Over Easy: We met in Daytona a couple of years back. From what you describe briefly above this is a typical "very sloppy" Fla trooper stop. They are trained to use Radar v e r y specifically. And it is to BY LAW be used as a secondary speed measurement device. That is how they are trained as the law stipulates. Now the reality is, once class is over, Johnny Cowboy is told to go out there and write tickets. Nobody is there watching him, he forgets what he is trained to do. He knows that gun can do all his work for him and they get LAZY. I have successfully beaten all but one of my radar stops. And the one I didn't beat, I didn't beat it because the cop actually employed it correctly and I knew it when I was stopped.
From the way you describe this event, it sounds to be very beatable. And I am not trying to withold this info from everyone else, it will just take me a lot of time to type it all out. If you PM me we can exchange phone numbers and I can ask you a few basic ?s and tell you pretty much how these guys get speed stops done WAY WRONG. BTW I currently have a 160 in a 70 ticket in the Seminole County court system right now.
Seminole county has asked for delays twice now. Maybe by Febuary (it's been over a year now) it will get b4 a judge. And for this event I did hire a traffic attorney. As soon as I subpeoned records from Seminole county they became asshatz. So I hired an attorney and now they are delaying.
I can tell you that 90% of the tickets in Fla. written by RADAR are written improperly. Not because they gun is defective.....the COP is.
I know you are analytical and you are good with numbers. I can explain in about 30 minutes how a RADAR gun works and you can go before a judge and pretty easily argue and proves thru mathematics that the cop has NO IDEA what your actual speed was, and that he didn't employ the use of the gun properly. I go with spreadsheets, the Fla state training manual, the Operator's manual for the Radar Gun etc etc in and and all the cop has to do is testify he has been trained properly (that little card they ALWAYS show ip in court with) and that they graduated high school math and then you can walk a judge thru the rest.
It isn't all that difficult to do, but granted at the speed you were ticketed at, the stakes will be higher. And dude I don't think the fine will be anywhere near as low as $500. The last one I went to court for (and won), they had some Gixxer dude at 132 with no real defense. The fines were over 1400 by the time the judge finished with him.