My Saturday Afternoon...

You did good kid...I think your partners were a little slow but they showed up in the end...Watch your back...
You did good kid...I think your partners were a little slow but they showed up in the end...Watch your back...
Good point, guess the gear made up for their tardiness. Putting it all together the guy's nose was broken before my boys reacted. That is after the Gypsy Tough hammered me with the boulder.
Thing is that my boys are in a very sensitive line of work so I understand their caution.
It is all good though now, all the little broken nuances on the bikes are worth breaking the guys nose and putting him to sleep...
Well worth it.
I handed Devan one of my prototype leather vests (colors) for my riding club. He is immediately in due to his shedding a little blood and getting the worst of it. Lance was really enjoying himself until the clowns started breaking glass on me and hitting me with chairs. He got some blood spatter on him when Lousy Sleeper (clown with broken nose and sweet dreams) exhaled.
If I could have only grabbed ahold of the gypsy, that would have made it even better. Unfortunately, he was the one with all of the weapons and the biggest yellow stripe on his back.
You did good kid...I think your partners were a little slow but they showed up in the end...Watch your back...
Good point, guess the gear made up for their tardiness. Putting it all together the guy's nose was broken before my boys reacted. That is after the Gypsy Tough hammered me with the boulder.
Thing is that my boys are in a very sensitive line of work so I understand their caution.
It is all good though now, all the little broken nuances on the bikes are worth breaking the guys nose and putting him to sleep...
Well worth it.
I handed Devan one of my prototype leather vests (colors) for my riding club. He is immediately in due to his shedding a little blood and getting the worst of it. Lance was really enjoying himself until the clowns started breaking glass on me and hitting me with chairs. He got some blood spatter on him when Lousy Sleeper (clown with broken nose and sweet dreams) exhaled.
If I could have only grabbed ahold of the gypsy, that would have made it even better. Unfortunately, he was the one with all of the weapons and the biggest yellow stripe on his back.
It all came out good...With the exception of the damage to the bikes...I know your not looking for trouble but if it looks for you then your crew has got to be quick and desicive...Let 'em know...
I here you Stunnah, they'll get the briefing as soon as all the dust settles from this "International Incident".
Word like that are tough to walk away from but when the mirror gets kicked off the bike it's game time. Sounds like the double edge sword on this one. They get asses kickes and you get to worry now. Organized crime not something to mess with in any country, be carefull.
The organized crime connection is not actually definite. The Kosovar Guy got his nose busted and put to sleep. It just happens that the local Gangsta Boss is from Kosovo. Not a big deal... I pretty much know every biker in the county, for that matter a lot more in the country. All I have to do is sit down with the Boss and have a chat about some business ventures we can both benefit from. That will pretty much squash anything from his end.
I have been given security pledges...
The clowns said that if I go back to their place I will get shot. (mostly hot air but I won't try to call their bluff)
good work-- fug the thugs.

If they organized-- u get organized and make sure you got a hombre or two watchin' ur 6.
good work-- fug the thugs.

If they organized-- u get organized and make sure you got a hombre or two watchin' ur 6.
It is "squashed", at least thats what my people are telling me. Of course with the express warning to not go around that neighborhood because of the following statement: "tell him that if he comes here we will shoot him". And, like I said before, it is all a bunch of hot air after a little painful scuffle. These clowns' balls grew two or three times once the police were on site. It's all bullsh!t now though. What was amusing is that Gypsy "tough" was talking more trash and trying to play the role after showing me his big during the fight.
interesting weekend you had there, Projekt. I woulda ripped the canister off my bike and beaten him with it.
Here is a close up of my own original. I cut it out of leather and had my leather master craftsman stitch it to the vest that I also designed. These are prototypes and lack name of organization or chapter identification.


An all out brawl! Good thing you had some gear on...sounds like an, ummmmm, interesting time...glad you're okay and the other guys were carried away...

interesting weekend you had there, Projekt. I woulda ripped the canister off my bike and beaten him with it.
Yeah it was very exhilirating. Would have really enjoyed sliding the midpipe loose and having a quick release on the exhaust mount to use it as a bat. But, as you can see I didn't need weapons. Now if my digital camera was on the tank mount I would have posted the video of the carnage too...
I will fabricate a clamp to stick my telescoping baton onto my right side swingarm rail and a delron sap onto the left side.
interesting weekend you had there, Projekt. I woulda ripped the canister off my bike and beaten him with it.
Yeah it was very exhilirating. Would have really enjoyed sliding the midpipe loose and having a quick release on the exhaust mount to use it as a bat. But, as you can see I didn't need weapons. Now if my digital camera was on the tank mount I would have posted the video of the carnage too...
I will fabricate a clamp to stick my telescoping baton onto my right side swingarm rail and a delron sap onto the left side.
No need for a clamp...

Get yerself a bottle of OC and spray away....

and then when they're down, take off their pants and spray 'em in the nuts and gouche.

THAT oughta make them think next time. Or, you could just make them tea-bag the exhaust can.
Sounds fun. I had thoughts of making my own large batch of pepper spray with habanero concentrate and soybean oil. Then I would fill up a super soaker and just lay waiting for the Gypsy to wrap it up on any given night. A quick spray at the face and other sensitive areas
to disorient and funtime begins once again. Don't worry you'll all get the pleasure of reading about that too when it happens.
I love that Icon skull jacket. Don't ever wash the blood off of it, that is just too nice a touch!
I just road in the rain from Sarajevo to Zagreb Airport and hoped that it wouldn't wash off. It is still there.

Have your ever ridden your Busa at 160mph in the rain. It is very stable. I had 250km(160miles) to ride and did it in 1hour20minutes, it was great. I took it to 185 indicated in 5th several times and it was still climbing when I had to slow for traffic. There was an Audi A8 3.7 TurboDiesel that was trying to hang with me but couldn't. I was following curves at an indicated 175Mph. My arms were getting tired from holding on so tight!
I'll get it on video next time!