your thinking you came out on the better end...  one bike knocked over... one missing a mirror (they are expensive.. trustme) messed up helmet... i'm sure your other gear has places..

eh..  but if ya feel like more of man I guess.

I'm not saying I disagree about being pissed.. i just don't think I'd have let it went to blows..

maybe I'm just a wuss or something.
Point taken, I was just trying to educate these fools for the sake of my fellow bikers. Believe me, I knew the probability of hostilities when I turned the bike around initially.
I take safety seriously and am starting this country's very own Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSFBIH).
My very own money will start it and I will even fund television public service announcements which are unheard of here.
I would use the word wus at all, maybe just self-preservation. Nothing wrong with that.
From left Damien (North Carolina), Center Projekt, Devan (Florida?) Lance is not in this picture since he hadn't showed up. Devan got a nic on the bridge of his nose and sore ribs. Damien is a beast with helmet as a club and me well you know I am the bull...

nice.. your bike is my fav color. only mine at the moment is only half flat black...
Got any pics of it? What is black on it? I am very happy with the results of this paint scheme. Initially I was thinking about doing a homage to the Cobra Attack helicopter but this came out so nice that I decided to leave in Matte Black.
Gets a lot of complements.
Just can wait for the RUNE though because that will be the nicest bike around for thousands of kilometers.
Good news:
I was just informed by some associates (both in the intelligence business although one in an unofficial role [officially speaking]).
Lousy sleeper was bleeding profusely from the BROKEN NOSE that my right fist delivered. I can say that it was the first right that landed because after about five more hits I looked up enough to see them scatter.
Bad news:
He is apparently a native of Kosovo which, as I was just NOT told in the sit-down I just did not have, basically runs organized crime in this country. A flavor that is radically more violent than US factions of La Cosa Nostra... So, I suppose its time to look into the availability of self-defense implements and laying low.