My ten year old Son has fallen............

Glad to hear stories like this. My son is 13 and has been riding with me since he was 9. He is taller than me now and can't wait to learn to ride the Busa. I've been thinking about a small "trainer" for him to learn the basics and hone his skills.
Happy Father's day to all:beerchug::thumbsup:
I am so glad that this post wasn't about what I was afraid it was about looking at the title....put a big lump in my throat
some moto x body armor would be a good idea knowing that he will experiment (wheelie) with the bike, haven't we all? nice grab! i hope someday my lil' guy will follow the same path.
way cool:thumbsup: glad you found him something, nothing better than being a kid and getting your first bike...mine's 10 also and i kinda did the same as you for xmas this past year...


cant wait for my daughter to be old enough.... she only 3. (oh i mean months old...) lol
my son really wants a busa when he gets older and he really wants to race dirt bikes too :race:

Hmm, so I get home from work today and see I am still signed on to the .oRg. I start reading some posts and come across this one posted Nope, he called me into the room to show me what he posted and how he did it in a way that you all would just "think it was me".

I swear, sometimes they are just too funny. :laugh: