Ok Red...I'll bite...
I'm not one that can handle super hot, but I'll try some things on occasion.
A few years ago a friend had a few types of hot and mild peppers that she had grown.
I had just tried a hot habenero(hot for me).
Next, I said ok to a hot banana pepper, which was supposedly hotter than the habenero.
I tried it, and was then shocked...she had accidentally given me a Mild banana pepper...and instantly the heat of the habenero was gone, as in no more, 100% vanished, it tasted like I'de just eaten a mild pepper only, flavor, but no heat.
I later tried this again, and sure enough, the mild banana cancelled out the hot habenero.
The whole thing shocked me, as I have also tried milk, which is about as useless as every other remedy.
I have never heard of this anywhere else either; has anyone else here experienced this?