Myth Busters and Hot peppers

My manhood usually is enough to stop the burn.
Yeah But your manhood aint coming anywhere near my mouth...  

I don't care how good it works...  You sick puppy...

Corn chips are the best- great when you are enjoying chips and salsa, just lay off the salsa and munch a few chips to cool it off, then continue!

Anyone know the world's hottest condiment? Makes Tabasco taste like formula- "Dave's Insanity Sauce". Three drops will flavor an entire stockpot of gumbo- four drops will make the weaker ones cry.
Corn chips are the best- great when you are enjoying chips and salsa, just lay off the salsa and munch a few chips to cool it off, then continue!  

Anyone know the world's hottest condiment? Makes Tabasco taste like formula- "Dave's Insanity Sauce". Three drops will flavor an entire stockpot of gumbo- four drops will make the weaker ones cry.
There is a place on river street in savannah ... they sell all types of hot sauces including the daves. Its hillarious to read some of them

ass-burn .... looks like an old school asprin bottle (white/red cross)
teflon anus .... similar packing to the teflon pans
rectum wrecker .... has an interesting tow truck design


but for real, daves is some stupid hot stuff. Anyone been to firehouse subs before? they actually have a fan-freakin-tastic collection of hot sauces for use
Dairy based stuff like sour cream or yogurt work well. It's the day after having too much that usually hurts the most. I have not tried sitting in sour cream yet
Anyhow, I don't there is a damn thing you can do for the day after.
There was a show on Discovery a few years back and it was explaining the Scoville heat units (SHU)that peppers are rated in. According to that show one SHU = the amount of sugar water necessary to neutralize the heat of a given pepper to a human observer. Anyhow LSO the judges wound up using Whipped cream (Can) to nullify even the worst of the hot sauces they were judging. Never needed to try it but I hear it works?

I was in Monterrey Mexico a few years ago with some co-workers and we went out for dinner and one of the "less heat tolerant" fellows got hold of some salsa that even I thought was spicy and he absolutely panicked to the point we all thought he was going to run out of the restaurant! He guzzled not only his own but two other peoples bottles of water inside of 30 seconds and still looked like he had seen Jesus. I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes and my nose was running from the hot sauce. Priceless... Mas Cerveza Por Favor!!!
I'm a bit of a hot sauce enthusiast. I generally know my limits, but I excede them every now and then. I often eat at Firehouse Subs. I've found that when I excede my limit, eating the bag of Cheetos helps most. I like Dave's Insanity Suace. Mad Dog 357 is right at my limit, I can't put very much of it on anything before I regret it.

Dairy based stuff like sour cream or yogurt work well. It's the day after having too much that usually hurts the most. I have not tried sitting in sour cream yet
Anyhow, I don't there is a damn thing you can do for the day after.
Actually there is as I unfortunately discovered. Actually I suppose the discovery was fortunate, the circumstances under which the discovery was made are not.


Don't want to go here but a little while back, as some of you might remember I got food poisoning, actually myself and partner in crime Miss H-D of Seattle both got hit. Anyhoo, middle of the day sitting on the throne for the 5th hour, with a bucket in my lap (cause yeah it's coming out both ends) things were getting... ummm tender....

Well as we all know necessity is the mother of invention...

Ok, there is no easy way to say this, but yeah lotion is your friend... Umm Yeeah... A big ole' dollop of something without a lot of extras... There I said it... I found Skin-trips Coconut Body lotion applied liberally to the old starfish to be about the best thing I'd ever felt in my life. Cooled everything right down and even helped keep things tidy...

Besides it smelled coconutty and I felt like I was dying, took two days to recover and I was actually wishing I was deployed so I could hit a medic for an I.V... I was so dehydrated...

Anyway, it works like a charm, cools, sooths, and prevents chaffing...
Dairy based stuff like sour cream or yogurt work well.  It's the day after having too much that usually hurts the most.  I have not tried sitting in sour cream yet  
 Anyhow, I don't there is a damn thing you can do for the day after.
Actually there is as I unfortunately discovered.  Actually I suppose the discovery was fortunate, the circumstances under which the discovery was made are not.  


Don't want to go here but a little while back, as some of you might remember I got food poisoning, actually myself and partner in crime Miss H-D of Seattle both got hit.  Anyhoo, middle of the day sitting on the throne for the 5th hour, with a bucket in my lap (cause yeah it's coming out both ends) things were getting... ummm  tender....

Well as we all know necessity is the mother of invention...

Ok, there is no easy way to say this, but yeah lotion is your friend...  Umm Yeeah... A big ole' dollop of something without a lot of extras...  There I said it... I found Skin-trips Coconut Body lotion applied liberally to the old starfish to be about the best thing I'd ever felt in my life.  Cooled everything right down and even helped keep things tidy...    

Besides it smelled coconutty  and I felt like I was dying, took two days to recover and I was actually wishing I was deployed so I could hit a medic for an I.V...  I was so dehydrated...

Anyway, it works like a charm, cools, sooths, and prevents chaffing...
OMG I am crying! Stop it now, your killin me!
Hey, If it helps somebody out, I'm going to throw it out there...

I'd just say avoid anything medicated or with Menthol/eucalyptus... I dare you to ask me how I know...

...While Gold Bond lotion and powder happen to be THE BEST man lotion and powder out there, and yeah my boys love the powder when it's hot out, DO NOT, I'll say again DO NOT EVER apply either of these to umm... Well I said it once already, "ye olde' Starfish" if things are already burning...

Yeah that fresh "COOL" feeling that my beloved Gold Bond Powder normally provides turns into Icy Hot Daggers of Fiery Death and post haste you'll find yourself in a cool shower in a most unnatural and severely compromised position... Soon after the wife will come in to find out what the hooting and banging around was all about and upon finding you in the previously mentioned compromising position in the shower will simply about face and not look you in the eye for the rest of the day... Or the Next... OK Hell she still giggles once in awhile for no reason and I know what she is thinking about.

But yeah...the Coconutty lotion FTW, takes you straight to the beach..
I will have to make sure that is close to the porcelin throne. Thanks for the tip!