Bear in mind I'm NOT advocating wanton chaos on our nations highways...
Edit to my post above the word missing was NOT...kinda changes things
oh yeah and another thing
Bear in mind I'm NOT advocating wanton chaos on our nations highways...
It's easy to take this approach but you have to look at the big picture of things. There is a balance that must be maintained.
For instance you say the radar gun accomplishes nothing and I'm sure many agree as they don't like tickets. You say you would rather a cop be working your neighborhood hammering people than working a busy street. Many times that busy street they work is someone else's neighborhood.
As for drug houses, yes cops know where they are. On the flip side of this cops also know what the US Constitution says about search and seizure. Cops would love nothing more than to bust these drug houses but to do so a case must be built and probable cause must be established. There is a big area between knowing and proving. Only when people are willing to give up more of their civil rights will an officer be allowed to go kick in the door without building a solid case. Are you willing to trade your fourth ammendmenet right that says you have the right to be secure in your person, your home, your papers and your effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures? Are you willing to allow cops to barge into your home because a neighbor called in a hot tip after seeing a bunch of cars at your house or search you for no apparant reason or tap your phone based on a whim?
Now comes the highway patrol. Are you willing to remove all speed limits? This would mean that you and your family when travelling on the highway, or you on your busa would be amongst trucks weighing 80,000 lbs driving as fast as they wish. Or better yet that 16 year old that has had his license for only two months passing you at 100mph plus. How about when your 17 year old daughter goes on a date, do you really want that kid to be able to get your daughter to the prom, or movies, or dinner that much faster? I agree if everyone could legally drive 90 or 100 or faster we would get there quicker, or maybe not get there at all.
Point I'm making is everything comes at a price, rules are in place for reasons. I agree some cops are worthless and some areas only enforced for revenue but at the same time we know the rules and know if we don't follow the rules there are punishments that are imposed when we are caught. I'm not saying it's not a flawless system but I don't know of one that is any better when it comes to balancing all that is involved.
I like your argument but you have to admit that it is extreme. Who is going to abolish all speed limits? The Germans have very specific and strict limits in areas that warrant it. That fact along with a superior driver's training system and discipline standard keeps things in check. Also, the example of 80,000lb vehicles speeding at the max is not likely either because of fuel economy concerns as well as speed limitations on them due to size.
Keeping it real, you have to admit that law enforcement agencies and their corresponding municipalities petition for artificially low speed limits in order to continue reaping profits from otherwise harmless drivers. This is to fund the payroll and equipment funds of said agencies.
I had several trucks that could break 100mph grossed out at 80,000lbs.
FTR, having worked for Michelin N. America on the commercial side, OTR tires have a typical speed rating of 65-70. If you run an 80,000 lb semi at 100 mph then your tires will eventually fail and so will your life.
A friend got charged with 170 on his stock 1984 750gsxr
Great advice... commit a felony for a speeding ticket...
Damn Keith sorry to hear that bro, I would take the lawyer and yeah, question the validity of the capture on the speed gun...good luck to you my friend hope all works out well.