My son sent this to me on FB

I did everything on that list except the paint ball guns because they didn't exist when I was a kid. I sent a message to my best friend when I was growing up and told him I missed him and was thankful for all the time we spent together...
I did everything on that list except the paint ball guns because they didn't exist when I was a kid. I sent a message to my best friend when I was growing up and told him I missed him and was thankful for all the time we spent together...
I shoot my middle son in the nuts on a family paint ball event about 15 years ago . Oh it was painfully funny If only had video

I put this on my sons time line ! Scary is Hunter kind of looks like this guy . However it was Tristan the pig that lived with us as a adult .
Hunter Cole.jpg
Hunter cole 2.jpg
Hunter and B King.jpg